MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is Biden really America Last?

Is Biden really America Last?

I hear reports of him being Trumpian in many aspects. He's kept most of Trump's foreign policy minus the Paris Agreement and a few others but everything else is mostly still in place. I think he's about 62% America First.


The Democratic party is paid for by the same people who pay for the Republicans, that is why Bernie was so important, to show how people can take back the government with small donations. The problem is that as Republicans fuck the economy people are strapped for cash and do not have the spare money to donate to their political interests.

This is a good reason to support Andrew Yang's policy of "Democracy Dollars" wherein everyone gets a certain amount of money to give away to their chosen political candidates.


The people that support Bernie is very low though. Only California and a few other states voted for him. Rest went for Biden.


That's a misinterpretation of the facts. People were understandably anxious that Bernie might get less votes than Biden, so they opted for more Conservative Biden, but also Bernie, last election, had to split the vote before like 10 other candidates. Bernie was still the last man standing, and you could see in the debates he deliberately lost to Joe Biden ... threw those debates. As well he should have. He should have dropped out when Warren still had a chance. She was very popular and split the vote from Bernie. Warren is also stronger, smarter, quicker and more accomplished than Bernie ... but then there was the "woman factor" plus her several flubs.

Also, Bernie's policies are the most popular in the country .. which is why Trump tried to co-opt them. That said,

Politico is a BS right-wing website.


Media Bias/Fact Check rates Politico as "least biased" and "high" for factual reporting.

How many years of University to become so stupid? CNN helps too.


Who rates Politico as least biased?


I don't care. You fuckers act like you are so cynical of the fake news, but when you hop right up to it when it suits your purposes. Every time I have seen or been referred to Politico it has had a large right-wing slant to it. And when I say fuckers ... I mean it ... why is it you right-wing jackoffians cannot make a single comment without loading it with insults? You people are really useless.


Lol, Biden is nothing like Trump, Trump actually cared about us, Biden only cares about himself , the Demokkkrat party and the foreign powers he’s colluded with. The son of a bitch belongs behind bars for the rest of his sad, miserable life


Why do you think that Trump cared. or cares about you? What did he do that convinced you of that?


he gave him a red baseball cap and invited him to a jingoistic chanting party , in order to get his rocks off saying "I used to be president"


He gave us energy independence , he gave us peace in the Middle East, until Covid we had a strong economy and record low unemployment especially for African Americans, a secured border with record low rates of illegal immigration , he lowered our taxes, he gave us 3 Covid vaccines, etc

But yeah you’re just all pissy because he sent mean tweets.


wind mills, solar energy gave us less need for gas, and soon electric vehicles will also, the unemployment thing started in Obama time, also if he lowed your taxes you make more money than most, also he got covid and got special treatment


Except we arent getting any of those things, instead now we are just begging OPEC to produce more oil and countries that hate us now have us by the balls

Unemployment went down under Trump until Covid, it was higher under both Obama and Biden

Trump gave a tax cut to everyone, you are lying about that, I am middle class and my taxes went down.

How did he get special treatment? Also if you want to talk about special treatment the demokkkrats get tax payer funded security yet want to take away police protection from everyone else


"Trump actually cared about us, Biden only cares about himself "

You need therapy.


They’ll just say I am of sound mind and am an objective , rational thinker. They will however want to commit you.


shut up kid, you only know about sonic the hedgehog and shitty superhero movies, let the adults talk


And yet I’m not into either of those things. More ignorant assumptions from an ignorant libtard


oh crap i didnt even look at the username lol. you are definitely a child and a moron. again, shut up and let the adults talk, kiddo.


I hate your cult and what they did to you, I hate it.


sorry i am not a devout christian, no cult here. try again kid


Not all cults are Christian, we have all kinds of cults including the libtard cult which has clearly brainwashed you.

