MovieChat Forums > Politics > Seems like Americans are in general glad...

Seems like Americans are in general glad to be rid of Donald Trump.

Biden currently has a higher job approval rating than former President Donald Trump ever reached during his four years in the White House

This says an awful lot! The country is happy to be rid of Donald Trump.


The country is happy to be rid of Donald Trump.

That is an inaccurate generalisation. More people are happy to be rid of Trump than not and some don't care one way or the other.


Cause who doesn't love business as usual /s

Its funny you libs say nothing about endless wars started again, kids back in cages, troops stationed in DC, death of free speech and erosion of civil liberties Classical Liberals use to champion all in the name of not hurting fee fees.

Donald Trump exposed all of you as the neoliberal shills you really are and I'll be happy to vote for Trump in 2024 (not like it matters cause you leftist rig elections)


Since you always are on the wrong end of things, maybe you should give up?
Better for your mental health, and better for the country at large.
Find a hobby, smile at strangers, be a decent person. ]
Does wonders for the soul.



You're actually the one who's always on the wrong end of things and you should give up.

You're also not a decent person. Hypocrite.


Okay. You want a fascist to keep out Our Poor, Our Hungry.
You want Tax Cuts for the Wealthy so they don't Trickle Down to the rest of us.
I didn't understand how Rich people actually try to Move Sentiment via Social Media.

Thanks for the heads up about not being a decent person. I'll bet you are a Pastor in some small Hateful town, telling his Flock who to Hate On. Sleep well, Hateful Princess.


You have no idea what I want. Unlike you, I hate no one, little girl.


Okay, now you are making ridiculous comments and no one should have to bother seeing them.


Okay, now you are making ridiculous comments and no one should have to bother seeing them.

Sums your entire MC posting history.

Don't let the door knob hit ya.


Deny, Dismiss, Deflect, Dumbfound! These are today’s alt-left Dems. And I will vote for Trump in 2024 if we are still permitted to vote. The Dems will do everything in their power to stop us!


Remember how when Obama was in office we all ended up in femur camps? Remember how when Trump got in office women would lose their rights? Yeah me neither. Vote for your God Trump once he runs again. Until then it is time to face reality. I accepted when Trump got in and did not whine like you are doing now. Grow up! I can't stand when people are drama queens. We got through both Obama and Trump and guess what we are still here.


I’m not whining...I’m bitching! Don’t you see what is happening at the southern border? Are you aware he or the Biden puppet masters are planning a huge tax increase? And don’t think it won’t effect you. BTW, Trump is not my god...I have one true God.


Semantics. Yes I am aware! Let me ask this what are you going to do about it? Do you have political pull? Are you campaigning anywhere? Nothing we say or do is going to change the fact that Biden is president. I accepted Trump being president and I was no fan of his during his term. You defend Trump like you are his lawyer or something. We survived Obama and Trump, at the end of it we will still be here.


I bitched and whined when Turnip was prez because it SUCKED!
It's like being the child of a criminal. I'm guilty by association.
The guy has so many deplorable characteristics, I don't want to name them all.
Reagan was an Ass, Bush v2 was a Tool, but Rump took the cake as being an utter Embarrassment to the state of Politics in the US.
So yes, I bitched and moaned and cried and whined, because growing up I thought this country would be so much better than that.

Of course there are excesses on the Left. It's a crappy political system involving rich people. But to cede to the Alternative is Heresy, it's Mutinous to the Values of the American Ideal. Why people don't see this, I don't get.


That depends on what you define as "ideals". I guess you're okay with the following?

