MovieChat Forums > einsteinfountain > Replies
einsteinfountain's Replies
Open your eyes a user named RandallGraves does not think Chauvin is guilty. Remember when the right loses an election it is voter fraud, and when there is police brutality caught on film it is a secret ploy by the left. Floyd not being a good person does not excuse what Chauvin did. Call out corruption where you see it whether it be right or left. I denounced rioting and looting I made no excuses for that occurring. The right however has attempted to sweep the capitol riot under the rug. The left lies but so does the right.
No you simply misspoke and got called on it. Carry on though.
Your post was not just about the left, you attempted to paint the right in a higher light. Now you are attempting to make it appear you did not do that. Let me post your quote again verbatim.
<blockquote>That’s the difference between the left and right, the right doesn’t riot when they don’t get their way</blockquote>
That says it all. An agenda and bias, something both sides of the spectrum whether you believe left or right should avoid.
Does not matter they still rioted, which shows they are not above it like you attempted to imply.
Key word far more, but part of it was because they did not get their way. It is a false statement. No side is above rioting, just as no sex, race or political affiliation is exempt from corruption or wrongdoing. That was a generalization and false statement made by you. It indicated a certain affiliation is less likely to do something corrupt. I would not say that about any side because it boils down to the individual. I denounce rioting as well, not once have I ever justified hurting innocent people. I can understand many reasons why people do bad things but it does not mean I condone it. You understanding where they are coming from makes no difference.
You said that is the difference between the right and the left, the right does not riot when they don't get their way. That is your quote verbatim. I never said you condoned it. Point is what you said was a false statement.
So what you said was untrue then? The right has rioted before.
<blockquote>That’s the difference between the left and right, the right doesn’t riot when they don’t get their way</blockquote>
Excuse me?
Okay and that is what I was saying. Never once did I say I absolved the person blocking traffic. However as I stated earlier that does not mean you get a free pass to purposely run someone over simply because they are in the road. Point is I have seen people run over protesters for nothing and that is not acceptable.
There you go again putting words in my mouth and claiming I said things or stood by things which I openly spoke out against. If a person attacks a car what is that? That is violence correct? Didn't I just state I denounce any acts of violence, looting, murder and breaking the law? Therefore would I stand with someone who is attacking a vehicle? Nope because I denounced it. Like seriously do you comprehend what you read? I am honestly asking. Let me post my quote verbatim.
<blockquote>Also let me be clear here as well, I denounce any acts of looting, murder, violence or breaking a law. I do support peaceful protests so long as you are not doing any of what I said. That clear enough?</blockquote>
Now when a person jumps a curb to hit peaceful protesters intentionally who are not blocking the road or breaking any laws or hurting anyone key word there peaceful, then they need to accept the consequences as well. Those consequences might include getting yanked from there vehicle and possibly being seriously hurt or worse. If a person is fleeing out of fear for their life that is self defense. Jumping a curb because you do not like what they are protesting, no that is wrong and you can be charged with attempted murder. Quit putting words in my mouth with these strawman arguments. When I say peaceful protest I mean it. I have never claimed a peaceful protest when someone commits violence, murder, looting or breaking laws.
Maybe I should have been more clear. I have seen people run over protesters on a sidewalk protesting... The protesters were not doing any acts of violence, blocking traffic, murder, looting or breaking any law. Is that acceptable? Also let me be clear here as well, I denounce any acts of looting, murder, violence or breaking a law. I do support peaceful protests so long as you are not doing any of what I said. That clear enough?
Even if someone is breaking a law that does not make it acceptable to behave in a barbaric manner. Should they stand in traffic no, but that does not mean someone has the green light to intentionally run over them just because they are blocking traffic. That is like saying it is perfectly okay to intentionally run over someone who is jaywalking. Technically the Jwalker is breaking the law and if someone hits them accidentally key word there accidentally that is unfortunate the person got in the way. Driver is not at fault in that scenario. If you intentionally run over them when you could have stopped that is not going to fly in a court of law. Simply because a law was broken does not give someone free reign to kill or seriously harm someone. You might want to brush up on driving laws. So no I never said they were absolved of any fault you made that assumption. However the driver is not absolved of fault simply because someone is breaking a law. Accidental or intentional is the question.
Same here.
That works on both sides correct, not one that simply is against your political side?
The fact that you do not care about people showcases you do not practice what you preach. Regardless of intent someone getting hurt is not something you should get enjoyment from. Do I understand being like he or she should be arrested yep but enjoyment from pain is a whole other thing.
Where did I say it was peaceful to block traffic? Did I or did I not say that people who protest while committing no crimes should not be run over. There are cases where people have driven into a group of people not standing on a road. I said while not committing a crime. Comprehend what you read next time before embarrassing yourself. Fyi you know how driving laws work correct?
You insulted first. Keep on being Christ like. I actually agree with you on some things honestly but the fact that you think so one sided makes me not feel you have credibility. Your lack of compassion makes me not respect the foundation of what you are trying to convey.
You believe in karma when it suits your liking is that how it works?
So again the fact that it made your day showcases you got enjoyment or satisfaction out of seeing it. You should not stand in the middle of traffic but there are cases where people willingly drive through people peacefully protesting. Key word I am talking about protesters who are committing no crimes. Is that acceptable?
See and this is the issue I have with people such as yourself. You claim to be all loving and Christ like but you laugh at someone for getting hurt and get enjoyment out of it. Even when I got into physical fights out of self defense I did not enjoy hurting people. Make sure you never preach to anybody, it would not be genuine. The fact that you said made my day showcases you got enjoyment out of that.
So majority equates to superiority? I will gladly be in the minority and stand for what is right than follow the crowd simply because it aligns with the majority. You are smarter than that do not use that type of logic.
Do you enjoy seeing people get hurt?
Do not act like this does not go both ways. There are people that will lie through their teeth that are right wing to defend their party. I call out corruption no matter which ideology someone has.
We have gotten over it, however that does not mean that racism does not go on simply because slavery was abolished. I feel bad for any race that was enslaved or mistreated. I can and will speak up when racism occurs and there are ways in which racism still goes on today.