MovieChat Forums > Politics > Gas prices and food appear to be going u...

Gas prices and food appear to be going up again...

I remember like last month there was a little drop in prices, but that seems to have changed when I looked at the statistics. I have no doubt there are many reasons for this. Everyone accuses Biden and his party I have seen too. Can someone explain in detail everything that's been happening to cause such ridiculous inflation?


While I can't explain it in detail, I *can* tell you that it's not just happening in the USA...


Yeah... And I'm sure a lot of political movements from wherever have something to do with it. There's so much going on at the same time. Covid obviously seemed to be a factor.


DingDingDing! We have a winner...

"Since March 2020, the state of the economy has been tied inexorably to the state of the pandemic. And although many people in this country are leading their lives without regard to case numbers, that absolutely remains the reality. Specifically, the pandemic is contributing to the rising inflation rates that are causing the Biden administration such heartache."


Food has been going up for awhile. Gas dropped a little when crusty started letting out oil that was stored. But more people here from immigration so all that isn't covering the increase. So gas is going back up.


Why would libs care about gas prices when they don't have jobs, let alone cars?


electric cars recharged by coal will solve the problem.


Ugh! I really don't get how electric will be better. I mean what will one do if their car runs out of electricity in the middle of nowhere? How is electricity going to be cheaper than gas? It costs a lot to run an air conditioner much less charge a car.


haha, I dont know, I was being sarcastic. :)

some people just think that electricity is free. and that somehow electric cars will magically fix everything. the Japanese made cars that got 30 to 40 mpg in the 80's and yet cars today still have about the same mpg.

we live in a age again that every car needs 400 hp and has a cockpit that looks like a 747.


Those people are so ignorant. I have been paying my own electric bill for quite a few years now. I used to live in an apartment complex based off my income more than 10 years ago and it didn't require tenants to pay an electric bill. But I moved because they got bed bugs and weren't doing what they should to get rid of them.

The reason for the bed bug problem was because of these crazy tenents who dumpster dived and were bringing in the bed bugs. Some of us would tell on these people and the manager would tell them not to do it and they'd respond by yelling at her that they were going to continue doing it and didn't care what she said.

The manager kept these people there and refused to evict them. Those people who dumpster dived are probably the same kind of people you mentioned that think electricity is free.


thats called the Putin Price Hike which started in 2020.


Gas up 6 cents this morning.


Diesel is US$ 9.92 /gal in europe , stop crying


$3.79 today. the Putin Price Hike is back. he took a few days off to slaughter some civilians but then decided to raise the prices again.


$3.85 in Houston.Crusty is a homo commie so he doesn't care that it will be over $4.00 on July 4th.


what do want him to do about it? invade Russia?

Prices are higher because of worldwide oil markets being disrupted by the war.


Why do we need worldwide oil?


probly havent got the infrastructure in place to refine that sludgy shale shit yet, at last to the extent you dont need outside imports


But but what about the keystone pipeline... herp derp


I thought the Green new deal was supposed to sever us from foreign oil/natural gas?

Joe cancelled oil leases and shut down pipelines which caused us to have to buy foreign oil.

Dont forget that Joe also approved of Nord Stream 2.


Why do we need worldwide oil?

Even if its your own oil you're consuming, its licensed to private companys for drilling etc , and theyre going to sell it at the going (worldwide) rate.


it blows my mind that people dont get that oil will become WAY more expensive if we use our own. nobody will be making a trade profit and we'll drain it insanely quickly.


We have a bunch but in time some people will have to move to get to it. But that is no different than when the green energy starts getting more instead. Where is all the windmills and solar panels going to go that will be needed to replace oil?


Some parts of Europe are in a bad economical disaster. I've heard Britain is on the verge of economic collapse.


The US Federal Government printed 10+ TRILLION out of thin air, gave it to the people, and the people bought stupid fucking shit with it.

That's all you need to know.


So true, I think most people are unaware of the vast of amount of money pumped into the economy.


I have some crazy theories but i'm a nutjob with a porn problem. Wish I had more money and a large apartment maybe so I can manage my time better.


They admitted they printed too much money.

Also killing energy (fossil fuels) and skyrocketing costs of fertilizer, both supplied by Russia to Europe. Europe is going to really hurt. Germany was warned about piping in Russian oil and gas, gas aids in the production of fertilizer, and killing their own coal production and on the other hand, Russia was the enemy at the same time. They are predicting a 3 year grain shortage.

With the last administration, there was increased energy production and also exportation of gas via LNG and energy independence with low petrol as well as natural gas bills, and now with this administration they killed the energy policies of the last and back to energy dependence and crying to OPEC to lower their prices which they ignore. The consequences of which are high petrol and natural gas, which leads to high transportation and production costs. Now they are emptying out our reserves which is like putting a bandaid on a gaping wound and what's going to happen when it's drained dry? Either they are that stupid or it is intentional.

And all the while millions have come through our border and they are actually wanting to discontinue Title 42 and really cause more of a crisis in our country.