1.) triple gas prices in a month's time
2.) a major tax hit to paychecks
3.) a complete mess at the border
4.) men winning women's sports competitions and beauty contests
5.) major companies immediately planning to move jobs back offshore
6.) insurance prices jumping back up to pre-Trump levels
7.) stricter regulations that will kill many small businesses
8.) weak trade negotiations giving foreign entities the upper hand again

And the list goes on. No doubt Trump was a pompous, conceited, egomaniacal loud-mouthed jerk with no filter or self-restraint, and the grammar of a fifth grader. But he put American citizens first, which lies at the very foundation of the job description, which is the most important aspect of that role. Pre-pandemic unemployment was the lowest in 50 years (especially helping black communities), and middle-class take-home salary levels were at their highest. That's rapidly changing with at least four more years of extremist efforts to come.

Trump had many downsides, but how exactly did it suck? Mean tweets? Butthurt snowflake feelings? Grow up.

Look, I've never liked Trump. He's an ogre. But I'd take the ugly orange beast with a passion for his country over a twisted, emotionally weak modern-day progressive who puts every other country before their own any day of the week. So I would suggest that at least some portion of the ideals you espouse are counterproductive to the success of the citizens of this country. This is not the liberalism and these are not the Democrats of thirty years ago. It's evolved into a perverse cult who have collectively forgotten what it truly means to be American.

With the deluge of insane executive orders Biden threw out setting the framework for what’s to come over the next few years, the average struggling American citizen (especially those subjected to overreaching, draconian pandemic-inspired lockdowns and months of leftist riots sparked by an utterly false premise) has only begun to experience genuine “suck” in a big way if this “progress” isn’t somehow curtailed. I long for the days of Clinton, especially back to J.F.K., before the left, which I used to more readily agree with, lost their collective minds.

Anyone who subscribes to an ideology is immediately wrong, is instantly closing their minds to a large swath of possibilities, ideas and truths, i.e., is surrendering to cognitive programming by the collective via confirmation bias. Drop all ideology, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. belief. Start thinking critically and observing empirically instead.


Sure. Use a lot of words to confuse the whole Trump Is An Abomination which anyone with brain cells left understands. The guy was an Idiot, is an Idiot, was known to be an Idiot long before he made his Prez bid.

Why a significant amount of people like him? I can't explain that. It's very disheartening, that my Country has come to this.
Douchebag Royale has risen to be King ? It makes me so sad. I feel like Anne Frank. I'm hoping to find Good in the World, while everything is Ugly and Hideous, rump being the Supreme Example.

And I hate the whole I-don't-like-Trump-BUT -- wtf ?? That's a BS maneuver. rump is so obviously toxic you have to distance yourself, but gee, the other guys are Worse? Sure ! What a convenient place to put yourself. Not rump-camp but against the Libs. What the heck do you actually stand for anyway?


I just told you why they like him. His policies improved their lives in drastic, measurable ways. The problem is that you're placing importance and value on the wrong thing. Trump's personality is irrelevant, and yet you seem to have given Trump power over how you feel, how you react, how you think.

But Trump didn't do that. That was solely of your own accord. You choose how you feel, how you behave, how the words of another person affects you. Your problem wasn't Trump. Your problem was you. Trump was just the inkblot Rorschach test that revealed your weakness. He was just the trigger for the bullet you loaded yourself. Why give so much power to another person who has no idea they ever had that power?

Now having said that, there are some die-hard Trumper nutcases out there. Just like there were with Obama before him. There always is some core constituency of non-thinking believers.


The thing I think is stupid is how lame and blind certain people who worship Trump are. They are claiming a rigged election because their guy lost. I guarantee if he won you would not hear one peep out of them about a rigged election. There are also blind Biden worshippers as well, it is just sad that people blindly defend a side even if it is blatantly wrong.


I certainly can't disagree with that, which lies at the core of my point. But I would suggest to open your mind to all possible concepts, that nothing is black and white, right or wrong, left or right. The world isn't nearly that simple. There's always bad and good on all "sides". And there are many more than just two "sides" (in fact an infinite number). As soon as someone fully picks a "side" to lock in on, or chooses to rebuke what they perceive as the "other side", they've picked the wrong side. And that belief, through the cognitive process of confirmation bias, tends to then snowball until it spins completely out of control. Be aware that you don't get caught up in that trap of belief. Make an effort to rise above group-think.

