MovieChat Forums > Frosal > Replies
Frosal's Replies
The only way to rig an election in the US is prior to the election itself. Republicans accomplish this by several methods:
a) purging voter rolls
b) limiting voter registrations
c) not having enough polling places, especially in minority neighborhoods
d) having one mail dropbox per 5 million people, like in Texas
e) gerrymandering
f) voter ID laws
And so on. In 2016, Trump "won" by fewer than 79k votes across 3 states because 3 Republican governors suppressed the votes of hundreds of thousands of primarily minority voters.
Republicans rigged the election for Trump. He was a wholly llegitimate president.
There's plenty of correlation.
Germany had mandatory vaccination from 1874-1974. The only time mandatory vaccination requirement was relaxed was during the Nazi years.
Source: (in German)
<blockquote>"What could explain the restraint in this important field of public health care? Why, in 1933, did the state give up its previous claims to power in the area of preventive care for the "people's body"? The ongoing debate about the Lübeck vaccination scandal offers a first explanation for the concerns of the time. A second is rooted in Nazi ideology itself, since vaccination posed serious problems from a "racial hygiene" point of view. After all, immunization against diseases strongly contradicts the idea of hardening and selection."</blockquote>
They even made up a little ditty:
<blockquote>"Deutsches Volk, hab‘ nichts mit dem Impfen gemein, / Es ist jeder wahren Gesundheitspflege Hohn, / Und willst Du nicht selbst Dein Totengräber sein, / Dann bekenn‘ Dich entschlossen zur Anti-Vakzi-Nation!"
"German people, have nothing in common with vaccination, / It is a mockery of all true health care, / And if you don't want to be your own gravedigger, / Then decisively profess your allegiance to the Anti-Vakzi Nation!"</blockquote>
Will you be joining the fascist Republican patrols around the countryside to hunt for "wayward" women trying to cross state lines to get an abortion? How much money have the Gestapo and the Stasi informers in the state of Texas gotten via bounties by now?
That which can be claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. CBO already estimated that universal healthcare would cost Americans far less than it does now. The US spends more on healthcare per capita than any other country on planet Earth. That's without 37 million Americans even being covered and 41 million Americans not being adequately covered.
They were conservatives. Thanks for playing. Genetic fallacy and red herring. Try and get on my level, fascist moron.
Also, if we look at numbers, more Republicans in the North opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats.
Northern Democrats: 145–8 (95–5%)
Northern Republicans: 136–24 (85–15%)
Southern Democrats: 8–83 (9–91%)
Southern Republicans: 0–11 (0-100%)
Also, you are literally parroting 50 year old Republican propaganda.
4) Black Complaints: As we did with Muskie we should continue to champion the cause of the Blacks within the Democratic Party; elevate their complaints of 'being taken for granted.'</blockquote>
Source: A secret White House memo written by H.R. Haldeman during the "ratfucking" years of Richard Nixon.
I have the receipts. Boy, you guys sure are mad that a Southern Democrat advanced the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and jammed it through Congress. You're so mad that today your legislative candidates are nearly 100% white in a 60% white country. Fascist white identitarians. QED
I didn't expect much from you and I'm still disappointed. No, wait, that's a lie, I know most of you fascist conservatives are nothing but odious trolls and cretins already.
Fascist Republicans will seek to overturn abortion on a federal level even though it's clear a majority of Americans believe women should have autonomy over their own body. They don't believe in state rights and they never did.
In the 19th century, the federal government controlled by conservatives forced the transit of slaves across NY territory even though NY banned the transit of slaves on a state level. And when conservatives lost control of the federal government and abolition of slavery was looming, they decided to throw a hissy fit and start the Civil War; before that, in South Carolina, for example, they didn't even allow Lincoln to even appear on the ballot (Supreme Court will soon hear a case which will, in effect, enable fascist conservatives to reenact that odious part of history).
Prior to the start of the Civil War, fascist conservatives roamed the countryside "dispensing summary justice to wayward slaves and whites suspected of holding abolitionist views". The city of Charleston lived under a "reign of terror".
Oh, and fascist conservatives also used force to make the regions in the South which voted against secession join their cause to have human beings as property.
Not just the majority, but nearly 100% of all legislative candidates across the entirety of the United States. We're talking of thousands and thousands of candidates. And they're nearly 100% white. In a 60% white country.
It's okay, no Republican has ever provided a cogent counterargument to this fact. I see you haven't even tried either.
<blockquote>The fragmented and inefficient healthcare system in the United States leads to many preventable deaths and unnecessary costs every year. Universal healthcare could have alleviated the mortality caused by a confluence of negative COVID-related factors. Incorporating the demography of the uninsured with age-specific COVID-19 and nonpandemic mortality, we estimated that a single-payer universal healthcare system would have saved 212,000 lives in 2020 alone. We also calculated that US$105.6 billion of medical expenses associated with COVID-19 hospitalization could have been averted by a Medicare for All system.</blockquote>
Despite having only 4% of the world's population, US had 16% of all coronavirus deaths.
<blockquote>Although healthcare expenditure per capita is higher for the United States than any other country, over 37 million Americans are entirely without health insurance and 41 million more have inadequate access to care. Whereas ongoing efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act would exacerbate healthcare inequities, a universal system, such as that proposed in the Medicare for All Act (MAA), has the potential to transform the availability and efficiency of American healthcare. Taking into account both the costs of coverage expansion as well as savings that would be achieved through the MAA, we calculate that a single-payer, universal healthcare system is likely to lead to a 13% savings in national healthcare expenditure, equivalent to over $450 billion annually. The entire system could be funded with less financial outlay than is currently incurred by employers and households through healthcare premiums, as well as existing government allocations. This shift to single-payer healthcare would provide the greatest relief to lower-income households. Furthermore, we estimate that ensuring healthcare access for all Americans would save over 68,000 lives and 1.73 million life-years every year.</blockquote>
Cited 56 times.
