LanceDance's Replies

Don’t worry, we have Amazon’s tv series for that. They also never said: “The spice must flow” “He who controls the spice controls the universe” Apparently all the best lines are from the Lynch movie, they weren’t even in the books. I'd rank them as: 1. Goldeneye (7) 2. The World is Not Enough (6) 3. Die Another Day (6) 4. Tomorrow Never Dies (5) I think Goldeneye is genuinely good, and it's no surprise it spawned a very popular videogame for its time. It also helped that Famke Jensen woke me up to a new fetish. The others are silly but watchable, thanks especially to the hot women and how over-the-top they were, though I actually liked the Robert Carlyle as the badguy in World Is Not Enough, and I especially liked its musical number. And despite the score I gave it, The World Is Not Enough also holds a special place in my heart since it was the first James Bond I watched. Tommorow Never Dies was the only Brosnan movie I didn't really care for. The women weren't that hot (sorry Michelle Yeoh and Teri Hatcher), and the villain was boring (sorry Jonathan Pryce). Star Wars might reportedly be made for kids, George Lucas has even said it was aimed at 12-year-olds, but there's plenty in it for adults to love too. Trolls and certain shills like to use the "kid-friendly" excuse whenever it suits them, but the truth is Star Wars is perfectly suitable for adults due to its themes, action, violence, and occasional fan service. The prequels got rather heavy with the space politics, and Revenge of the Sith specifically had children die and a man burn to a crisp onscreen. Definitely not like your average kid's film. I won't speak for the Sequel Trilogy though. As for Dune - of which the original book served as a major inspiration for Star Wars - the characters and story are more complex, so I suppose I'd say it's "Star Wars for adults" in that it's less kid-friendly than Star Wars. But is it *better* than Star Wars? Not necessarily. Wait till part 2 comes out so that the entire first book is adapted, or at least Villeneuve's version of it, before we discuss if this 2-parter movie is better and/or more adult-oriented than the original Star Wars. I’m more curious as to what Alejandro Jodorowsky thinks if it. I’m sure he won’t like it, but still, I wanna hear it from him. Proof: noun 1. The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true. 2. The validation of a proposition by application of specified rules, as of induction or deduction, to assumptions, axioms, and sequentially derived conclusions. 3. A statement or argument used in such a validation. Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. This movie was definitely made for IMAX, I’m glad I saw it in theaters at least once. The sound design and cinematography were insanely good. I’ll support it again when it comes out on blu-ray. I hope it at least makes enough money for them to adapt the other half of the book. I don’t know if it’ll make as much as Lord of the Rings or Star Wars to justify six or seven films, but at the very least they can continue the story as a series once part 2 comes out. The TV series could have a similar budget to Game of Thrones to match the spectacle of the movie(s). Lol, where did I say I wanted Dark Knight Rises to be just like The Dark Knight? At this point, I've deduced that you're either an immature kid who can't take criticism, a troll, or autistic. Go ahead and pick one, and have a nice day. Which is it? Am I a fanboy or a hater? Got any more oxymorons, kiddo? That last one's gotta be my favorite, love them oxymorons. <blockquote>I am an objective, impartial observer and I am a great source of actual truth.</blockquote> Did you type that with a straight face? 😂🤣 <blockquote>Nolan has said he’s a huge fan of OHMSS and he references a James Bond movie is just about every one of his films.</blockquote> You got proof of this? I could believe Nolan is a James Bond fan, but going so far as to claim it was a direct reference to justify the sky changing is quite a stretch. Just admit it was likely a mistake, buddy. <blockquote>Citing Pitch Meeting and Honest Trailers is redundant because they do the same thing for pretty much every well known movie.</blockquote> True, they're both comedy shows, but it seems you can't tell the difference between them nit-picking good movies and genuinely criticizing bad movies. Dark Knight Rises is a bad movie, and there's a lot of reasons why it's bad. <blockquote>Also I have debunked every single complaint that the moronic haters have come up with.</blockquote> Ignoring them and pretending one of them was because of a James Bond tribute doesn't count as debunking them, bro 😄 <blockquote>You are just trying to hate the movie because you think it’s cool, you obviously have very low self esteem and self worth.</blockquote> Says the guy desperately defending this movie 😆 You mad bro? You're allowed to like bad movies, kiddo. No one's saying you can't. I like bad movies too. When people like bad movies, we call them "guilty pleasures". Is that your assumption, or do you know for sure? Either way, claiming that it was a tribute to a cheesy movie is a poor defense for this particular complaint. And there are many other criticisms that bring this movie down, these two videos sum them up nicely. Honest Trailers Pitch Meeting I’d prefer Alexandra Daddario, she’d look great in fishnets (among other clothes) and she wouldn’t complain about being sexualized. Tom Holland Oh, it’s the writers too. There are people that LOVE writing crap like this. But yes, they were hired by these forces in the first place since they no longer seek talent but activists, so it’s a partnership made in hell. The thing is, those new characters are all about what skin color they have, who they have sex with, and what's in between their legs. Nothing substantial about them. Then when they fail, writers fall back to changing popular characters to fit their agenda. Anime and Manga are able to churn out new characters all the time. Sure, they might share alot of the same tropes we've seen before, but they're still new characters. On the subject of superheros, look at My Hero Academia and One Punch Man. All original characters, many of them popular, each with their own fanbase. Japan has also featured strong women and LGBTs, many of them likable without the pandering you'd see in America and Europe. Even when Anime and manga have gotten political, it's almost never about real-world politics, there's no push for inclusion or diversity, nothing about women's rights or LGBT rights. The best part is that Japan makes its content for its own people, and it's still able to draw in many foreign fans. If that isn't inclusion, then I don't know what is. Western writers don't know how to be fun anymore. They think escapism is bad and people MUST be aware of everything going on in real life as if just being aware will make a difference. These writers also confuse "relatable" with "self-insert" and think that unless a character looks and/or acts EXACTLY like a particular person, that person won't like the character. As with Moviechat user sslssg, I'm also bisexual, and I think it's stupid that Tim Drake and Jon Kent are bi. I'm fine with more representation when it's done right, but it hasn't been done right, not for a while now. I'm not constantly looking out for characters that are like me, I'm looking for characters that are likable. I don't wanna read about me, I wanna read about someone else. I want to root for that person, watch him or her grow and be better than who they were at the start of the story. Depending on the type of story, such as a power-fantasy or something, I may even want to vicariously live through that character. The last bi character I liked was Jack Harkness from Doctor Who. I thought they handled his sexuality perfectly and fluidly, but it came AFTER he was established as a supporting character and as a flirtatious time-travelling agent. I also like John Constantine. But today? it's all about left-wing agendas, and it's ruining comics, sci-fi, fantasy, movies, games, comics, books, everything. There are other Bond films than just Danial Craig’s. James Bond went to space in the 1979 film Moonraker where he was played by Roger Moore. Besides, “Bond will return” according to the end credits of No Time To Die, played by a different actor in a new continuity. Wow, that actually makes sense. Thank god we still have Mission Impossible, but eventually it’ll go the Fast and Furious route. Mark my words, Ethan Hunt will go to space soon, though James Bond did actually beat him to it 😄 Is that what "triggered" looks like? Wow, even when mad, rightwingers look very composed.