einsteinfountain's Replies

Well the point stands. Your assumption and generalization of me is dismissed. Yeah and what is your point? Republicans still moan and groan about Obama to this day. Do not act like it is one sided both sides do that. I do not like Trump one iota but I accepted him being president. Anytime I criticized him which I criticized Obama as well by the way I can give you the retort I would get verbatim. Trump is your president, If Trump succeeds America succeeds, to go against him is unpatriotic, you need to get behind your president and show him respect and you are betraying your country if you don't. Okay if that is the case then it needs to apply to Biden as well. Or Obama or anyone who is in office. Notice how that patriotic loyalty disappears when it is a candidate who gets in office they dislike. Nope I accepted it. Did I like it? Absolutely not! However I never once claimed voter fraud I took it on the chin and moved on rather than making up conspiracy theories. I have that is why I asked that question to you. You realize that once you are caught with drugs you can get a felony on your record making it difficult to get a job. Therefore it makes it easy to retreat back into old habits. Someone who commits' a crime vs someone who commits the same crime but is not caught does not make anyone else more guilty than the other. Both people committed a crime. It will show up on paper that the person caught committed the crime but in the end both people committed the same offense. It is why smoking weed should not be a crime in the first place it is a victimless crime. Some people which are white have done it out in the open, however sometimes they have the money to make the law look the other way. Have you checked to see if all of those punishments for crime were just and fair? Semantics. Yes I am aware! Let me ask this what are you going to do about it? Do you have political pull? Are you campaigning anywhere? Nothing we say or do is going to change the fact that Biden is president. I accepted Trump being president and I was no fan of his during his term. You defend Trump like you are his lawyer or something. We survived Obama and Trump, at the end of it we will still be here. Fair points actually and a good question. Good to know. See that is just it I do not have a choice whether I pay into police, fire department, schools etc. You act as if I have that option and I do not. I want the war on drugs to end yes. Hey these drugs can ruin your life, so lets charge you with a felony ruining your life to protect you from ruining your life. Doesn't that sound like a broken system. So long as you are not affecting another person the law should not bother you. Drug addicts will find a way to do drugs whether it is legal or not. We should focus on getting them help and rehabilitation rather than legal fees and incarceration. It would open up the prisons for more harsh criminals such as murderers, rapists etc. Okay then care to continue debate on the politics board? Or do you have no interest? I honestly do not believe you. If I am wrong perhaps my judgement is off, but my initial feeling is that you do not. I also highly doubt you are good at your job also. This is speculation though so I will not comment anymore on this thing because no way to prove it either way. Where Did I say it was okay to force people to inject foreign things into their bodies? Are we going to straw man now? Careful that is a sign of poor debating skills. What makes you think I have that kind of clout to get elected politicians to listen to me? See but that is just it you are fine paying taxes for things other people use but want to pitch a fit and deny universal healthcare. I would be happy to pay taxes for healthcare, it is nice to know it is there if anything should go wrong sound familiar? However I am taking many right wingers approach. I don't have kids therefore I could say hey I did not have kids therefore I shouldn't be paying for other people's kids education. I do not use the fire department therefore my money should not go to them. I do not use the police therefore I should not have to pay that either. It goes on and on. When people say I do not want to pay for other people's healthcare it is saying it is every man for himself. So why not go all that way with that way of thinking? We should choose what we pay taxes for. Original. Either way no matter what you say it will not change how Last Crusade is seen by the majority. As shown by numbers Crusade is right behind Raiders. Nothing you can say or do will change that. Going off things you have posted I sincerely doubt you work in the healthcare field. I do not support forcing anyone to do anything but you are one of those types that supports the mentality that it is every man for himself. If I am wrong and you do work in the healthcare field that is a shame. I take issue with that way of thinking because if that is the case why can't I as a taxpayer pick and choose what I want to pay for that other people use? Such as the fire department, police, or public schools. I do not use any of those things therefore I should not have to pay for them. Remember how when Obama was in office we all ended up in femur camps? Remember how when Trump got in office women would lose their rights? Yeah me neither. Vote for