MovieChat Forums > einsteinfountain > Replies
einsteinfountain's Replies
We simply had different problems in the past. That was not a pleasant time for black people during that time.
So then again answer do you do it because you were told to or because it is the right thing to do?
Which is why I did not mention roads and bridges. See I know how you work and I knew you would bring that up which is why I only mentioned police, fire department and public schools. If someone else's healthcare is not your responsibility then neither is paying for someone else's kids to attend school my responsibility. See I like how it is every man for himself mentality unless it is the things you value. Where did I mention it is someone else's responsibility to pay for my medical bills? I work my 9-5, have no debt, never been charged with a crime not so much as a speeding ticket on my record and have never borrowed money from anyone for medical bills. So we can put your ignorant assumptions to bed. I am not asking for a free handout but as society you realize that medical bills are one of the leading causes of debt in this country right? The system we have does not work! Pay up or die is the system in place. You really think we should continue with this? Do not change just keep the system in place cause you know American Pride!
Not everyone becomes a tub of lard. Some do get unhealthy because of personal choices but there are people who get an illness like cancer or other ones that had nothing to do with a personal choice. Again you can't assume it is always a certain way. Notice I actually admitted there are times where it is a personal choice, but there are people who can't pay their medical bills who have done nothing wrong or lived unhealthy.
I do not buy this well back in my day people had ethics BS! Like any era in history there are pros and cons. A while back blacks did not have the right to vote nor did women was that ethical? There is so much fraud in the private sector as well. Do not act is if they are exempt from their own form of fraud also.
The wait time is also being misrepresented by you. As it stands in America so long as you have money you can hop to the front of the line for a surgery. Sweden ranks higher than the US in education as well. So nope try again.
It does fall under the general welfare umbrella though. I ask you again is a healthy society not good for society? Why should I pay for the fire department, police or public schools? I do not have kids, never have called the police and have never used the fire department in my life. Therefore that has no benefit to me at all. You are operating under the guise that people will help. Some will and some will not. You know good and well there are people who do not care one bit about other people's struggles.
People like you are so anti government but you give the private sector free reign to do what they want. We need a good middle ground. Why does Sweden rank higher than us in Healthcare?
So what you are saying then is it is every man for himself? Also do you help those in need because it is the right thing to do or because you were told to and are seeking a reward because of that?
Healthcare absolutely falls under that umbrella! Are you part of society? Is a healthy society not a good thing? You know how many people will not see the doctor for an illness because they are afraid of the bill? You realize certain things could be stopped from spreading if people were not in fear of their bank account being gutted going to the doctor? It is why Sweden ranks far higher than the US in healthcare.
Do not say you are some loving Christian when you do not care one bit for your fellow man. What ever happened to love one another? I guess that goes out the window in your case. I pray that I never reach your level of hatred and hostility. Rather a shame people like you give God fearing people who are actually genuine a bad name.
Nope totally relevant considering I attacked your reason for listing it. Anyway I am done here carry on.
Do you use the fire Department, police and public schools? All that gets paid by taxes. If it is every man for himself type mentality you have shouldn't all that be privatized like healthcare?
No but you never mention it being on the list. Why is that?
Yeah there is when the reasons for doing it are not genuine. If you also listed Last Cruade's spot on the top 250 I would not say anything. This would show you are not hypocritical. Unfortunately you are a hypocrite.
I attacked the reason you pointed it out not if the statement was true or not.
Where did I say what you said was untrue? I never did therefore you have no rebuttal to my argument. I asked why you pointed it out. You deflected because you know why you pointed it out. It was for a reason. There is also a reason you do not point that out for films you dislike.
No actually they are not irrelevant. It is what I attacked in the first place. I never said the film did not make the top 250, but your reasons for pointing that out are shady. You will not say your reasons because you know the reason you are pointing that out. You do not do that for films you dislike. It exposes your rhetoric.
Never claimed you said that. I said you brought up that it was on the top 250. What is the point in doing that and why do you not do that for Last Crusade also? Seems that if you like a film that happens to be on the top 250 you will mention that it made the top 250. If you do not like the film that is on the 250 the top 250 will never come up. Why is that?
No it does matter. I noticed you bring it up when someone says they do not like the film. You are doing this to discredit their view or slight them. It is a passive way of doing this. If I did that for Last Crusade you would say well I don't care. Okay then others do not care where that film ranks. The end.
What is the point in pointing it out? Obviously you are doing it for a reason.
No I said that mentioning this movie making the top 250 is not necessary. It is a logical fallacy by your own words to appeal to popularity. You call people out for doing that yet you are doing that same thing with this film.
Wow what an absolute trash human being!
And I do not care that The Dark Knight Rises is on the top 250, it does not change my view of it. I think it is competent but quite flawed. I like the previous films in the trilogy better. I am proud to be in the minority as you are proud to be in the minority in considering Temple of Doom better than last Crusade. So that is not a slight sorry.
Where did I deflect? Also what was I wrong about?
Nope I can see what you are biased towards it is rather obvious.
No you are not. I can already tell from those comments alone you are very biased.
Because you are stating the obvious. Do you need someone to tell you Last Crusade is on the top 250 of imdb? You are aware of that already it does not change your opinion of the film. So what is the point in pointing it out for The Dark Knight Rises? It makes you look like a biased hypocrite. I am curious how come you do not mention Last Crusade making the top 250 when discussing it like you do The Dark Knight Rises?
I did not say I hated it. I said I do not think it is a masterpiece and I think that Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are better. Also you are wrong you are in the minority in thinking TDKR is better than TDK. The majority thinks TDK is the better film. Now I can admit I am in the minority in thinking BB is better but hey we all have our opinions right? I mean you after all are in the minority in thinking Temple Of Doom is better than Last Crusade.