Also, remember how Democrat politicians (and many in their respective constituencies) shouted the exact same thing about rigged elections ad-nauseum when Trump won, then continued to do so for the entire four years he was president, even to the point of claiming he was a Russian agent.


Yeah those are good points actually. It is hard because I have not liked any candidate that we have had to choose from.


That is indeed a very real problem. Unfortunately, people who tend to seek power do so solely for that power, and then often get even further corrupted by it, investing and becoming engrained in, and trapped by, interests that then become too painful for them to rebuke. It's a spiral of self-interest. There's a reason that many CEO's, presidents, or really anyone with the ambition to garner power for the sake of power, has the same gene shared with serial killers that drives them toward psychopathic thinking and behaviors. Ponder that a moment. Or maybe don't think about it too much, because it's late and you might want to sleep well tonight.


You serve the god of money. That's why you like Trump and it's really as simple as that. Sadly.


Ummm. No. And I specifically said I don't like Trump.

His rhetoric is overly inflammatory, and he's brutish. But unlike modern day progressive policies that disguise greed of power with feigned compassion, Trump actually took measures to try to help people in real ways, including minorities (while making some missteps along the way, as all presidents do), albeit sometimes with an almost childlike sense of openness and curiosity.

Unlike most other administrations, Republican or Democrat, Trump was an open book and couldn't use subterfuge if his life depended on it. He's as transparent as humanly possible, because he's incapable of tact or subtlety. He isn't a politician. His followers see him as a warrior who fights for his people. A crude, loudmouth, less intellectual warrior, but a warrior nonetheless.

And right or wrong, that's exactly why so many prone to belief flocked to him (while overlooking his flaws), while others like myself can see the value he brings to the table despite not liking him personally. I mean, seriously, he really was his own worst enemy at times, but many of his policies put people back to work and off government assistance at the highest rate in 50 years (which COVID demolished).

50.... years. Really contemplate that for a moment.

Despite his flaws, and there are many, unemployment was the lowest in 50 years, China no longer had the upper hand with trade negotiations, the U.S. was energy independent for the first time in decades, and many of the middle class no longer had to live above their means.

But go ahead, let your hate blind you to the obvious, trapping you in a vicious cycle of belief.


Ummm. Everything you've written is about money. What exactly did Trump do for the homeless, the least of these?


Your statement of "everything you write about is money" is either dense of disingenuous. That must just be how you're filtering it through a prism of closed-minded, narrowly focused bias. It's not about greed, which is what you seem to be implying. It's about opportunity.

So let's apply just a bit of common sense to the discussion...

Trump's policies created more job opportunities, which allowed more homeless to find employment than in many decades. You realize that money is required to not be homeless, right? Do you have a job and make money? Are you homeless? It's not about money for the sake of money. It's about buying power and the ability to forge a good life for yourself, which surprise, requires money.

What did Trump do for the homeless? The only thing possible: he created jobs for them.


People seem to like to say "I didn't like rump butt" then make arguments that seem to indicate they DID like rump. Wtf is that?

Guy was an Abomination, but it's okay on a technicality or ten.

Moe Howard for the next GOP nominee for Prez ! Any-effing-thing goes right now.
Why not spring Tim McVeigh from Prison? Doesn't matter that he's Dead.
Pubs will happily support him as the next Prez of the USA. A True Patriot.

Anybody who creates Havoc and Hate, that's good enough for the GOP.


The Democrats whined and bitched BEFORE Trump was even inaugurated and still are. I'd be willing to bet you did NOT accept it when Trump got elected just like the majority of the Democrats.


Nope I accepted it. Did I like it? Absolutely not! However I never once claimed voter fraud I took it on the chin and moved on rather than making up conspiracy theories.