Also FYI insulting Christianity means nothing to me considering I'm atheist. Nice try libtard.


never said you were or werent. but considering how you have such a narrow mind on someone who disagrees with you, id' say you are the one who is brainwashed. if you cannot see how i am at least partially right, you're just proving my point. lol


Not at all, I am an unbiased, objective observer and for the most part I am fair. You however are a radical, brainwashed libtard cultist and you need help and reeducation. You’re like those people in the Westboro Baptist Church Cult only so much worse.


you....just, have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

please show me ANYTHING you have said that is 'unbiased', and please tell me what I have said that is even close to being a 'radical, brainwashed libtard cultist'. is being moderately unsupportive of trump enough to be a radical extremist? or do you just have no idea what those words actually mean?

and yeah, no way in hell do you have two doctorates, unless they are in like fine arts or something useless. eh, nevermind, you actually have to sit in class and not be a moron even to achieve that.


I know exactly what I’m talking about and I am a great source of information because I am fair and balanced, I don’t care about the left or the right I just call it like it is. You however will not go against your cult because they’ve indoctrinated you to blindly follow. That’s why you are not reliable yet I am.


lol okay bro, i am convinced you are trolling. nobody can be that stupid on purpose. nobody, even somebody with 2 degrees, would ever willingly call themselves a "great source of information". i feel bad for picking on someone with Aspergers lol. adios muchachos


I’m glad you’re making steps towards sanity, I’m proud of you although we still have a lot of work to do.


*eye roll emoji*


I can only help you as much as you’re willing to help yourself.


too late, i lost my virginity years ago


Whatever you have to tell yourself to be able to sleep at night.

I guess I can’t help you.


log off. you clearly didnt study humor in college.


Get off the internet, you clearly are too deluded and brainwashed to have a rational discussion.


so let the rational discussion begin...


We’re waiting on you you loser


who is "we"? you and your pscyhe ward nurses?


Just myself and a bunch of very concerned posters on here, many people have PMed me to complain about your behavior


lol "complain", what are you, some sort of hall monitor? have you told the truth about ANYTHING?


People just see me as the voice of reason on this board and I’m just giving you a heads up multiple movie chat posters are frustrated with your cult behavior


you probably see yourself that way.

nobody else gives a fuck about you or your acts of "vigilence"


Again this is all a result of your cult, you don’t see things objectively and rationally as I do which is why no one should take you seriously and it's also why so many people have complained to me about you.


how long do you think we can keep this pointless conversation going? 5 years?


It's all a matter of whether you are willing to see reason. I promise one day you will thank me for what I'm doing for you. You may hate me now but one day you will appreciate me.


maybe i can start by enrolling at either of the two colleges you got you doctorates from? i'd love to learn from them. which would be...?


No you need therapy and re-education first.


maybe we could share a therapist? then again yours clearly does not seem to be working


I don’t need a therapist.

Look kid I’m trying to help you, one day you are going to thank me.


Just read this ...

> Trump actually cared about us, Biden only cares about himself

What a riot.

Surprisingly few voters think Trump cares about ‘people like me’

... three years into his presidency, most Americans do not perceive Trump as particularly concerned about the middle class, the poor or people like them. They do see him as concerned about the wealthy, however. In fact, Trump is perceived no differently from how Romney was at the end of the 2012 presidential campaign. ...


Appealing to popularity is a logical fallacy also it’s meaningless considering you had the entire Demokkkrat media lying about him for 4 for straight years and doing everything they could to destroy his presidency and the country.


Yet you do that constantly. Do not be a hypocrite.


Nope I don't and I don't need to because my premise is logical and rational.


No it actually is not. Since all you use are ghost and strawman arguments.


It is, I am an unbiased and objective observer and what I say is as close to truth as it gets. I don't care about any cults or political parties, I only care about what's right.


People who say that often are not. It is like claiming to be the best critic. I doubt it. That comment shows you think way too highly of yourself. Humility learn it it will serve you.


Again I’m just calling it like it is. I don’t think you are a radical libtard Demokkkrat and I think there is hope for you, you should be proud that I think that.


No you are not. I can already tell from those comments alone you are very biased.


No bias at all from me. You thinking I’m biased is only revealing your own bias


Nope I can see what you are biased towards it is rather obvious.


Well I don't know what to tell you, I have been trying to convince you that 2+2=4 but apparently something isn't getting through.


Now then, anyone reading reading your flailing ramblings on TDKR board knows this isn't the case.


Now you're deflecting which further proves that you can't debate the facts.


He's wants open borders to bring about the genocide of the American population by means of The Great Replacement. Joe Biden's handlers hate this country.


