No social movement lasts forever. Someday, this will be a thing of the past. How do you think people in the future will see SJW/Woke? I cannot think of any other movement that advocates banning/silencing/censorship that has ever been seen in a positive light once the dust settles.
The backlash will start when it gets to the point of being out of control and we are pretty much at that point. It'll stop when the adults running the corporations stop catering to lunatics on Twitter case in point the people in charge of Disney.
No one will remember the "SJW/Woke" movement in the future, the only people making a big deal out of nothing are Conservatives.
Wow... I've heard plenty of people in denial before, but this goes to extremes. I can see why as a Leftist you are embarrassed and trying to minimalize it, though.
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SJW and being woke goes way beyond what private companies do. It's about limiting freedoms and walking around on pins and needles 24/7 out of fear of offending someone. I don't know what the rule is now but because of SJW and woke movement you can't even eat Chick-fil-A without being called a homophobe. You can't listen to R Kelly anymore and we all know Ignition is a BOMB ass song. Actors can not even act anymore. By this I mean if a straight man wants to play the role of a transgender woman SJW will jump all over the studio and try and get the movie canceled for not hiring a real transexual. This list can go on forever.
Now that public opinion is swaying against SJW cancel culture, Leftists like Terez are desperately trying to pretend it does not exist and distancing themselves from it. That's a sure sign the movement is on its last legs.
Most of the public doesn't give two hoots about so called "cancel culture," we're really talking about private companies making marketing decisions that affect pretty much no one and a bunch of people crying over the nobody it affects.
You're talking about viral videos? You have to be pretty bad to go viral, there's no pins and needles. It's a private company's decision whether to cast a trans man with a cis man or a trans man, if they think their target market won't buy if the guy isn't trans then why shouldn't they cancel the project?
The thing is, it has been demonstrated that if you "go woke you go broke" and they are STILL doing it. That would not happen without an agenda backing it.
You're claiming companies are intentionally going broke because you believe there is "an agenda?" I know of no force that can overpower corporate greed, this agenda must be very powerful indeed.
So rather than supply evidence of this mythical "Agenda," you're begging the question. You still haven't proven that this "Agenda" exists and is causing people to make so called "Woke movies" (whatever those are.) All you've done is hypothesized that some "Agenda" exists therefore "woke movies" were created by them.
Maybe there is an "Anti-Agenda Agenda" which creates "woke movies" so people like you can complain about "The Agenda." Using your logic, I hypothesize it therefore it is true until you can prove otherwise.
Okay, I can give you that. So why should a public company's decision to stop selling Dr. Seuss books prevent anyone from reading and enjoying the Dr. Seuss books they have? It doesn't, wow! It's the same as complaining why you can't buy 8-tracks anymore. "Cancel Culture" is really just decisions made by public companies that are more about their bottom line than anything else.
They think they'll make more money doing something so they do it.
Exactly. The same way people don't remember how progress was also made out to be some sort of evil plot basically at every point in human history. The snowflakes always make out it's something new, forgetting the last gazillion times they bitched and moaned about something.
Yes, since the Liberals who are declaring what is and is not acceptable are all white university educated middle class bourgeoisie, it is inevitable that this conclusion is eventually reached.
This will be viewed the way we now view the Suffrage Movement, the way we now view abolishing Segregation, that this is a turning point when we as a society moved forward, as in the Enlightenment.
the so called "SJW/Woke movement" will be remembered as
That time when a load of conservatives with sticks up their butts got all upset when a few companies decided to change their marketing policies based on market forces and prevailing public opinion
If there is a future the SJW Progressives will be seen like the Homo Sapiens, and the Republicans/Conservatives like the Neanderthals.
That would be ironic, considering that if the SJW Progressives' wishes come true, society would collapse back into the Stone Age within a generation or two.
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Have fun moving forward with defunded police, masses of uneducated illegal immigrants, empowered urban gangsters, zero moral instruction, a huge tax burden on the few remaining workers, restrictions on industry, farming, transportation, etc. due to "climate change", silencing of dissent, lockdowns over "apocalyptic plagues" that kill less than 2 percent of the affected, etc. etc.
"Progressives" really just want change, and change is just as often for the worse as it is for the better. Getting cancer is a change, having an auto accident brings on change... That's the sort of change "Progressives" are recommending.
And if it's Conservatives who want to move back to the Civil War, then why was it the Progressives and their BLM patsies who spent most of last year trying to ignite a new one?
Do you see police defunded anywhere? That is a straw argument that the Right picked up on by obsessing on a poorly branded idea/movement.
I agree that immigration should be limited. I don't like that Biden and the Democrats seems to be overly proud of allowing more immigrants into the country, but I think the Indians, Russians and Chinese are the most damaging.
And the tax burden if you want to be concerned about that which is really far more damaging than immigrants wh come in and do pay taxes and fees are the $2 trillion tax cuts that all the rest of us have to pay back. Where is your outrage there?
No Progressive is calling for accidents or cancer, you don't think you are blowing things up a bit? I do .. a lot.
> why was it the Progressives and their BLM patsies who spent most of last year trying to ignite a new one?
I don't think you can call angry rioters Progressives, but the mainstream Republican party accepts and will not condemn QANON and the like. You are working so hard to spin backwards you better hold on tight to something or you will fall down.
Do you see police defunded anywhere? That is a straw argument that the Right picked up on by obsessing on a poorly branded idea/movement.
That's the thing. All the Left's ideas are poorly branded.
No Progressive is calling for accidents or cancer, you don't think you are blowing things up a bit? I do .. a lot.
Not those things specifically, but the effects of most of the Left's initiatives would be the equivalent for our society.
I don't think you can call angry rioters Progressives, but the mainstream Republican party accepts and will not condemn QANON and the like. You are working so hard to spin backwards you better hold on tight to something or you will fall down.
LOL! ONE DAY of Right Wing insurgency versus MONTHS of Leftists looting, burning, destroying American cities coast to coast.
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> That's the thing. All the Left's ideas are poorly branded.
So what. All the Right's ideas are lies that are well branded ... it doesn't make them good.
> Not those things specifically, but the effects of most of the Left's initiatives would be the equivalent for our society.
So you admit you are wrong, you over-exaggerated. That is the mark of a propagandist with nothing productive to say.
Yeah, I do weigh an attack on our nations capital as outweighing petty criminals rioting. Certainly nothing to laugh about. You people on the Right are always lying, exaggerating, and then either raging or LOL'ing ... always trying to disrupt calm rational discussion.
Reactionary conservative dipshits have been bleating about the progression of society for years, telling us that everything was fine the way it was and that enlightenment is a sham. And they continually tell us that it's a new thing. Have been for centuries.
So that just goes to show that "woke" will be forgotten by its critics because they will need to keep reinventing it anew to validate their continued outrage.