Maybe you didn't but MANY Democrats did and are still whining about it.


Your assumption and generalization of me is dismissed. Yeah and what is your point? Republicans still moan and groan about Obama to this day. Do not act like it is one sided both sides do that. I do not like Trump one iota but I accepted him being president. Anytime I criticized him which I criticized Obama as well by the way I can give you the retort I would get verbatim.

Trump is your president, If Trump succeeds America succeeds, to go against him is unpatriotic, you need to get behind your president and show him respect and you are betraying your country if you don't. Okay if that is the case then it needs to apply to Biden as well. Or Obama or anyone who is in office. Notice how that patriotic loyalty disappears when it is a candidate who gets in office they dislike.


Not what I was talking about, at all.


Well the point stands.


As far as I can tell, there is one and only one party trying to make it much harder to vote.

I did early voting in virginia beach and wound up standing in a damned line for 7 fucking hours(meanwhile the wait was 15 minutes in Chesapeake), and the Republicans here seriously want to offer LESS days and hours for early voting! Unreal!


Exactly ! Pubs are actively making it Harder to vote in the vain expectation that their dummies will have the advantage over the rest of us. Shit, these people have NO platform other than stoking fear in uneducated white people and wanting us to believe their is some American Dream out there that will be extinguished because of efforts to level the playing field.


No, dimwit. People want and deserve fair elections which is what the Democrats fight against.


This is written in total sarcasm, right??


Wow, not too bright, are you?


Wow you are a clown bud. Biden is your president, if you don't like it I suggest you leave the country.


LOL hilarious coming from someone who chanted "not my president" and "Russia, Russia, Russia" for 4 years you shill


Post a link to where I said that. I will wait.


Liberals didn't say that for 4 years? You didn't buy into the Russia nonsense?


You are talking to me not the liberals. So no I never said any of that crap but I still think Trump is a joke.


And you sound like a liberal


Lol so no proof of your ignorant claim? Quit while you are ahead.


Nah you should.

Crying for Trumps tax returns, claiming Star Wars sequels are better than the prequels and that Black Panther was a great film

You're a woke liberal stop lying


That wasn't the original accusation you made. I am a liberal, I never denied that, but point to where I said anything about Russia. I'm still waiting. Also the Disney Star Wars films are better than the prequels. I have data to back that up all you have is your own opinion. Which the fact that you defended kneeling on someone's neck for over 5 minutes when they are handcuffed and you have armed officers at your back showcases your credibility is shot.


Lol ok pal tell me more how OrAnGe MaN BaD, drug dealers can't die from ODing, Mary Sue Rey is the best ChArAcTeR EvEr

I have data too that you're a soy faced goober you've just proved it. Bye bye credibility


Nope you are not deflecting and shifting topics. You claimed I commented and bought into the Russia scandal. Once you provide proof of that claim I will gladly humor you. Either concede that you made a false accusation about me or provide proof I bought into that Russia scandal. I'm still waiting.


And Im sure you'll defend this woman next

Keep waiting


You are such a hypocrite.




Sorry I stop reading after RandallGraves first reply to you. GAH! I should've read on. I was wrong.


That guy is an idiot! He literally defended the cop who kneeled on Floyd's neck for over 5 minutes. He said he was in fear for his life... A guy handcuffed unarmed and you have several armed police officers beside you. If your life feels threatened after that you have no business being a cop.


And do tell us the training you've had in law enforcement i'll wait


Funny another deflection. So can you prove your accusation or not? You made the claim and accusation when talking to me. The burden of proof is on you. So for the last time lets see it.


And you've made the claim you know about L.E. training so lets see it. I'm already done with the other convo


Nope! I said I know about law enforcement training. What do I need to prove to showcase that? You can easily search through my profile on this website and see if I ever posted about the Russia scandal. That is provable. You won't do it because you know you are wrong.


