OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

We all know it's a low budget film with bad acting. Lol. No one was trying to be Tennessee Williams here. But I actually saw two posters say they'd pass on seeing it after reading your review. That would be their loss. As a critic you do those who read your review a disservice. I felt it necessary to make that point. It was a revolutionary film for its time. There were few films with women in such commanding lead roles involving such antics and such violence. There still aren't. You claim it falls off after the first 25 minutes. I say it's consistent to the end. It's a culturally important film, one which will be analyzed 1000 years from now. That can be said of few films. 👍 I was around in the 80's. I know Reagan co-opted it and I still saw Springsteen milk it. You quote Neil Young. Everyone knew Young's politics. He was from the 60's radical left counterculture. But ain't nothing wrong with rockin' in the free world. Springsteen's rebuff was cynical. He kept largely silent and let rednecks take his song. He made too much money off it to do otherwise. Okay so you're not a sock. I apologize. I just thought it odd that this Wuchak character writes a lousy review, I bump the page with a comment, and you show up to agree with the fool. It's a rather obscure film and general audiences don't even know it exists. One thing I noticed, look at all the threads 5+ years and older from IMDb. You see nothing negative. But since MovieChat has taken over the board, and you have a smaller audience with a less sophisticated crowd, all a sudden all the threads are negative. Tarantino definitely read the IMDb comments. You fools don't know how it works. IMDb had clout. Dude, I'm merely saying people looking for an honest review shouldn't even bother with this page. It's a trollfest. What I think odd is that Springsteen denies "Born in the USA" is a patriotic anthem. Even if he didn't write it as one, it's a redneck's song now. And Springsteen sure cashed in on its jingoistic aura so he might as well embrace it. <blockquote>If you looked up the meaning of dad rock, you'd see a picture of Bruce Springsteen. Bland rock music. A circle has more edge.</blockquote> Dad rock? I got news for you. I was a hip youngster in the 80's and I thought Springsteen was bland and a mainstream sellout then just like I do now. If your dad knows rock he's not listening to Bruce Springsteen. Obviously the iconic Captain Kirk made him untouchable. He could never do anything to screw that up. I really think too many "Showgirls" and/or Bruce Willis fans have watched this movie by mistake. They should leave the reviews to those of us who understand Meyers and this genre. I'm all for monogamy if that's your choice. Thought it's not mine and I believe it's antithetical to male homosexuality. I admired Brian's philosophical opposition to same-sex marriage. And I didn't see the later episodes of QAF where Brian buckled and accepted it. But I suspect that was more a part of the show's producers and their mainstream LGBT politics, then really true to his character. Brian would have never married. <blockquote><i>I don’t care about marriage though. I consider it to be optional in a relationship and don’t fully understand the need for it.</blockquote></i> I'll go further than that. It's a conservative plot devised by gay Republicans (read up on Andrew Sullivan, the real founder of "gay" marriage). It's an attempt by heterosexuals to curb our independence and tie us to the heteronormative treadmill of marriage and child rearing. Don't get me started on the travesty of "gay" adoption of infants. You don't dress up like a giant bunny, do you? Just a joke but Donnie Darko cultists are the worst. He's great. He made ham overacting into a cinematic art. No other actor can pull that off but Shatner. Kudos. 🤣 My point here is that people who have never seen it should take these naysayers with a grain of salt. This film is not for everybody. But if you like offbeat underground movies, and camp, you'll love this film. I see too many fools spamming and panning it. Most of it's trolling. Jesus drank wine. It's in the Bible. Only drunkenness is a sin, not enjoying a light buzz. Lol. I don't think any drugs are forbidden either. Yeah, I just know that all my friends with kids have them in soccer leagues. Soccer is very popular among kids if not at the professional level. Ever heard of "soccer moms"? Mannequin? Wtf? Lol. Kowalski, you're a good guy. I take things too seriously sometimes. But you're lovable clown. Cool Hand Luke, great film. I agree on Clerks. Very good offbeat movie. 👍 Blade Runner Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Fellini Satyricon Eraserhead Forbidden Planet Yeah, and you made no sense then and you make no sense now. I said nothing bad about trans fools and nothing good either. I'm very neutral on them. I was explaining the difference between trans and drag. You're like reading a dictionary and saying it's CREEPER because you don't like the word. You're insane.