MovieChat Forums > einsteinfountain > Replies
einsteinfountain's Replies
My exact quote.
<blockquote>I said it is often the correct one, true I should have said the best, but I did not say it is the correct one I said it is often the correct one. So since you said best and correct are different than so is claiming I said it is THE correct vs often times it is.</blockquote>
So no I openly said in my first response that I should have said best. So I honestly think you are the one who is being disingenuous. It does not change the fact that you misquoted me also. I owned up to my mistake now own up to yours.
<blockquote>If you just mindless like all 3, then you are bad consumer who is just not paying attention to quality story. Which is an indication something is wrong with you.</blockquote>
Not true whatsoever. You can like mindless fun without having anything wrong with you. Yet another condescending jab you are trying to project to make yourself appear superior.
They can argue if they want. You act as if if they need your respect to argue. This shows you did not listen to what I said. So then if someone says I liked this movie because despite it's flaws it had great visuals, and the music was solid. That is all they need to say in order for their opinion to be understood. I do not care if you respect anyone's view what I think is silly is you want to literally say something is mentally wrong with someone for something they enjoy. It literally is insulting and rather rude. Just for these comments alone it makes me not respect your view at all.
That is just it one could argue they could make an easy reason to understand why they liked TFA. It could be the most shallow reason on the block. You could sneer at it but in the end they gave you their reason as to why they thought the film was good.
Absolutely it is. Thing is if I can point out several flaws in a classic film you can not come against then that means I have valid points correct? I am all about pointing to flaws which have a strong overall effect on the plot.
Nope if that were true I would not have openly acknowledged that I should have said best instead of correct.
So since it is a trilogy then we need to judge it as a whole rather than individually. If that is the case the only truly great big budget trilogy would be Lord of the Rings. No other big budget film trilogy has all entries that are so closely rated critically as well as by users. A New Hope and Empire stand head and shoulders above Return of the Jedi. The first two Godfathers stand head and shoulders above the third. LOTR they are all very close in terms of reception. Sure you can judge them independently. You are basically saying that because they all connect you have to judge them as a whole and can't like an individual film. Terminator 1 and 2 are great anything after I will pass on. Yep it is a sequel but I do not have to consider it canon. Same goes for Godfather 1 and 2. I do not have to consider 3 part of the franchise. Who says that is a bad thing enjoying all three even if what you said is true? Nothing is wrong with a person who enjoys a movie for any reason it is an opinion.
No I got the point just fine. No one needs your respect to have an opinion on these films. If someone puts out a review that many people find sound and you don't that is your right to disagree with it and think it is terrible. Why should they care about your respect? What do they gain by having your respect?
I acknowledged my error by saying I should have said best.
See but this is where I disagree. Since you obviously hated TFA it would not have mattered where they took the story you would still have considered it a bad film. A bit unfair. Your mind was made up before you even laid eyes on the film. No my point stands when you order food it is exact films are not like that. You said if someone gave you different from what you ordered would it be acceptable? No because you picked from a specific menu. The audience's reaction to the product showcases what people liked or disliked.
So then someone can think TFA is a good film on it's own without having a mental condition or your stamp of approval then correct? So enjoying the trilogy as a whole is the unforgivable cardinal sin in your eyes then? Who determines what is a sound opinion? You the mass public? Look I get basic logic but different things bother different people for many reasons. So then if I point out flaws someone can not come against in a classic film that gives me the right to call it a bad film if they can not defend it?
You misquoted me on Occam's razor. My exact quote was this.
<blockquote>Sometimes the simplest explanation is often the correct one.</blockquote>
This is the dictionary definition.
<blockquote>Occam's razor is a philosophical principle that states the simplest explanation is usually the best one.</blockquote>
I said it is often the correct one, true I should have said the best, but I did not say it is the correct one I said it is often the correct one. So since you said best and correct are different than so is claiming I said it is THE correct vs often times it is.
I got what you were trying to convey but it is silly to compare it to ordering food as I illustrated. Movies are not exact like that, we judge them by if they are good or bad. I judge a movie for what it is not what I want it to be. If you go into a movie with a food menu like expectation you are going to be disappointed. I am not saying you can't be displeased with the quality of the film but having those type of expectations is going to lead you nowhere.
