MovieChat Forums > einsteinfountain > Replies
einsteinfountain's Replies
So then she is hypocritical then? I never claimed that was one of her lies. Nice attempt again at twisting words. This is the third time you have twisted my words.
Nope I showed what she said about Bernie Sanders as well. You are not skipping over that one.
Obviously that was a sarcastic question. You are playing dumb because you know that is a false claim she made. No actually my facts are he got arrested for protesting during the civil rights movement. This point flew right over your head.
No I got angry that she had a strong stance on a topic she knows nothing about by her own admission. How do you have a strong opinion on something you are uneducated on? Wow so now you are calling me a racist? Don't you get upset at others for playing the race card? I understood what she said perfectly it is why Joe Rogan absolutely made her look foolish. Never once have I called you racist so I see you are no better than the super woke crowd who uses that to their advantage.
Nope we are staying on topic. So you agree then climate change and weather change are not the same?
Starvation can be dying without a choice wrong. What if someone is paralyzed and can't move? People have died attempting to find work. People have died without access to medical care. Listen to what you just said why isn't health insurance a right? Is that where this country has turned either you pay for your insurance or die? Insurance is nothing but a scam and it is why other countries rank higher than us in healthcare. So then that should mean having the police visit your home should be a privledge not a right. Same goes for fire fighters. Police and fire fighters are paid by taxes would you like them to be privatized like the insurance companies? Every man for himself type mentality. Get educated before making yourself look more foolish than you already have.
Guess what else contributed to the debt you are neglecting? Remember that war we have been in for a long while since 2001? Way to side step that.
This is not about whether he killed the president. This is about whether he was photoshopped into a military uniform. Why would they need to do that when he served in the military? She got upset about political correctness something she always speaks out against.
Why delete it if you have confidence in your opinion? She deleted those tweets for a reason.
Nope I said she has lied many times. I provided multiple lies she said. I never said I could prove every single one. Nice attempt at twisting words. Kind of like how you are attempting to shift the debate to abortion or Biden which I never defended. Deny, dismiss, deflect or dumbfound is how you guys debate. Do not address the issue simply cover up for your team even when they are blatanlty in the wrong. Is Sanders a racist like Owens claimed? Or was that a lie also?
Yep I did. She lied about experiencing racism, she lied about Bernie Sanders being a racist, she lied about climate change. She lied that she does not share her opinion on that issue publicly. All of those were lies.
No no stay on topic. Weather and climate change are not the same thing. Weather always has changed since the dawn of time. Climate change happens a lot of because the things we do as humans. Climate is describing the long term not day to day.
Yes you did actually. I did provide the numbers and you attempted to deflect and downplay it. How many people die from starvation and lack of ability to pay health insurance evey year? You said not one person died in capitalism as a result of them not having a choice. I caught that contradiction and now you are upset. It is okay though individuals such as yourself have too big an ego to admit to being wrong so I do not expect you to be a person of integrity and admit it.
Yay someone has common sense because they agree with me. Come off your soap box it is getting old!
Some of the links you have provided have bias leanings as well. Go into detail you saying things are untrue are not good enough. I like how you could not dispute the facts of sociaism I proved were actually good.
Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years.
Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called social security.
Socialism is what they called farm price supports.
Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance.
You can't dispute any single one of those. No opinions no feelings just facts.
Maybe because he actually served in the military so they would not need to. Number two why did she delete her tweets?
Ken Klippenstein. I just provided a link.
Nope it is not my job to hold your hand and guide you through every lie she has ever told. If I had to do that we would be here all night. I provided other lies she said as well. She just plays for your team therefore gets a pass to be ignorant. Notice I never excused any of Biden's lies. That is because I do not play for a team like you do. Climate change and weather change are not the same, her twitter exchange, the fact she sued the school. Oh yeah she called Bernie Sanders racist as well, remember that? The same Sanders who was arrested for protesting during the civil rights movement... I could not find this clip from fox news. The only area I could find it was the youngturks which I hate but in all her glory claiming Sanders to be racist. Funny how she pulls the race card when it goes against her team.
Um no you are the one who has not the first clue what you are talking about. Weather changing and climate change are not the same thing. Notice how she has not educated herself on the topic, she even goes to say she knows not much about it yet she has a strong opinion on it. Get educated buddy.
You do not get to point to something else as a means to make something look better. If another politician lies more than another it does not make the one that lies less look good. It also does not make the lies disappear. Also you do realize people die every year as a result of capitalism correct? You contradicted yourself. You said no one in captialism dies as a result of not having a choice. I gave you numbers now you want to try and downplay it.
I never said all socialism was good. I said it is often used as a scare word to discredit anything people do not agree with. You simply can't comprehend that we have socialist programs today that actually benefit society. You have been indoctrinated to think this way. So go ahead say social security is a bad thing since all socialism is bad. You are the one that needs to crack open a history book. Quit thinking your team can do no wrong and examine situations.