Meanwhile, you're citing propaganda from the Heritage Foundation. Thanks for acting as my foil.
I didn't misunderstand anything, fascist moron. Nor do you have a point, troglodyte.
It was meant to give more power to the slave states originally. It was also meant to prevent fascist morons like Trump from ever becoming a president. It doesn't work and it never worked.
Nearly 100% of Republican legislative candidates are white in a 60% white country. Coincidence? I think not. It's clear Republican voters believe only white people should be in positions of power.
That's how it works in every so-called first-world country, fascist moron.
Obamacare was gutted and watered down because it needed to pass. Then the Republicans struck down the individual mandate a few years ago.
Now the real death panels are the private insurance companies, who decide who lives and dies. Who knows how many people have died due to lack of healthcare or substandard care. I know a fascist like you doesn't care at all.
Fascist moron, the CBO already determined that Medicare for All would cut costs of healthcare significantly. Thanks for playing.
This isn't Twatter, you fascist and solipsistic dumbass.
Furthermore, if you were actually interested in the "protection" and "sanctity" of human life, you would be advocating for better and cheaper access to birth control (which you fucking hypocrites also want to ban), better (sex) education (you fucks keep advocating for teaching abstinence which absofuckingguaranteedlutely does not work), better social programs, eliminating poverty, dealing with the housing crisis and the healthcare crisis (like the increased maternal mortality in the US compared to, I don't know, every other so-called "first world" country) and so on.
But we both know, and there's no need to pretend, you'll never advocate for that because you believe in strict hierarchical view of society: there are those that tread on others and those that are downtrodden. Not only do you not advocate for the aforementioned measures, you are actively looking to dismantle them, by privatizing education, by cutting and doing away with social programs and you are actively looking to encourage poverty because your overlords need more wage slaves.
You have absolutely no leg to stand on or to preach anything to anyone.
<blockquote>You can use whatever words you choose. Abortion is the taking of a human life.</blockquote>
Nice solipsism (look it up) there, absolutist. Well over 90% of abortions happen during the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. Again, it's obvious you can't differentiate between an embryo, a fetus and a child and are using the term "child" in an equivocal and dishonest way.
If abortion is "the taking of human life" then your god is committing genocide on a vast scale every single year. For example, up to 50% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. There were 120 million births in the entire world last year or something like that. So your god killed up to 120 million "children" just last year. You worship a mass murderer then, hypocrite, and have no standing to preach anything to anyone, least of all morality. (Refer to Euthyphro's dilemma as well). Have fun with cognitive dissonance.
Your second claim is nothing but an appeal to emotion. Abortion has prevented suffering and death on a vast scale. Not everyone is fit or has the capability to care for a child. Your view is incredibly myopic and hidebound.
And you anti-abortionists are absolutely sadistic and in no way concerned about human life. For example, in ectopic pregnancies, the fetus has virtually no chance of surviving. Ectopic pregnancies not only impact future fertility of the mother, but can straight up result in her death. You anti-abortionists would have something like 120 thousand mothers be in danger of dying or becoming infertile every year in the US because of your rigid and narrow-minded views on abortion.
Here are the facts of the matter... Abortion rates are actually higher in countries in which abortion is banned. GUARANTEED, DEMONSTRATED AND PROVEN time and time again. We have the data, we have the facts, the statistics and proof. Like I said in another comment here, the rate and number of abortions has dropped dramatically in the last 20 years alone in the US.
You just restated a fallacy, dumbass fascist.
And when did the EC help the Democrats? You do realize the last time a Republican won a popular vote for president was back in 2004 and before that in 1988?
You dumb, ignorant fascists really make me laugh. The last time Republicans represented a majority was 1996. Today, Republicans represent as little as 12% of the population. No wonder, considering Republican legislative candidates are nearly 100% white in a 60% white country. A party of fascist white identitarians and nothing more.
There was a debate between proponents of "small" and "big" Germany in the 19th century. The idea of "big" Germany prevailed. The result? The first genocide of the 20th century (Herero & Namaqua genocide in Africa) and the only genocide accomplished using military-industrial means in the history of the world.
Ironically, Germany probably would've had more territory today if the proponents of the first idea had prevailed.
Let's see what Hitler wanted:
<blockquote>On the contrary, our task is to undertake an immense organization of the whole world in which each land shall produce what it requires most and in which the white race -- the Nordic race -- shall take the leading part in administering and carrying out this vast plan. Believe me, National Socialism would not be worth anything if it were to be confined to Germany and did not secure the rule of the superior race over the whole world for at least one or two thousand years.</blockquote>
Source: A History of National Socialism (Responding to Fascism Vol 2), page 127
That wasn't even a nice try at a false equivalence.
It isn't a conspiracy theory at all. It was well documented that Republican governors suppressed the votes of hundreds of thousands of voters.
Here's one -
Let's not even start talking about the year 2000, when the Republicans stole an election by 500 votes. Republican fascists love stealing.
Trump "won" the election in 2016 by fewer than 80k votes spread across 3 states. All 3 states (Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania) had Republican governors which basically suppressed the votes of hundreds of thousands of people. Trump was an illegitimate president in the first place.
Republicans know that voter fraud on a massive scale is impossible and that actual voter fraud is exceedingly rare, so they try and rig the elections way before they actually happen.