VonFisch's Replies

It's because Obama inserted his people into all forms of government and purged the patriots. Didn't hear about him firing a bunch of Top Brass in the military? All agencies are polluted, weaponizing the IRS, portraying the Tea Partiers as racist instead of their agenda, fiscal responsibility and protesting the bail outs. Our education system breeds the communist ways of thinking with the bias from the professors and teachers. Heck, even that BLM organization in their about page talked about them being communists and wanted the destruction of the nuclear family. WTH does that have to do with black lives mattering? They also have the main stream media and Hollywood pumping out propaganda worse than Pravda. Our intelligence agencies are polluted. Did you ever see that video episode of American Thought Leaders Diane West's "The Red Thread"? She did a deep dive into the backgrounds of many of those who were placed in leadership. It's all very subversive. Did you see video of them calling for murder somewhere over the right to murder their babies? I don't know about murdered but Circle Back said yesterday they had no comment on them protesting in front of the Supreme Court Justices' private residences and it was brought up how some have small children. And parents are being vilified and targeted by the DOJ for "teacher harassment" at School Board meetings to speak out against the trash they want to poison our children with and that's a PUBLIC forum! That is allowed in the Constitution, freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble to petition the government, that means at the place of their place of work, not stalking them at their homes. I'm sure they would have plenty of say if those parents went to the school board members residences and the teacher residences to protest. As usual, they don't recognize the Burn, Loot, Murder and instead call the vaccine protest convoys carnival love fests "extremists". Oh, not to mention WTH went on in Portland, CHAZ or something, I think there were actual murders there. It depends. You're not going to draw a bunch of urban areas into suburban and rural areas to cancel their vote. Again, it's not a problem for when Democrats do it. This attack on children is because they can't sexualize them, yet, so they go after their sex to confuse them. This problem of gender dysphoria did not exist in the previous generation. Suddenly, there's a growing problem and it's from influence of a mental disorder. They're putting in tampon machines to make a statement, there is no reason, if there were a transgender male, to just make sure they are supplied discreetly. I'm sure they are already being coddled as it is. It IS to make a statement. What happens when they are using the machine and biological males walk into the bathroom and see it? There is nothing private about this. The winning party always drew the lines historically, it's only when the Dems in GOP states realize they can't win over people with ideas that they want to redraw the lines without being the winning party. That's right but it's funny to think how it would play out in real life. Let him lay there until the guests leave or will they start looking for him beforehand if they're not preoccupied with the festivities. Is there are word limit on this forum because it wouldn't let me finish. A two parent household is the best prevention against extreme poverty but there is no extreme in America unless it's related to drug use. And I can say a single mother is able to do it, too, and with gumption. Republicans were behind the women's suffrage, that's where you are wrong. How's come YOU don't know this? Oh, baloney on the birth control, that is a fear tactic your are purporting. All of your post is nothing but a fear tactic as bad as Eric Swalwell and the Colorado governor. It was common for women to have many children because for one, many children died in childhood and many of those children helped out with their farm and such. Children were not looked upon as burdens, they benefitted from them and they took care of their parents in their old age, not in nursing homes. My maternal grandmother who had 7 had divorced her abusive alcoholic husband when divorce was rare and paternal great grandmother who had 10, had no complaints that they had too many kids. This is the wrong way to think. And the family members all helped each other. My paternal grandmother was widowed when my father was in her womb and had one other child. She scraped her widow's pension together and bought a house, worked a laundress type of job, and never complained about raising two fine sons who had some fatherly guidance from their uncles. One went into foreign service and worked for the State Dept at various embassies around the world and one got a degree and became an engineer. I'd say that's pretty good for small town Iowa from where they came. And as far as being "poor", being poor in today's society is not anything like being poor during the depression that the previous generation went through. I know all about that from them, too. But you want to paint a family in a bad light and compare it to today's consumer spending centric society that poor people can't keep up with although they have basic needs met due to the welfare state that wasn't present in their generation. I dare say, there are some single moms that purposely have more kids to collect those checks but let's not digress. The point is it can be managed. Cry me a river, talk about going off the deep end. This is hysterics and you bought it lock, stock, and barrel. Thank you, it is all seemingly communist ideology tactics being done to divide and control the populace by turning our children into radical activists and obey what the elites are telling them while our children's real education suffers. It started in the universities and now they want it in K-12. Grievance studies and such are pretty much a cult that people need to break out of. Here's an example of someone who actually did wake up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT_0SULHCJI&t=17s Here's an example of an explanation of how they legitimize their radical ideology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NelsKQQDTxU Those captured in this are devoid of logic and reason and can only resort to passionate feelings of outrage. Their weapons are censorship, cancelling, and labelling people to protect the narrative and as a defense for fear people might think for themselves. That's probably why they are dumbing down education, they don't want people to think and are trying to police it. They teach them to defer to "experts", but who's watching and interpreting the experts' findings? What's extremist is the late term abortion. Whatever happened to "early and rare"? "Mom does with baby like you want it" - do you mean not murder it but deliver it? Oh, how inhumane and extremist. Eric Swalwell repeated that same ridiculous rhetoric. Maybe we should ban white men from sleeping with Chinese spies. I come from a long line of northern Republicans and your liberal arts professor is wrong on women's suffrage. However, the Left is who pushed the Sexual Revolution, in which we've