CowherPower4Ever's Replies

The second idea is your best, however, both political parties only see immigrants either as a voting block or a wedge issue. Both parties have been giving out amnesty for decades, but the problem continues to come back in a decade or so. Our overall immigration policy needs overhauled. Make it easier to get in if you do it the legal way and make it easier to send them back if they break the law. You're first idea just won't work. You want to tax the rich to pay for it. What then happens is what we are seeing now in our current economy. Prices of good will be jacked up and those same people will be paying for them, thus they will need a bigger cost of living increase. Obama and Desantis are both right, the age needs to be raised. While they both have different ideas on the new age requirement, they know it needs to be done. Then once that happens both political sides need to stop their BS on taxes and spending. Yes we should raise some taxes.......BUT we also need to slash spending. If we continue this long enough maybe the retirement age could be lowered after a decade or two. Let me ask you a couple questions. First off, you realize Obama also had a plan to raise the retirement age as well. Because as it stands social security won't last. People are living much longer and thus keeping their benefits longer. Second question would be, what would be, what are your ideas to save social security. Don't criticize his unless you have plans of your own. And at the end of the day the final solution will see benefits cut somewhere. Anyone who drinks beer should already be doing this. You obviously have to blame the shooter, the gun isn't fired off by itself. You will never be able to stop dangerous people who want to harm either certain people or a group of people, so why try to ban guns? And why restrict law abiding citizens who have done nothing wrong? A major change I'd go after are the parents of these children who steal their parents guns. Investigate if the guns were locked up properly and so on. Then hold them accountable, even if it means by death or life in prison. If your idea would also be applied to the first amendment, then sure, try it, but I doubt you'd be in favor of going that far. Because you didn't. There's many reasons as to why wages haven't grown as much. Capitalist companies like Walmart(which is the biggest private sector employer in the US) came in and crushed their competition decades ago. No competition leads to less wage growth. What should we do about that? While that is an important issue, we still haven't solved why these costs have gone up so much, especially since productivity is much higher now like you mentioned. I don't think you honestly believe Democrats are the savior on this issue. The cost of goods has also increase at staggering levels. The average price for a new car in 1960 for example was only $2,600(or about $26,000 today). In reality the average cost of a new car is closer to 50K. There are so many examples. My father provided for a family of 4 on 30 to 35K in the 90s. There's no way that can be done today. It's more about this or that policy. Sorry, no Democrat could change what I mentioned above. Throughout history Presidents have violated the Constitution. You mentioned Lincoln, then there was FDR, W Bush, Obama, Trump(clearly more, but you get the idea). Notice the trend though? Its much more normal these days. And the comments Trump made are the worst of all because he actually thinks he won the election. However, there is no evidence to prove that. Well, that isn't true. Theres already a couple heavy GOP hitters willing to take him on. Give it time and that list will grow. The GOP must do everything in their power to block this man from getting the nomination in 2024. Even if that means having a convention floor fight to take it away from him. That simply is not true, it might be true of smaller gangs, but larger gangs will still have no issues getting guns and bringing them into the country. Just look at our war on drugs to prove that much. It is totally illogical to believe the mentally ill are the ones doing most of the mass shootings. It just isn't true. When a gang banger shoot up 4 or 5 people in his neighborhood, are you blaming the mentally ill. Of course not. Your point of this thread is to showcase how other nations do not have the guns deaths that we do. And there are many reasons why that is absurd. Which I've now mentioned throughout my posts here. Just people you don't want to hear them doesn't mean they're not true. Or does it prove black people are Jew haters? Look at what Chappelle recently said on SNL about Jews in Hollywood. For the record, I don't think black people have a hatred for Jews and neither do Republicans. But!! YOU clearly have an agenda here, I'm just trying to show how stupid your point is. That would be correct actually. The boosters aren't as strong as the original two doses. So, giving you the booster first wouldn't do much I'd imagine. You keep ignoring the facts here. Gangs will always have guns. Sign into law any gun legislation you so dream of, and guess what, gangs and dealers will still get guns. This cannot be denied. Thus, mass shootings will still be an issue. How to you propose to solve that one? Isn't so easy, now, is it? At this current stage, if you haven't got any shots, there's no need for them if you don't want to. And the boosters would be useless as well at this stage with the virus changing so much month to month. My mother was still sick, but was still able to move around like normal. My father on the other hand was in bed for days before he could even do half the things he normally would. And that is while they're both vaxxed and boosted. I'm not suggesting one do not get the shot, but to look down on those who don't at this current stage, that is ridiculous. At this stage there's no real need to stay up to date on the covid shots. I got my first shot last December and my second in January of this year, and there is no way I'm getting a booster. My parents not only got the first two shots, but got boosted and still tested positive a few months ago. My mom was fine, but my dad was sick for about a week. Each new strain of the virus is less and less harmful, that is just a fact. You didn't address anything I said actually. Mexico has a big gang issue, drugs and guns, and its coming in and out of the US at will because we have no real border, especially if you have the means, and we both know gangs do. The US gun culture is certainly unmatched, stop trying to dodge that. All you have to do is look at how many hunters there are here. We already have gun regulations in the US, duh! Can I go out and legally buy an actual weapon of war? No! The issue is some of the legislation ideas being tossed around would hurt your average American trying to buy a gun for protection. Now, you might be asking why so many people need protection in this country. Gangs once again are the problem. Most mass shootings in the US are gang related. That doesn't mean they are big time gangs you hear about on the national news, but they're still local gangs. This is such a naive viewpoint it isn't even funny. First of all, how many other nations not only have a huge gang problem, but have one huge problem with it in a neighboring country(Mexico)? Gangs that operate on moving guns and drugs. Secondly, maybe most important of all, what other nation has the gun culture that we do? I do believe the amount of hunters alone in the US far exceeds most or every nation. Those two points alone should help you get the idea of why harsher laws on getting guns isn't always the best answer. Now, if our leaders would address the gang problem in the US, then maybe we could take step in the direction you are looking at, but we all know that won't happen. But they do incentivize it. Could they do more, which I also said, yes, but they do a lot that is for sure. Middle income couples also bring in far more money than those lower income people and can fill that gap. Now, if you're a single mom or father then you really get screwed. Sure, you still get the kickback for claiming the children, but you don't get a lower tax rate like you would if you are married. Our tax system is a gigantic wasteland. Neither party has the guts to clean it up. Well, Rick Perry had the idea to ages ago now, but he never really had a chance to win against Obama. Okay.....and this is free money being handed out simply for having a child. The job of the government is not to raise your children. Help is offered and then some. What more do you want? As I already pointed out, the system heavily favors those who have children and even more so if you are married with children.