MovieChat Forums > LanceDance > Replies
LanceDance's Replies
Definitely Victory Celebration. While I also grew up with the special editions, I never cared for Yub Nub, even as a kid. It sounds so stupid, and lame, and anti-climactic.
White men don’t tick any boxes, they’re not diverse enough. The darker, queerer, or more female you are, the more privileged and special treatment you get in America.
You can feel however you want, but people are just calling out the hypocrisy and double standards. The media and corporations have made it very clear who they like. The Oscars actually implemented diversity quotas recently that movies need to follow to be even considered for nominations.
That’s why people these days suspect whether any winners deserved it or not. “Oscar bait” has never been more fitting for movies today that go out of their way to be as diverse as possible instead of just trying to be good, or at least fun.
Because the media is making a big deal about gender now, as well as race and sexuality.
Did those female directors earn those wins and nominations, or did they just tick the right boxes?
That’s how it is these days. It’s not about merit, it’s about blue checkmarks.
He appears to be sick of people being overhyped because of their gender, race, and/or sexuality instead of their merit.
James Cameron and Steven Spielberg weren’t popular because they were straight men, but because many of their movies were mega events, blockbusters, and award winners. They were good at what they did, they became household names.
What does it matter if the director’s female? What makes you think filmgeek99 has anything against female directors?
What should matter is how good they are and if they’re right for a specific movie.
“It’s up to the judges”
Who do you think I was talking about when I said “leftists in power”? You could give them the proverbial smoking gun and they still wouldn’t admit it.
“Was [Pence] part of the fraudulent election too?”
Either that or they got to him somehow. It’s no secret that the Democrats will sink to any low to cheat and win.
There was plenty of evidence of voter fraud, from documentation to video footage. When shown the evidence, the Leftists in power were like “lol nope” and denied them. Such are the dangerous times we’re living in when damning evidence can be easily pushed aside.
As Joe Biden himself admitted, what matters isn’t the vote count, but who counts the votes.
That's not what he said though, going by the direct quotes in the article. It looks more like Trump said Republicans' future votes won't matter if they don't solve the voter fraud issue from the 2020 election. That's not the same as "don't vote".
Then again, you're citing a tabloid website. The Daily Beast? Seriously?
The critics are the ones giving it bad reviews, hence why the OP is asking.
Maybe you thought they were crap, but most other people didn't. This movie must be so bad that even the critics couldn't bring themselves to defend it, despite shilling for previous MCU movies.
I can only imagine how it'll fair with audiences, who are already weary of the potential wokeness of the movie.
Except the Republicans have evidence.
The Republicans ended slavery, achieved equal rights for women and POCs, create jobs for people of all races and both genders, lower taxes, and generally have lower crime rates in cities and States run by them.
What have the Democrats done? Other than promote hatred and division? Gaslight and project? And destroy everything that others have set out to build?
Only in Democrat-run States. When Leftists push for destructive policies, what did they expect? Of course they'll become third-world. And since others have pointed out the same thing happened in your country, you're one to talk. It's best for you to not call the kettle black.
There’s a lot of works done by POCs where characters’ specific traits aren’t defined, even though you’d think their names and the story’s setting would be big indicators as to what they look like. If they were white-washed, it would not go over well, and understandably so.
Even if their skin colors were defined, such as in Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, and of course Dune, that hasn’t stopped Hollywood from color-washing them anyway. So no matter what authors do, Hollywood will color-wash (and gender-swap) them regardless for muh diversity.
I’ve already proven I’m not biased or prejudiced. Still can’t say the same for you.
I don’t wanna see white-washing in Journey to the West. I don’t want to see Asian-washing in African folktales. And I don’t want to see color-washing in stories written by white people
If white authors include POC characters by their own choice, that’s fine. Otherwise don’t support or condone altering their work for the sake of diversity, it’s disrespectful to the source material, the creator, and the fans.
I already said what I assume about other works. Looks like you didn’t even bother reading the whole thing.
And you still haven’t said anything one way or the other about how I also assume that characters by default reflect the race of POC writers, despite mentioning it twice now. Very curious indeed...
Could it be that <b>you</b> are excessively biased after all? 😮
Ah, but you don't say anything when when I assume a character's race by default reflects writers that are Black, Asian, Indian, or Hispanic? That sounds excessively biased to me.
<blockquote>the vast majority of films cater to the straight white audience with a vanilla straight white cast.</blockquote>
In America and other predominalty-white countries, yes. Korean movies cater to Koreans, Japanese movies and anime cater to the Japanese, Indian movies cater to Indians..... see where I'm going with this?
And yet recently it's considered bad that most American movies cater to straight white people, for some reason. These days, any adaptations or remakes of previous American/European works are now race-washed, sexuality-washed, and gender-swapped to fit the new diverse narrative.
<blockquote>People have told me, on this forum, in the past, that the default skin color for science fiction characters is white. This is completely stupid of course.</blockquote>
Not really. If it was written by a white person, and the character's race wasn't specified, their default race is white until proven otherwise. I would assume the same thing if the writer was black, Asian, Hispanic, etc. The characters reflect the writer's race unless otherwise specified. This also goes for sexuality, characters are straight unless stated otherwise. That's just common sense.
<blockquote> For example Heinlein's Juan Rico (Starship Troopers) is Filipino and Friday (Friday) is, in her own words, "brown".</blockquote>
Those are examples of a white writer going out of his way to describe which characters aren't white.
Let's not overlook that the director was Chinese, and a woman, who won best director. 2 of the 3 Oscars were likely because of her alone. If you go on the Wikipedia page or other articles that mention the awards Nomadland won, they emphasize the gender and race of the winners, "the second woman to win this, the first Asian to win that".
“White-washed” how? Were those characters POC to begin with? Was the movie made by a studio or film industry that didn’t originate in a predominantly white country?
“Considered” maybe, but winning awards? Not in this political climate.
Awards are no longer given by merit but by skin color. Segregation is back, ladies and gentlemen.
Ignoring the fact that Paul isn’t really a savior as you’ll likely find out in Part 2, the movie was made in America, which is mostly white. That’s how representation works.
If you want to see POC saviors, go watch foreign works, and tell other countries to step up their game and make more movies, shows, and videogames. Japan’s certainly been doing a good job, plenty of Asian saviors in their internationally popular anime and manga.
I’ve seen more than my fair share of foreign works, that’s how I get my dose of “diversity”. You should try it.