einsteinfountain's Replies

I never did deny it. I have actually had several altercations with extremists on the other side. There are toxic people on the other side I openly admit that. Thing is you want to see me ridicule the other side because you have disdain for it. I love that game unless you personally see it you assume I support the other side. Comb through my posts I do not stand behind violence or looting. In fact I have spoken out against it many times. Okay then do not bring it up to people that this movie made that list. It does not alter anyone's view it simply is stating the obvious. I do not think highly of the film and no rating a person gives will alter that. As I am sure you will not alter your view. I do not find The Dark Knight Rises to be that great of a film. I think it is good but I would put The Dark Knight and BB ahead of it. People who say that often are not. It is like claiming to be the best critic. I doubt it. That comment shows you think way too highly of yourself. Humility learn it it will serve you. IMDB backs movies that you think are garbage being great also. You cite it because you feel it furthers your point. Therefore do not bring it up if it is not important. No it actually is not. Since all you use are ghost and strawman arguments. Yes but you were rather chummy with him. Often times you would be laughing at the points he was making. Even if he said truth after mocking that I would not support him after that. You do that garbage by making fun of death and cancer you are dead to me. Oh yeah and he called the autistic kid trash! Rather disgusting as well. He does not care about hurting people's feelings. If anyone mocked cancer or anything of the sort I would not associate with them anymore. I denounced the rioting and looting done by BLM. Even though I lean a certain way I do not support hurting innocent people or acts of violence. I am about peaceful protesting. Breaking no laws, and not harming anyone or their property. I am glad he is gone and do not feel one ounce of sympathy for that trash human being. I do not feel bad for that scumbag at all. He mocked Chadwick's Boseman's death and cancer. Real classy guy. I lost respect for him after he mocked Chadwick Boseman's cancer. He said yeah that Black Panther sequel is doomed wukancer forever lol! Mocking an innocent man's cancer is absolutely disgusting! He was a racist bigot. It burned him up that Black Panther was successful and I know that he is glad Chadwick died of that awful illness. So he got exactly what he deserved. I also lost respect for you when you were standing by him. I am not saying you supported that but I do not care what anyone says after saying those things they lose my support period! The fact that you kspkap claim to be a person of faith is appalling to me that you would stand behind a person of that level of filth. IMDB confirms it is a great film? I thought you did not appeal to popularity? I thought you said that was a logical fallacy? Yet you do that constantly. Do not be a hypocrite. Do you know the history of the confederate flag? Might want to brush up on history before making yourself look foolish. Seems like a waste of time. There there child school has been let out. You may go home now. Good step back in line where you belong simpleton. Where did I say it was right? It is not about right and wrong it is about what should be allowed and what should not. If a person went out and killed the guy who raped his daughter would I condone it? Nope but I would understand why that person did it. It is easy to say oh I would not have that child aborted even in rape well okay easy to say from your safe space. Until you are in that situation you do not know what you would do. Would some do the honorable thing and keep it? Sure but you couldn't really judge a person who would not want to deal with it. So then also that means you are willing to help fund programs to help the mother after the kid is born correct? Remember rape is not their choice. Therefore you need to pitch in to programs that help the child after it is born. If you say no then you are again pro birth not pro life. I never said that. I agree you have the right to defend yourself the way you see fit. However the guy in the case I showed you was wrong. Defending yourself is one thing an outright execution when it is uneccesary is another. Nope it is an anology that shows what going too far can do. No when you said fair game most the time that means even those actions carried out by that man were okay. I am not looking to kill or harm anyone. Is it necessary sometimes yes but I do not look forward to it like some of these wanna be tough guys on here. Never said it was the child's fault, however it is not black and white. That is a lot to ask a woman to carry a child and go through pregnancy that literally puts your body through the ringer when you know the child is a result of rape. Ultimately do I think the right thing to do would be to keep it? Sure but it should be a choice whether they want to or not. Not nope you were raped deal with it! If you do that there will be more people that attempt self abortions or go to places or countries where they can get it done. See again another ignorant point. People are going to have sex period. The key to is for them to be educated on protection. I disagree with them doing abortion as a means of contraception. Rape and threat of the mom's life is understandable though. Rape is not on them so why should they have to go through that pain for something they did not choose to do? Nope not a scaepgoat you just do not like that you can't dismiss it. Rape is not self responsiblity. That is an act someone did to a person outside of their control. So basically you are saying too bad you got raped sucks to suck. Good luck on providing for that child. So again you are pro birth not pro life just be honest. Well it goes the other way as well. It is a buzz word to shoot down anything that does not align with their conservative views. People will literally say that no good comes from socialist programs. Which as I demonstrated is blatantly false. It is true your first post to me was an assumption. So you have no grounds to stand on here my friend. Look at some of the universitys in Texas. They praise Columbus as if he is some deity who is a saint that did no wrong. Check out the videos of Prager University. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PragerU Where did I try to be a comedian? Never did you are simply upset that I can combat and dismantle your points. It is not their choice though. It is illegal in most states. The right wing talking point is it is a gateway drug. I do not view a stoner as any different than other people. See and you just admitted you judge stoners why? Is their choice affecting you? I have met stoners that work their job, are productive members of society and are good people. You do not think highly of them because you have this holier than thou attitude and think you are better than others. A guy once had two teenagers that broke into his house. He shot both of them but it gets worse after he shot them and they were down for the count he dragged the girl by her feet and then shot her in the head. She was already down from the bullet he had shot her with. He had no right to execute her. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byron_David_Smith_killings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhUn5cRJBbY Fair enough. Then why did you get all bent out of shape when I said socialism is a scare word? I never said have a few socialist programs made a country socialistic. I said that people use that word to discredit anything that is a socialist program without realizing some socialist programs benefit society. I am not pretending I am pointing out hypocrisy and facts. See it is annoying when people make assumptions isn't it? Therefore do not make assumptions about me and I will do the same in return got it? I used to be extremely right a long time ago that was until I realized the issues they were wrong on. Now am I a full blown leftist no I can think for myself and disagree with them on many things. Indocrination happens on the right as well. Look at how the right views the war on drugs it is very ignorant. Why should someone smoking weed in their basement be a legal issue? Disagree with you about abortion. If it is rape or the child will threaten the life of the mother it should be allowed. The problem with extreme right wingers on here is they are pro birth they are not pro life. The second that child is born they say let them starve it is not our responsilbility to take care of that kid. So that means you are not pro life you are only pro birth. Some women do that abortion because they know they have no financial means to support the kid. If they would actually put their money where their mouth was and want to help the mom support the child after birth I would listen as it stands it is not the case. Also that is a cavalier approach to take when you are not in the situation. Let your daughter, sister, mother or you be a woman that got raped and you are telling me abortion would not cross your mind? Do not lie now. Disagree with being fair game as well. Do I believe you have the right to defend yourself yes but you should never be looking to kill somneone. Lets leave these quotes for you. From a guy named Martin Luther King you might have heard of him. “Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.” “Capitalism forgets that life is social. And the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism, but in a higher synthesis.” “I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic… [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive… but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness.” https://mlkglobal.org/2017/11/23/martin-luther-king-on-capitalism-in-his-own-words/