It is not backwards logic it is applying the same logic your using to discredit things. You said that I would not care if politifact said the sky was blue it has no credibility because of their lies. Well Candace Owens has been caught in lies throughout her career. One of them being that she lied about experiencing racism. Remember when she said Lee Harvey Oswald was photo shopped into a military uniform? Remember that embarrassing twitter exchange she had it was so bad she deleted her tweets? Oh I can go on and on about her. All of her lies? What do I need to dig up every single thing she has lied about? I already gave you another just now. Nope you can't dismiss something when someone provided evidence which is irrefutable not how it works. Had I provided nothing sure but I did provide evidence even it was just one. You can't refute her twitter exchanges either.
It is when she mixes up weather change with climate change. She said the weather is different yesterday than it was today... That is not what climate change is. That is another lie. She also said she does not share her opinion on that publicly except she did because she is on a podcast with millions of people watching.
Never spoke about communism therefore I will be dismissing that point. I also never said socialism was perfect but neither is capitalism.
Where did I say I support abortion? Go ahead and provide proof I support that. Good luck, happy hunting.
And commenting on how anyone disagrees with you is a leftist is not political at all? Where did I claim I was a leftist? This is an assumption made by you simply because I said socialism is a scare word which it is. Am I saying all socialism is perfect? Nope but people do not realize that we have a lot of socialist programs that have benefited society that people berated back in the day.
You have not given me a chance to respond to any of your points since you made yourself look ignorant by making an assumption. I can respectfully disagree with people and have a civil discussion, your kind however is closed minded.
So then if that is the case that means I can discredit Candace Owens based on the fact I caught her in a lie. Anything after that lie she says has no credibility. I agree on this point. So we can discount that website so long as we discount Candace Owens.
Yep it is like that just like how it is obvious Owens blatantly lied about experiencing racism. Or did she sue for no reason?
Um yes I did, did you miss where I thought her claims about global warming and climate change was ignorant? So no I addressed that point as well.
Yep I can do the same. Nice how you skipped over my points where socialist programs actually benefited society. Although I am used to that type of ignorance on display from people who play for teams so no big deal. Not everyone who died had a choice in capitalism. That is completely false.
No what has happened is you think you know everything. Nobody can tell you anything and you think right wing points of views have no flaws in them. I can openly state I do not agree with all leftist ideologies you can not do that for right wing ideology because you are playing for their team. I say this and it honestly makes me sad. Both right and left wing people play for teams no discussion is had. Corruption gets covered up when it is for your team. Trump by the right is seen as some God and Biden the same for the left.
No the sad part is you guys pick a side and defend your team no matter what happens. I do not see it as right vs left I see what is best for the country. Socialism is a scare word that gets thrown out to discredit anyone's view that does not align with your own.
Never said they were totally correct. I did provide proof that Owens lied about experiencing racism though. No one can dispute that.
No I do not listen to mainstream media or news. All of them have an agenda. Most are left but Fox news is bias toward the right. Hardly any person or news station tells the truth. They all play for a team. Unfortunately you can't seem to understand that. You obviously play for the right and are against the left. I do not play for a team I think that keeps people divided. The world is not black and white like that.
I can do that same thing with capitalism. So since people have died as a result of capitalism does that disqualify it as well? Socialism is a scare word. Do you believe in the following farm price supports, bank deposit insurance, public power, social security, growth of free independent labor organizations? All of those were labeled as socialism back in the day.
In President Harry's Truman's remarks in Syracuse, New York on October 10, 1952, he said this:
Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years.
Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called social security.
Socialism is what they called farm price supports.
Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance.
Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations.
Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people.
When the Republican candidate inscribes the slogan "Down With Socialism" on the banner of his "great crusade," that is really not what he means at all.
What he really means is "Down with Progress--down with Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal," and "down with Harry Truman's fair Deal." That's all he means.
There are more lies she has been caught in. I simply used that one as an example. You can use this website to see many true and false claims made by a person of every party.
No you are not going to downplay her lie by pointing the finger at the other side and say well they lie more. Even if that is true it does not excuse someone else's lie.
Look at the website I provided you it gives some of her false claims. I do not agree with her about global warming and climate change. Funny many people claim to hate socialism and fail to provide any reasons. The second that word gets thrown out it is a scare word to discredit things. That is rather ignorant because people do not realize we implement socialism in programs today that made life better. Now is socialism perfect without flaw? Nope but neither is capitalism. A good middle ground is good.
<blockquote>Okay? So according to her past she did encounter racism.</blockquote>
Which obviously was a lie considering the settlement she received from the lawsuit she filed. She claims to have never encountered racism in her past. Okay then why did she sue for racism and receive that settlement if that was not going on?
I said she is a liar and on someone's payroll. I never said she was wrong about all of the stuff she said. I do not think she is right about most things however.
No I just do not live on these boards but providing evidence is quite easy actually. This is coming from a person who claimed she never dealt with racism in her life. Interesting that sure came in handy when it meant she would get settlement money. Go ahead and refute that. No racism, no feelings just facts.
No she has actually been caught in many lies and is a shill just like the rest of them honestly. It is sad how things have become so corrupt.
You are only taking a small sample size of history. When minimum waged stayed the same in places for years prices still went up.
Where did I say that? Someone should be able to afford an apartment nothing fancy but an apartment which houses a single person so long as they work 40 hours a week. They should get benefits and be able to make a living. That is not the case in todays world. See but I am pointing out how ignorant the point the poster I replied to is making. All doctors would disappear if other wages paid close to them? Would some leave sure but there are those that are passionate about the job they do.