MovieChat Forums > VonFisch > Replies
VonFisch's Replies
I can reply to myself 13 years younger. I still feel the same. I do believe his initial attraction to her was because she was not only beautiful but this movie star and couldn't believe she was interested in him. It was "surreal" to him. She kept herself at a distance in many ways, I just couldn't see how he was drawn to her.
It was kind of weird but amusing.
It seems the Brits have some kind of self-effacing humor in movies, I have wondered if it's that way in real life. What is interesting is how they can state negatives in a dry way and by freely acknowledging it in that manner, they seemingly are able to deal with issues without a lot of additional drama.
I think the whole thing with her being a movie star was a hang up. I can see why she had to initiate everything due to that as he probably didn't want to scare her off lest she might feel he's encroaching on her space and privacy. However, he did ask her out when he was impersonating a magazine reporter. But I couldn't tell what he saw in her unless it was off camera. She was very guarded in her emotions, you couldn't read them. Like you said, that kiss was the only thing that gave us an indication of what was going on her mind and it seemed very out of the blue to me. We could read his emotions but again, what was his attraction to her as far as personality? She didn't have much of one, is that because of her celebrity and being protective? She must have developed a trust in him already to have laid that kiss on him as she must have thought it wouldn't make the papers.
He made the movie, he was the main character, but I felt nothing for Anna, even when she was giving that speech about the girl standing in front of a boy, it still seemed lifeless. I think she finally smiled at the end at that press conference.
NYC has rent control and I believe it was stated it was Monica's grandmother's apartment and that's why they could afford to live there.
I don't know about Chandler and Joey's apartment.
I heard Notting Hill was one of those places that is very high priced. It doesn't look like you get much for your money there. But then again, I saw my father's cousin's 1400 sf ranch in San Jose sold for over a million dollars recently.
It depends on how understanding he is and I'm sure he will be with the kids most of the time unless she cuts back on her acting. She indicated she was taking a year off. I wonder if he keeps his shop. However, her prime years to make the most bucks are short, so they might want to cash in as much for a few years and then retire if she was making 15 million a picture. It depends on what kind of lifestyle they want, I don't know if he was into a high one.
It was also said the accident was 18 months prior.
Both he and the sister were a little over the top but still amusing. I think the sister was a little worse if she was serious when she met Anna. I couldn't tell if she was trying to be humorous or not.
OP said later inside a large post:
" I don't believe in marriage and raising kids..."
That's why it was "vomitrocious" to the OP.
I thought it was neat with them on the bench and her expecting. It harkens back when that memorial bench made an impression on her. This ending is trying to give the impression the marriage will last.
How? Because they posted that the laptop from hell was true and the other left wing media wouldn't until recently?
"Extremist", try normal thinking.
Back to the article, so what they quoted her. They quoted others and the CNN poll. Take what news you like from the left leaning NY Post, I don't seek out left wing news anyway, it's "extremely" biased.
I thought about this again, you're really putting Candace down for marrying a white guy? I believe he isn't American. So, you're against interracial marriage then? How about Kamala and her white husband? Is she black today or is she back to being Indian?
Candace is trying to get the urban black community to wake the f up. They've been living in Democrat run cities for decades and yet they're stagnant and supposedly targeted, right?
Oh, yes, "out of wedlock" is so dated now, isn't it? Before they were called bastards and by definition, still are. You've proved my point on moral decay, and this is just from the 80's where most people still tried to have some respectability so avoided out of wedlock pregnancies with either abstinence or birth control. Dare I say, it was actually considered a sin so maybe that's why people were careful if they were sexually active. Whatever happened to "safe sex" due to STDs and with the advent of AIDS? It still happened on occasion, and many considered it a greater sin to not keep the baby. Now, no one bats an eyelash at any of it.
I guess marriage and children within it shouldn't mean anything for a heterosexuals but it sure is sacrosanct for gay people.
15 weeks so second trimester? They can't figure out they're pregnant within 3 months?
And eugenics now, sorry to bring up Godwin's law but you know who wanted to get rid of them. Ask those "retards" if they wish they've never been born. Maybe their purpose is to instill in us compassion.
Did you read the rest of the article or couldn't get past the Candace Owen's comment? They referenced another CNN poll and a Quinnipiac poll and the rest of the article explained their complaints.
NY Post isn't exactly a right wing publication but it's pretty sad I have to use left wing media to prove something anyway. There are many things left wing media censor or filter out that right wing picks up.
Everyone knows that majority black people vote Democrat, but Democrats get upset if the GOP gains even a little percentage, it can make a difference, that's the point. Why do you think they had a fit in trying to gain back the black vote? Because pre-election polls showed Trump had gained more support than any prior Republican.
This administration is p-ing everybody off and we're all getting hit in the pocketbook.
"Just as there are poor Christians who vote Republican against their economic interests ..."
Look, there are many people who may not live in a McMansion but are doing fine getting by but don't want a hike in taxes, which historically Democrats do. They don't look for welfare or income supplementation as an answer from Big Government and want to take care of themselves. That's why they vote GOP.
Now add in all the leftist policies and SJW cultural issues they want to thrust upon society the past few years, especially our children, many are running away.
They probably care more about putting food on the table and being able to drive to work without having to take out a second mortgage.
I've only been here a couple days, having stumbled upon this part of the forum, but took a look around. Seems pretty SJW who likes to use kafka-trapping as an argument.
I was told I hate women, lol.
CNN took a poll and has a sad because the leak showing the possibility of the overturn of R v W didn't move the needle.
He just wants everyone to be able to have a real debate of our ideas like any liberal minded person does who supports our First Amendment, the way it always was. The Left wants to censor and label any idea outside of their own ideology as "mis/disinformation which is totalitarian. The Left has really amped up the importance of feelings and have lost their grasp on logic and reason in debates.
The stick figure is correct. I was always right of center and moderate per early 90's politics, I voted for Clinton in '92, but now I'm far right extremist with the same views, lol?
They admitted they printed too much money.
Also killing energy (fossil fuels) and skyrocketing costs of fertilizer, both supplied by Russia to Europe. Europe is going to really hurt. Germany was warned about piping in Russian oil and gas, gas aids in the production of fertilizer, and killing their own coal production and on the other hand, Russia was the enemy at the same time. They are predicting a 3 year grain shortage.
With the last administration, there was increased energy production and also exportation of gas via LNG and energy independence with low petrol as well as natural gas bills, and now with this administration they killed the energy policies of the last and back to energy dependence and crying to OPEC to lower their prices which they ignore. The consequences of which are high petrol and natural gas, which leads to high transportation and production costs. Now they are emptying out our reserves which is like putting a bandaid on a gaping wound and what's going to happen when it's drained dry? Either they are that stupid or it is intentional.
And all the while millions have come through our border and they are actually wanting to discontinue Title 42 and really cause more of a crisis in our country.