your God Trump once he runs again. Until then it is time to face reality. I accepted when Trump got in and did not whine like you are doing now. Grow up! I can't stand when people are drama queens. We got through both Obama and Trump and guess what we are still here. You do have an opinion and you can dig your heels in. I just find it silly that you are discussing something you have no interest in changing your mind on. I find people like you irritating because you want to have a closed mind but expect everyone else to have an open mind to whatever your opinion is. So in other words it becomes this scenario, validate me or get beat down. Not a troll at all, I have had plenty of great conversations on here that have remained civil even in disagreement. I personally think you are an instigator though. Way to bypass the source I gave you. Okay do you know how much an illegal immigrant pays in taxes per year? Do you know how many new jobs they bring to the US? One of those facts was covered in one of the sources I provided you. I am talking about the antics of you on these boards. Nope I am pointing out it being silly that you dig your heels in and then spout your views expecting to change other people's view. I said I openly debate healthcare with people on here. I am open to another perspective and having my mind changed if someone presents a logical point unlike you. Nope I am perfectly fine with you disagreeing as I said I love debating. I do not expect everyone to agree with me. You have bought into the myth that immigrants bankrupt the country. Here check this out. https://www.aclu.org/other/immigrants-and-economy I never said that. You just openly said though you are not going to change your mind. See this in lies the problem. You go around spouting this stuff and then when someone else on the opposing side digs their heels in like you do you become juvenile and start sticking your tongue out like a elementary school kid. They took a lot of the jobs Americans would not do. The big businesses hire them because they know they can pay them next to nothing to get a job done. Nope I am not actually. I just find it interesting how people like you expect to change other people's minds but are unwilling to change yours. Seems a bit hypocritical and well as arrogant to me. It gives off the vibe that you can't be wrong and everyone else must listen to you because you are infallible. If you will not change your stance on it why do you bring it up? I offer to debate people on healthcare all the time and they get pissed off because they dislike when someone does not simply bow down to their point of view. Healthcare is a huge issue to this country among many other things that we are talking about. Mexico was supposed to pay for the wall. However as you can see that promise went unfulfilled. I get tired of how much money we are spending on the drug war and how many people die from it. See but I have an honest question for you. Do you just like to align with people who validate your view? I ask because you seem unwilling to engage in a debate that lasts longer than a few posts and typically engage in sticking your tongue out at the left. I have my issues with both sides but I just find this behavior bizarre. Don't you like debating or do you only like validation from your side and taunting the opposing side? Yeah nope you have called many people names on this board. See and the fact that you agree with me about Marijuana showcases that the law is not always just and fair. So when people say the law is the law! I can't help but feel like that is a way of implying it is infallible and can not be questioned. I do not buy into that rhetoric sorry. Now am I saying the law should not upheld no, but not every law as I stated earlier is just and fair. It is why federal laws have changed on certain things throughout history. Prohibition failed with alcohol and it failed with marijuana. We need to learn from that and not repeat the same mistake. See the issue I have is why is this always an immediate concern over the drug war, or many other things in the world. Also this feels like a scapegoat to begin with. Wasn't Mexico supposed to pay for the wall we were building? Also you never responded to this. https://www.povertyusa.org/facts Facts no opinions. It is the law until changed but you are acting like it is just and fair. That is a rather silly tactic because law and morality do not always coincide with one another. Once certain laws get changed over time the person who got the short end of the stick should not be forever punished because they were just unfortunate to fall victim under an unjust law at a specific time. I just proved my case with the drug laws. Why are certain states legalizing Marijuana? It is simple we are slowly realizing that locking people in prison for smoking it is rather excessive. So if someone had a felony on their record simply for smoking, should they now be black listed for life in a state where it now became legal? Just because you act within the law does not make what you do Moral, and vice verse. Nope I am looking at how you speak to others who enjoy this film. Look over this thread and it illustrates your antagonistic behavior quite nicely. I have no issue with people who disagree with me. I do have an issue with antagonistic behavior though.