You need therapy too.


Too bad the moron and his woke crew didn't keep Trump's Afghanistan exit plan.


You mean the exit plan that Trump promised but diddn't deliver?


Try to conceive a plan worse than what Senile Joe had. You can't. It's impossible. A severely retarded person could have come up with a better plan. A 5 yr old could come up with a better plan. So fuck off and die asshole.


You copy and pasted this immature reply at least three times . . .how old are you?


Wanted to make sure you all got the same message. What is wrong with that?


Well we all got the message but I don’t think it’s the one you intended. Unless you wanted to come off like a 14 year old brat.


I could have slightly altered each message. Why waste the time doing that?


Trumps plan involved retaliating against the Taliban if they took one step out of line, clearly Biden isn’t following Trumps plan


So where can I read this plan of his?


He’s said it many times, just get your head out of the sand


So he said it . . .but he didn't have a plan? It was just talk, no plan of action, no attempt to do anything? Talk is cheap.


Ummm so if he didn’t write it down it doesn’t count? Is that really your premise? FYI I’m not saying he didn’t write it down.


It doesn't count if you talk about something and don't DO anything.


You’re right he didn’t do anything such as abandoning Americans behind enemy lines , leaving behind 80 billion dollars in Military weaponry, giving up our bases, etc. the withdrawal from Afghanistan is the worst thing to happen to the country since the civil war and it happened on your cult leaders watch. You only have him to blame


Lol Are you fucking kidding me? ‘The worst thing to happen since the civil war’ You aren’t the least bit glad that we are out of that money sucking American death trap? I don’t know who you are repeating with this ‘cult leader’ shit lol nobody worships Biden like Trump was worshipped.


It absolutely is the worst thing to happen to America since the Civil War and it happened on your cult leaders watch. Your cult leader just armed and abetted the Taliban and he gave them American hostages. He is a traitor to the United States and if you had an ounce of integrity you’d be screaming for his impeachment and prosecution. I would have rather we kept the Air Force base which your cult leader gave up, I’d rather we either kept or destroyed the 80 billion in military weaponry which your cult leader gave to the Taliban, and I’d rather we had not left Americans behind enemy lines who your cult leader I did abandon.

It’s not just Biden, you will worship any DemoKKKrat who is in power, you are blindly dedicated to your DemoKKKrat cult and now your entire sense of morality and right and wrong are completely backwards. You people need serious help and I can only hope that America wakes up and kicks the motherfucker out of office along with the rest of your cult.


So Trump and every single other president didn't leave the enemies weapons? You need to learn your history. It is disgusting that you don't know how many times America not only 'left' weapons behind for the enemy but actually SOLD and profited from the sale of weapons to the worst people on earth.

I don't even 'Like' Bidden. You are the one who worshiped a president.
You are seriously deluded if you think people, especially democrats of which I am not affiliated, care one bit as much about Bidden as you do about Trump.


No, President Trump did not make the Taliban the 3rd most heavily armed army in the world, that was all your cult leader. Biden gave the Taliban our weapons, our bases and hostages. President Trump did nothing of the sort. Also your premise is a false equivalence, selling weapons would imply we got something out of the deal (which Biden got nothing out of giving them our military weaponry), doing business with politically unstable countries isn’t the same as aiding and abetting enemies of the United States a major false equivalence on your part. Another problem with your premise is dealing with people you don’t agree with isn’t the same as aiding and abetting enemies of the United States, that’s treason. A third problem is I have yet to see any evidence that President Trump did anything on the same level as Biden has done. Biden is responsible for the worst disaster our country has faced since the Civil War.

While we are on the subject BTW under President Trump we were energy independent and didn’t have to rely on OPEC nations who hate us and are horrible people, thanks to your cult leader we are now buying oil and doing business with some of the worst people on Earth, you know Muslim nations who persecute women, gays, etc. Even by your own standards your cult leader is still far worse than Trump ever has. Your cult leader is a traitor and belongs in prison for the rest of his miserable life. Also you need to learn how to recognize a logical fallacy because your post is riddled with them.

I don’t worship Presidents or Cult leaders, I only care about who will look out for Americans and make us a prosperous country, whether it’s Trump or De Santis or whoever I don’t care, as long as they do the right thing. You however will never turn against your cult because they have indoctrinated you so severely. You need help, kid.

