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The Democrats are secretly wishing for an overturn of Roe v Wade.

It will be a political boon for the Democratic Party and it makes the Republicans look like troglodytes.

There's no way in the 21st century a civilized nation can ban abortion. Whether we think abortion is ethical or not, how can the government patrol a woman's womb?

It's just bad law to ban it. I oppose abortion but we can't tell women what to let grow in their own bodies.


Buyer's remorse? Don't blame the Democrats for this one. The GOP decided to appeal to evangelicals and use abortion as a culture war's issue. Now, the GOP has what most didn't really want.

Same with Obamacare. The GOP fought it for years only to realize most of their constituents wanted it. Notice how you don't hear the GOP attacking it, anymore?


Patrolling wombs? Is that really what this is all about? The GOP hates women so much they want to make sure their wombs are sacred only.


Come on now. And let's not pretend that men are the only ones that are against abortion. Plenty of women are against it too. Personally, I think it should be legal but only under certain conditions.

However, let's not pretend this is some kind of war on women, this is about when life actually begins. Many seem to agree that life begins at conception.


The GOP or more specifically the wingnuts on the SC really blew it. I'm honestly quite surprised that the SC could not wait until after the midterms.


The Demokkkrats are trying to intimidate the Supreme Court, they are trying to incite wan insurrection and destroy our democracy. It’s shameful on all counts


CNN took a poll and has a sad because the leak showing the possibility of the overturn of R v W didn't move the needle.


I'm surprised. But it will galvanize feminists. Pro-choice people have been very complacent.


They probably care more about putting food on the table and being able to drive to work without having to take out a second mortgage.


Just as there are poor Christians who vote Republican against their economic interests over social issues, there are women who will believe the Supreme Court has overstepped on abortion. Most women support legal abortion. It's an emotional issue which will hurt Republicans.

I'm saying it looked like Republicans had it in the bag for the 2022 midterms. This gives the Democrats an angle.

I vote on economic issues foremost. Too many people are swayed by these social issues though.


"Just as there are poor Christians who vote Republican against their economic interests ..."

Look, there are many people who may not live in a McMansion but are doing fine getting by but don't want a hike in taxes, which historically Democrats do. They don't look for welfare or income supplementation as an answer from Big Government and want to take care of themselves. That's why they vote GOP.

Now add in all the leftist policies and SJW cultural issues they want to thrust upon society the past few years, especially our children, many are running away.


Is this the first time in history that Democrats have hiked taxes? No, that's their general policy. Yet blacks always vote like 90% Democrat. Why would it be any different this year?

They cite Candace Owens. She's a right wing commentator whom most black people despise if they even know who's she. Her husband's white too. Owens doesn't carry any weight in the black community. The fact they quote her in the article as if she represents blacks shows the article's bias.


Did you read the rest of the article or couldn't get past the Candace Owen's comment? They referenced another CNN poll and a Quinnipiac poll and the rest of the article explained their complaints.

NY Post isn't exactly a right wing publication but it's pretty sad I have to use left wing media to prove something anyway. There are many things left wing media censor or filter out that right wing picks up.

Everyone knows that majority black people vote Democrat, but Democrats get upset if the GOP gains even a little percentage, it can make a difference, that's the point. Why do you think they had a fit in trying to gain back the black vote? Because pre-election polls showed Trump had gained more support than any prior Republican.

This administration is p-ing everybody off and we're all getting hit in the pocketbook.


"NY Post isn't exactly a right wing publication"

Uh, it most certainly is...


How? Because they posted that the laptop from hell was true and the other left wing media wouldn't until recently?


I mean, it's owned by Rupert Murdoch...That kinda says it all!


I thought about this again, you're really putting Candace down for marrying a white guy? I believe he isn't American. So, you're against interracial marriage then? How about Kamala and her white husband? Is she black today or is she back to being Indian?

Candace is trying to get the urban black community to wake the f up. They've been living in Democrat run cities for decades and yet they're stagnant and supposedly targeted, right?


I listed several reasons why she does not represent the black community. Her marriage to a white right wing extremist is only one of them. This is not about interracial marriage.

Owens herself is an anti-abortion activist. It's not as if she is objective and unbiased on this topics.


"Extremist", try normal thinking.

Back to the article, so what they quoted her. They quoted others and the CNN poll. Take what news you like from the left leaning NY Post, I don't seek out left wing news anyway, it's "extremely" biased.


The CNN polls which show not much concern among the common folk are interesting. And I am surprised. However most women are not in the market for an abortion so it's more a theoretical concern. That still does not mean it isn't a plus when feminist groups start banging the drums.

Still, blacks are not going to turn against the Democratic Party on this issue or any issue.

I'm really not a partisan. Your comment on Kamala Harris, the Asian woman pretending to be black, is one I've made myself many times.

I'm really in nobody's camp here. But I just don't think anyone can turn back the clock on abortion rights in the 21st century.


Only time will tell if the womb is more important than the pocket book that's set to get worse and worse by the month. That or when the Dems see it won't affect any of their states since it's being left back to the states themselves and will only rely on the Dems that live in states that want to ban it which would be minor. Red states control it therefore they'll still win it unless independents are affected as well which we will see that sea shift. It's more or less 50/50 on the abortion debate but the tie break comes to those not affiliated with either party. Right now Repubs are heavily favored but after this, if they lose November, it'll just show how badly they've screwed it up. Then again, the Dems are acting crazy with the "we'll burn it all down" rhetoric so that'll probably sway indepedents again on the carnage and violence the left ensues to the country as a whole rather than mass shootings.


No they're not. You are ascribing Republican's end-justifies-the means thinking to Democrats. Dems would not allow harm to their constituency for longer-term political gain, that's the rethugs M.O. I assume you are one of you think like that?