seen a moral decay such as today of many out of wedlock births, "if it feels good, do it", no moral conscience on promiscuity. You act like abortion is the only alternative but now there are many forms of birth control than when Roe v Wade was ruled upon, and it includes the morning after pill if someone really thinks they're in danger. I think the moral conscience that is lacking is that the Left has been told that the fetus is a "clump of cells" that can feel no pain when that is not true. Instead of taking abortion for granted as the go-to because it involves a developing human being that feels pain, how about instilling the education of personal responsibility on preventing pregnancies in the first place. I think we have enough social programs that support single mothers but it's best to try to avoid that situation to begin with and start promoting the nuclear family again. I know that's hard for the communist ideology to wrap their head around. The other thing is, we are finding out that Planned Parenthood is a complete racket and a political slush fund. Won't we all be sorry when their business is limited. Maybe they will decide to evolve their business into women's healthcare clinics and provide mammograms. A woman's life in danger that needs to terminate a pregnancy can have the baby removed either vaginally or c-section and let nature take its course if it's too early or be provided supportive neo-natal care if developed enough to be able to survive. Ever hear of preemies? The baby doesn't need to have their skull crushed and limbs ripped off. You're very welcome! I'd like to get a new browser and still haven't made the switch after all that's happened. Laziness, I suppose. Have you used Brave? I heard it's good on privacy. And a new email that isn't my personal and that is not gmail. I use a gmail for posting but I'm sure they are monitoring in some fashion. Isn't there a proton mail? Is that the one where you only get one chance to pick an email name because it can't be changed? I didn't know of Yandex's popularity that you mention. Maybe I will try it myself but had the same uneasiness. i just stumbled upon this board a couple days ago. I was reading some comments on a movie and someone mentioned this poster's comment elsewhere and I clicked on the poster's name to find the post that person was referring to and saw there is a politics board that this person has commented on. I guess I've been out of the loop, even when it was imdb. "Attacking gay kids in Florida is something you support?" K-3 absolutely NO talk of sexuality nor gender confusion, are you kidding me? That's the point. We didn't even know our teachers first names, let alone their household situation. Put a lid on it and give them an education of the fundamentals, without the social sexuality activism that they said wouldn't happen. Slippery slope going to slip, turns out to be true. My link is horrible? Thanks for sharing your opinion. And thanks for sharing CRT is a wonderful subject in your eyes. People have a differing opinion about this toxic approach to teaching humanity. It is everything but. We all learned about slavery and such, no need to start in the lower grades with that baggage, but we all learned it when we learned about American history. What makes you think people weren't? It's the "white supremacy" label and "white privilege" you are trying to accuse the white children of, and telling black children they are currently being oppressed at the same time. They are dividing the children. Parents are fighting against this radical ideology that has recently developed. Thanks for admitting it is being taught. No, we are not going to give some children a guilt complex and most adults reject a guilt complex about the past, we learn from the past so not to repeat it. And telling other children they are perpetual victims. No, they bury it also into the curriculum. Always bringing up examples of race, victimization and oppression, pitting students against each other, etc. Florida apparently cleaned house. https://www.fldoe.org/academics/standards/instructional-materials/ https://www.fldoe.org/newsroom/latest-news/florida-rejects-publishers-attempts-to-indoctrinate-students.stml?fbclid=IwAR3VmsKzNvJawEfuD5t5k315p0An9SLOs7TcBgkokQ9P8Iw31Ka1IPnl6CI Here's a twitter thread about it: https://twitter.com/TheTonus/status/1456229919986528258?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1456229923077623810%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2021%2F11%2Fmust-see-school-curriculum-developer-tony-kinnett-educators-tell-not-teaching-critical-race-theory-lying-video%2F Here's an email chain obtained through a public records request that involves two teachers in Rhode Island wanting students to defend CRT at board meetings and offering bonus points to do so. https://defendinged.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2021_06-07_Barrington-Public-Records-Response.pdf Here's something that thousands of teachers signed that they will continue to teach it regardless of state laws. https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/pledge-to-teach-truth Here's an example how they fit CRT into their curriculum: https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/wentzville-parents-call-classroom-question-about-shootings-divisive/amp/ So, there might not be a "Critical Race Theory" book to make you think you can deny it is not being taught if you bury it within until someone spots the language and exercises through examination of textbooks or their children's homework. Hey, if you say it's not there then I'm sure you won't mind that legislation will be created to ensure it is not being taught. As far as "Capitalism", Karl Marx brought it into popularity. https://www.news24.com/citypress/columnists/fmf/who-invented-the-term-capitalism-and-why-20181116 Look at this bullcrap: https://alphanews.org/school-staff-begin-meetings-by-committing-to-dismantling-whiteness/ You don't tear down one group to build up another, period. And I think most students that aren't radicalized with this to think badly of one another based on skin color, want to be treated equally. It's just poison to divide people. I don't know. Thing is, I still have to kick Google to the curb myself! I'm still on Chrome, for one. I have noticed myself that Brave does give about the same results, I think what they say about using Google results in the background. I have found different results with Bing myself, too. Basically, you can do tests yourself. I got this information from these other search engines from a Substack post. I won't recommend Yandex on here but apparently, it gives the best results. But perhaps try it yourself with whatever topic you already know about against these search engines. https://michaelsuede.substack.com/p/search-engine-censorship-test-results?s=r I know, but the main thing is she knows her father is dead and how is she going to explain leaving him there on the other side of the walk? Especially with telling Coffee shop guy she wishes he would have known her father when no one else knows he's dead yet. And then trying to start out a relationship with Coffee shop guy now with all this baggage, lol!