Answer my question then. So if someone who is a fan or critic can't convince you then they should take their review down and go well I would post this review but I can not convince arflexit? I am pretty sure it does not work that way.
Oh yes I forgot about James McAvoy he was great in Split.
Or you could just enjoy the film? Ever heard of the term Occam's razor? Sometimes the simplest explanation is often the correct one. Yeah you are right in the fact that whoever pays money to see these films is contributing to them being made. Producer's make what is profitable after all. No you can enjoy the film and think the producer cares about the film. If you proceed to complain about how awful the films are but continue to pay to see them you honestly have no right to complain and should just be quiet. Which to be clear I am not referring to you I am talking about those who shell out the bucks to see it.
Bad example comparing food service to films. When you order a pizza you can look at the menu and look exactly to see what toppings, sauce, crust, and sides you want. This is exact. Even if the food is terrible what you order is precise. Movies are not like that. You don't have a menu that says okay I want this in my film and fill in the blanks for whatever else. You go in hoping for a good film that you enjoy nothing more. If you go in with menu expectations like ordering food you are going to be disappointed. No one went into Empire Strikes Back and went okay I want Vader to be Luke's father, Luke to be defeated, I want Han to be captured and I want it to end on a huge cliff hanger. You do have the right to voice your displeasure but as I said bad example using food.
So it boils down to they need to get through you in order to have a valid opinion? Interesting logic. Chinatown was not what I expected guess what I loved the film. I do not get all hung up on being a child about not getting what I want. I care if the film is well executed, if it is not I will voice my displeasure of the film. Some people like that the Last Jedi subverted expectations you ever consider that? Also we have not even debated the films yet, I just came against your claim I found to be silly. Do not cast your frustrations with other users onto me. When someone is married to an idea or way of thinking how are you supposed to change their mind if you disagree? It is a waste of time. You sound rather dead set that the ST is bad and will not hear anything to the contrary. So I then ask does a film critic or fan have to throw in the towel and say okay you know what my opinion is not valid because I can not convince arflexit?
Sounds to me like you are the one getting worked up. I am honestly here for a friendly debate.
Not really relevant to my point. I was showcasing that a stable person can like Return of the Jedi even though you could argue it weakens the lore. I never said it undid what came before. I am perfectly calm. I think what happened is you realized what you said was ignorant and are now attempting to play it off as a joke. I could be wrong but that is what my gut instinct tells me.
People watch films for different reasons one. Number two people might have a different take on how they view the film than you do. There is continuity issues with the prequels as well, there are people that like the prequels and nothing is wrong with them simply because they like the prequels. That is the beautiful thing about having an opinion we can like and dislike a film for any reason we want while at the same time having nothing mentally wrong. I do not care what film you like or dislike but to say well if someone thinks this movie is good or bad there is something wrong with them. Yeah stepping over the line.
There are only 2 Star Wars films I can acknowledge that are good in my book. The rest are not my thing. However you won't catch me saying that something is wrong with a person because they like films I do not or fundamentally disagree.
We all do think and have our individuality but not everyone comes to the same conclusion now do they?
Thanks I was always baffled he never got a nod. That tears in rain speech is so iconic and the best part was he improvised a lot of it.
No I think I understood you just fine. You are saying that if you enjoy all three then there is something wrong with that person. Projecting is a rather ignorant move. What if someone said it is impossible to like the entire OT Star Wars because Return of the Jedi cheapens some of the lore? No you can enjoy all three and be a perfectly functional sane member of society. To suggest someone has a mental condition simply because they see things differently than you is rather ignorant.
Jake Gyllenhaal-Louis Bloom Nightcrawler
Rutger Hauer-Roy Batty Blade Runner
Mickey Rourke-Marv Sin City
Lenardo Dicaprio-Calvin Candie Django Unchained
Uma Therman-The Bride Kill Bill
John Malkovich-Lenny Small Of Mice and Men
Gary Sinise-George Milton Of Mice and Men
That is part of what made Superman Returns a bad film. A sequel when it should have been a reboot.
<blockquote>People that liked the full sequel trilogy should have their heads examined. Even if you liked one film; the disjointed recon from film to film would mean you could not possible enjoy all 3. If you did you probably have something wrong with your head.</blockquote>
So in other words someone can not enjoy them and be a perfectly intelligent stable individual? Glad to know you accept other views on film.
No thanks.