You've made quite a few claims about how LE should act in this situation so do tell us your first hand experience or what training you've had to handle someone in that drugged up state. You can't because you never had any. You're just another whiny liberal who doesn't know shit


Wow what is this deflection number 4? Anyways lets play the devil's advocate. Do you need to have any Law Enforcement training in order to say how a cop should and should not act? That is like saying you can't measure a professional athlete unless you yourself are a professional athlete. I took criminal law, criminal procedure and law enforcement operations in college. All of those are in a criminal justice degree. Even setting that aside though, anyone with half a brain will realize what Chauvin did was wrong and unlawful which is why he is being charged... So for like 4th time where did I post about the Russia scandel?


You need LE training to know how to subdue and drugged up suspect yes. Criminal law degree in college sure you did pal


No actually wrong. If someone is committing an unethical or an unlawful act you can observe it yourself. You realize a civilian can subdue a drug addict right? It has happened before. Tell me why is he being charged with all those crimes if he did nothing wrong? I accept your concession on being wrong about Russia. Your concession is noted.


Just gonna leave this for ya here

Your buddy Floyd swallowed drugs during a stop before in 2019 and was hospitalized after. In conclusion drug od killed him not being restrained


Guess what that does not excuse Chauvin from his crime. You do not kneel on someone's neck for over 5 minutes. That is police brutality. He won't be walking away from this it is all on film.


I'd love to see you subdue someone drugged up and acting erratically. Try someone on PCP or some tweaked out meth head. You'd get your head split and your cheeks busted

And it wasn't police brutality. Rodney King was police brutality. See the difference?


If a cop who is armed can't subdue a handcuffed unarmed person with several armed police officers at his side you have no business being a cop. If it was not police brutality then why is he in court right now? He would not be splitting anyone's head or busting anyone's cheek he was handcuffed and subdued. The cop was not in fear for his life. Therefore that is police brutality.


That's not how you control and detain a suspect now is it? Certainly someone with your extensive police background would know that. LOL


You are serious? Wow! You can subdue someone without kneeling on their neck. He was unarmed as well as handcuffed. You do realize there are non lethal ways to subdue someone correct?


You're still confused on what caused Floyds death and no matter how many times you repeat it fact is he died of an overdose from swallowing drugs. He did the same in 2019 and was hospitalized for it. Don't let that get in the way of your delusion though


No you aren't hearing me because your head is too thick. Even putting the death aside that is police brutality. You don't kneel on someone's neck like that for over 5 minutes!


No retort yeah I thought not.


After nine days? LOL I've said all I need to say but stay butthurt and come back in another week ask me again


Which means you got defeated. Don't worry I am sure you will make yourself look stupid again. Remember your logic republican=good democrat=bad.


LOL you look stupid and pathetic waiting nine days to bring up a topic everyone has moved on from.

And George Floyd is still a criminal shitbag cry more for him LOSER


So criminals deserve death then huh? Good to know. I thought we believed in our judicial system apparently not. Criminals don't deserve to have police brutality happen to them. Kneeling on someone's neck like that for over 5 minutes is police brutality.


I'm sure you'll defend this woman next


Not even going to click the link. Stay on topic bud. You shift topics because you have lost every point you have attempted to argue with me.


It is on topic you'd know that if you watched. What's wrong your vast law enforcement training can't find an answer?


Nope we are arguing George Floyd. Why is Chauvin being charged with many crimes if he did nothing wrong? No it is not on topic. You have shifted topics like 3 times already.


So no answer and you don't know wtf you're talking about. Noted


Never watched video. I reject your deflection. Anything else or we done here? This has been fun but owning you is now boring. So we done?


You haven't owned shit. And you don't know shit thanks for proving it


Concession noted. Get an education and then come back to me. I have a feeling I will be waiting a while. You have a ways to go in order to develop yourself. Good luck to you.


Ok pal


It’s amazing how all those things you mentioned would have been huge problems had Trump started them.

