MovieChat Forums > JohnnyJohnson > Replies
JohnnyJohnson's Replies
How does my title in any way spoil the ending? Fake passports? Wow, what a spoiler, since it doesn't even say who or how many. So no I will not change the title. Thank you for playing.
Well, since she gave up her son named on the birth certificate Robert Parks 32 years ago, and a new 32 y/o Robert Parks shows up as a man servant, I'd think Mrs. Wilson would have had at least SOME curiosity or idea. Then she sees her picture and it's confirmed.
How so? Just saying fake passports doesn't spoil the ending, you idiot.You sound like the troll, shitbag. And by using common sense if I have a post starting with "The ending..." maybe you should have brains enough not to read any further? IQ under 50 I suppose. Go back on the short bus.
I was about to post the same thing, so thanks for saving me starting a new thread. I paid as much attention to it as I could, but I STILL need to, when reading these threads, go back to the cast list and figure out who is who and why they are there.
I love Downton Abbey, but this just seemed to go nowhere to me. My s/o loves this movie and I can't understand why.
I was so upset at the end that he was still alive.
It would have even better if the email was "¿Qué pensaría tu primo?" Actions have consequences, and when the teacher approached Kale at his desk for a standoff and proceeded to verbally attack Kale, he set the whole situation into motion. His cousin was killed due to his assholishness.
Right??? I'd have ditched him as a friend. I was so disappointed when I thought Martin killed him, only to see him alive and well at the end.
I agree. All three of those drivers were terrible. But the red truck that creamed the upside down car was the worst. It was actually quite funny, because if the truck driver paying any attention he would have seen the upside down car and breaked. Instead he just full speed ahead plows right through them.
But yeah, Kale was responsible for his father's death. It's a shame he survived.
The cop was a pos. He deserved it. Too bad the killer never had the spanish teacher in his home.
Jezebel! Flauntin' your flesh in temptation's raiment. You will burn! Oh... YOU WILL BURN!!!
Stacy had a belly on her and her tits were barely there. Linda had nice albeit not large tits and not an ounce of fat on her. Stacy looked like she was already preparing for her pregnancy with her extra weight gain. Linda looked like she was up for a good time.
How can you say that "most of it is true"???? Most of it is FICTION. Like, 90% of it. It jumped the shark when they moved to Winoka and brought demonseed Albert on board.
I knew he was on the verge of a heart attack, but why not him have a fling with the student and die of a heart attack when he's reaching orgasm? It was long, boring, and depressing. And then he just dies. Great way to spend an evening....
He does have a TLJ vibe. I'm watching the movie now, and thank you for noticing that. I'm now seeing Josh's performance in a more interesting light. He's pretty bad in this, and thinking it's a young TLJ will help me get through this film.
1. She's still a kid.
2. Her custodians drugged her and held her hostage.
3. Her new 'mother' was a drug addict who was losing her medical license.
4. Said 'mother' ends up dead next to her in her bed.
5. Custodial father was physically abusive and just killed her trust attorney. 6. He was holding a gun and was going to shoot her in the cop car
Given what had to be a severe emotional and mental state she was in, and those six things, I just don't see the long arm of the law coming down hard on her at all.
I was seeing Ashley Judd in the role the entire time. I wasn't impressed with Jolie in this.
Really. I kind of figured out Ethan was the 20 years older Paul, but they look so different. I mean, like not even in the same family different. I was disappointed when the twist was revealed, and well, duh, everyone knew he was the killer, but his earlier appearance was so different that it was a letdown.
It was her appalling plastic surgery. She was getting long in the tooth for Hollywood standards, and times have changed when a Doris Day could play the 40 y/o virgin.
If anything, I was hopeful that this movie would start a whole different career for her. She looks great in this, very natural. And then.... bless her heart. She was far too young and youthful looking to mess with her face the way she did.
Anti-Hero, though I rooted for him the entire film. He was clearly broken from his wife and daughter's deaths.
The full version is on her anthology album, the pink box set, entitled "Just For the Record...."