OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

Ask IMDb. Anyone who has a page on IMDb, posters can start a board here. And IMDb has always had pages for every famous person. He's in the news. We can discuss him on MovieChat. I see no problem with that. He's on tv. Shoot enough people and you might kill a few pedos as a bonus! šŸ¤£ A skateboard hit his head? Really? Do you have a pic of this? He was on the ground at one point with a gun aimed at his head and the last victim had enough sense not to shoot him. No one tried to kill that dumb kid. šŸ¤£ No, if there's burning and looting I call the cops, not my neighbor's teenage son. Uhuh. Walk down Main Street in any state in America with a loaded rifle over your shoulder and you will be stopped by questioned by police. Wisconsin law applies to carrying a gun for hunting, not high schools boys during a protest march. Lawyers and their loopholes. 99.9% of us just want safe streets. We don't some kid carrying a loaded rifle trying to make a political statement. Nuh-uh. Meh, it's touted as a white power symbol. My advice to Kyle is just get a job and work like the rest of us. Sorry, you ain't gonna make millions off this one, buddy. Yup. Bottom line my interest in this is for the safety of my family. I do not want high school kids prancing around in the street with loaded rifles. I want a civil society. I don't want to hear my brother or sister was shot by some trigger happy teenager playing cop. That's all. Let trained officers handle law enforcement, not gung ho teenage boys. Get BLM off the street? He said he supports BLM now. šŸ¤£ Hey, I understand the kid is not a monster. He's just a dumb guy who got in over his head trying to play cop. That's why we have trained and vetted officers to handle law enforcement, not teenage boys. BLM does have a right to protest. Vigilantes armed with rifles lining the streets is not law enforcement (that's why we have police). He did indeed take part in an "insurrection" by showing up with a loaded rifle. He provoked violence. If he had not been there two men would still be alive. I'm not a Biden fan. But it's reasonable for anyone to assume Rittenhouse was a white supremacist when he does a photo op with an "anti-white guilt" group and flashes a white power sign. So he's on the lawsuit gravy train, but he can't get a penny after that Pride Boys photo is shown. You just said BLM is trying to overthrow the American government and then you said Rittenhouse supports them. Duh derp. šŸ¤£ Rittenhouse flashing white power symbol: https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1707399/kyle-rittenhouse.jpg?w=1600&h=1600&q=88&f=fe19ca176c12886981f9a533429be0ab The Proud Boys according to the Southern Poverty Law Center: <blockquote>Proud Boys Subscribe to the Sounds Like Hate podcast to learn more about hate groups like the Proud Boys.ā€‹ Established in the midst of the 2016 presidential election by VICE Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys are self-described ā€œWestern chauvinistsā€ who adamantly deny any connection to the racist ā€œalt-right.ā€ They insist they are simply a fraternal group spreading an ā€œanti-political correctnessā€ and ā€œanti-white guiltā€ agenda. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/proud-boys</blockquote> Rittenhouse flashed a white power symbol at a rally with the Proud Boys, a far right white neo-fascist group, right after the shootings. Meh, you think white right wing fascists are not trying to overthrow the government and black civil rights posters are? Either way, you're a bit of a nutjob. šŸ¤£ That's exactly how it works. In my America cops carry guns, not high school kids. Yes, you attack armed gunmen. And if someone had attacked Salvador Ramos in Uvalde quick enough, there are a bunch of dead kids who would be alive today. Lol. Bullshit. Rittenhouse had the rifle. Rosenbaum tried to disarm him, not kill Rittenhouse. And no one was trying to overthrow the government. šŸ¤£ It was a black civil right protest against police brutality. He killed one pedophile, not two. But is that why he killed him, because he was a pedophile? Did he investigate this guy before he shot him? You may think 17-year-old kids should patrol the streets with loaded rifles. I don't. The court records list him as white. The name "Rittenhouse" is not Hispanic. Maybe he's mixed, I dunno. But Hispanics can also be white. Dumbfuck kid is white. šŸ¤£ There's only one Hispanic kid in the news now who shot a bunch of people. And that's Salvador Ramos. I don't think you can call them vigilantes. They saw some guy with a rifle at a protest and thought "Wtf? This guy is dangerous." They tried to take the gun from him, not kill him. The one protestor tried to knock the gun out of Rittenhouse's hand with his skateboard. It's a very important distinction that he hit the gun with his skateboard, not Rittenhouse. It was proactive self defense to disarm him, not vigilantism. That kid should never have been at a protest with a loaded rifle. I see people trying to disarm a possible spree shooter. You don't walk into the middle of a legitimate legal civil rights demonstration carrying a loaded rifle. And now you're gonna claim it's okay because he shot a pedo. He had no clue that guy's background. And that guy didn't try to kill him. Yeah, lets arm all 17-year-olds with rifles so they can go out in the streets and shoot possible pedos. Sounds like a plan! šŸ¤£ Sorry, that's not the society most of us want to live in. Let the cops do that job. Not really a good analogy there. šŸ¤£ One of those little kids shot by Salvador Ramos in Uvalde was a pervert? That's Chinese. It's comes from Confucius's <i>Analects</i>.