Trump restarts military conflicts in the Middle East!
Thousands of children arriving and being put in cages!
Trump locks down Washington DC!

It’s all spin and problems that are only problems when Republicans are in charge.

Imagine had Trump not given a press conference by now?


I'm glad Trump's gone just wish someone could have staked that vampire to ensure he never comes back.


Oh, you mean Biden? Me too! Nah, he’s pitiful.


Lately I've been laughing that TikTok is bigger than ever after that dumb shit said it needed to be banned in the US.
Way to go, Almighty Numb Skull. Sure knocked that one out of the park.


Tik tok looks like s bunch of freaks.
Collecting info for China.
Chinese app making sa whole generation of young kids by these cheap Chinese fidgets


Who the hell do you think has been supporting Walmart all this time, the company that buys from China almost exclusively?
Socially conscious Liberals, or cheap ass rump supporters? Sure there is a mix of the two, but to claim we are being brain-washed to support China by the Left is an Effing Joke.

Who is trying to raise the Quality of Life in the US? rump supporters?
Raise it for Who? The Wealthy? The White?

The root meaning behind our Constitution or our Declaration of Independence is that all are created equal and we give Everyone the opportunity to succeed.
This is a Pipe Dream, I admit, but we should not abandon it because we are afraid of people looking to the USA for comfort and solace. We have one of the most dynamic economies in the World, and we should be able to figure out how to help the Rest of the World and not holler America First like it means something while we trade internationally on a regular basis.


If America had that mentality it would never look like it does today.

America has stalled in its progress because now its helping the rest of the world.

America use to have high standards and was built on one nation under God.
When you lose that mentality a you get the rubbish you are seeing today.

America barely has clean drinking water pipes, infrastructure is dying.
Do we want to give money towards the foundations of the country or towards illegal alien camps?
And yes China owned tik tok is creating a huge market for cheap Chinese fidgets.
Now the only problem those plastics to make those toys are recycled from contaminated products like plastic gasoline cans.
The Chinese recycle plastic gasoline cans and use that plastic for fidgets and water bottles. Only to be sold abroad


Pure propaganda. I want a real President back. I miss business confidence and freedom. Fuck your cancel culture. Brown shirt..


Trump was an asshole and is going to jail


But are an asshole. (you are and you know it)


Trump lost and is going to jail
You can visit him or send him money


Trump was more Real Housewives than he was a real president.


Props for the funny and accurate zinger.


Yes Americans are happy about open borders during covid.

Yes Americans are happy about open borders during a job shortage.

Americans are happy about open travel to countries that sponsor terrorism.

Americans are happy they key stone pipeline is killed, Americans love being dependent on foreign oil.

Americans love having transgender men compete against girl's.

American's love no cash bail and defund the police.

Can anyone name one Democrat policy that helps Americans?


Ya! So much that they will welcome $4....$5....$6....$7 gas and their towns overwhelmed by illegals taking their jobs!


OMG, let's jack up false concern about $7 gas prices !
What, are you paid to do this nonsense?
And if we actually did see $7 gas prices, do you think it's because Dems WANTED this?

And Illegals taking jobs Americans don't want and will work harder at?
My state still has Gas Station Attendants, jobs for people to have, and I rarely, if ever, have seen someone who can't speak English doing that job.
So eff that garbage about illegals taking jobs.
Do you want maids and janitorial workers to do their jobs? At what wage? Do they get respect and honor and compensation for their work? Or should they be good ol' Americans who suck it up, work bad hours for minimum wages while the employer exploits the economic landscape?
I say it's the latter.


Gasoline is already up about 30% since senile Joe took office.

It doesn't have to compound at that rate very many times to get about $7. In fact I expect that with Dems and the global warming alarmists in charge, the price will go much higher and you or I can imagine.


If you really believe that, you should probably get out of the tiny bubble you seem to be living in.