Also the fact that you have to keep deflecting to President Trump is not only utterly pathetic but it’s a clear indication that you can’t defend the treasonous actions of your cult leader. He is responsible single-handedly for the worst disaster our country has experienced in over 150 years. He is a traitor and should be jailed immediately.


You don't acknowledge what I say and keep going on and on AND ON about my supposed 'cult leader' and repeating Right Wing news commentary so what is the point me saying anything?

Keep ranting to yourself or learn the art of conversation.


Why should I give your lies and misinformation any credibility?


Trump didnt have a plan.

He probly exited his meeting with the taliban and while they were rolling on the floor laughing about the visit from the orange moron infidel he was getting back in the jet thinking "Well thats peace in the middle east sorted , boy I truly am the greatest"


Try to conceive a plan worse than what Senile Joe had. You can't. It's impossible. A severely retarded person could have come up with a better plan. A 5 yr old could come up with a better plan. So fuck off and die asshole.


Trump did have a plan, Biden didn’t follow it and now he’s trying to blame Trump because he’s a coward


I really would like to know what Trumps Afghanistan exit plan was and why he didn’t make it happen while in office after saying he would.


Try to conceive of a plan worse than what Senile Joe had. You can't. It's impossible. A severely retarded person could have come up with a better plan. A 5 yr old could come up with a better plan. So fuck off and die asshole.


First of all Trump’s plan wasn’t to abandon Americans behind enemy lines, secondly Trump’s plan is a non sequitur. Biden is the President, as he said the bucks stops with him and he has blood on his hands.

You really are a piece of garbage, we have Americans trapped behind enemy lines at the mercy of the radical Taliban Terrorists and you want to play politics and blame Trump.


"Wuss" Trump only talked about it. Biden actually did it.


Who cares what she says? She's a dude.

Try to conceive a plan worse than what Senile Joe had. You can't. It's impossible. A severely retarded person could have come up with a better plan. A 5 yr old could come up with a better plan. So fuck off and die asshole.


So it was Trump's idea to close the airbase after sneeking out in the middle of the night? It was his idea to withdraw troops before US civilians and Afghan allies? Was it his idea to arm the Taliban with 80 billion dollars of weapons and equipment?


It was either that or we stay there for another 20 years.

I'm actually in agreement with you that Trump would've changed his mind and stayed there. So is Ann Coulter. That's why she called him a wuss.

Trump was only willing to talk about it. Biden actually did it.

But don't look at me. I didn't vote for Trump.


No it was not either that or we stay there. Could have kept the airbase open, evacuated US civilians and friendly Afghans from there, destroyed what we couldn't take and then had the military bug out IN THAT ORDER.


No it wasn’t, Trump was going to keep the base, was not going to leave Americans behind enemy lines, was not going to leave 80 billion in military weaponry and his plan was dependent upon the Taliban behaving and if they didn’t he was going to obliterate them. Biden didn’t follow Trumps plan, he’s a failure and a coward


No it was not either that or we stay there. Could have kept the airbase open, evacuated US civilians and friendly Afghans from there, destroyed what we couldn't take and then had the military bug out IN THAT ORDER.

Seems obvious yeah , and you'd think some of the military top brass might have assisted with the strategy too.
Perhaps it wasnt quite that simple for whatever reason .
I look forward to some documentary on how it all went down
(i reckon the supposed afghan army holding tons of donated gear was a thorny issue)

I doubt it was Biden saying "Look general , I know best , we pull the military back to the airfield, leave the gear , then let all the civilians make their own way there!"


Give them and the media enough time and I'm sure they'll come up with a steaming load of BS for an excuse.

Gotta wonder if the millions China paid to his family thru his worthless son wasn't a factor.




He's kept most of Trump's foreign policy minus the Paris Agreement and a few others but everything else is mostly still in place. I think he's about 62% America First.

The Paris agreement is for the "Benefit of all mankind" (including usa) so Trump shitting on it because it affects the almighty dollar isnt "America First" , its just dumb.


Why would any insane fucking idiot NOT put their country FIRST when they are the fucking PRESIDENT of that fucking country.

The fucking insanity of your post beguiles me.
