MovieChat Forums > Frosal
Frosal (280)
Lmao, you craven coward, you got fascists posting fascist propaganda all day long and you delete his comment.
Go read a book, fascist retard. Learn what "news" are. You just linked to a segment from an opinion show from a media house owned by that fascist nincompoop, Rupert Murdoch.
This is your brain on Fox News. Fox News viewers are less informed than those that don't follow the news at all.
Fascist dictator Donald J. Trump had secret nuclear documents in his Florida home and you're talking about jackets. JACKETS.
It's the tan suit and dijon mustard all over again.
"So why can't we do that too?"
Keep voting for Tories, I'm sure one day they'll do that too. It's all bound to trickle down any moment now!
Yes, it was, that's why the FBI is charging 4 police officers. Federal prosecutors have 95% conviction rate. Get back to me when they take a plea deal.
Again, even if she were dealing drugs herself, that's wholly irrelevant. It's a red herring. Are you getting it through your thick skull? Police don't have the right to be judges, juries and executioners.
Here, is that not enough for you after I posted it once already?
Wow, in 80 years you found two rich guys that were actually criminals previously. LMFAO. I bet that took a lot of Googling. Congratulations.
There were 1491 executions in the United States since 1976 alone. One of your criminals was executed in 1944. You are once again inadvertently proving my point.
Other countries don't have qualified immunity and they're doing just fine. Crime rate is way lower too. You're patently awful at this, but you already know that, don't you?
This coming from a guy that denies Nazis exist today.
Fuck off, spamming retard.
The aim of the War on Drugs isn't to win it, the drugs will always win. Human ingenuity is unprecedented... Even in Philippines people still deal drugs despite the death penalty for smuggling or transporting or dealing drugs. It turns out that there are psychopaths and sociopaths who don't care for consequences as well as those that are so without opportunity and so impoverished that they have no other choices in life.
The aim of the War on Drugs is to imprison poor people so they can be slaves in the prison system and perpetuate poverty for later generations. Those with imprisoned fathers or mothers are much more likely to be or stay poor themselves.
The prison system in the US works with the basic and default assumption that all prisoners are incorrigible, so there's no use in trying to reform them. That's why recidivism rates are so high.
For the current system to work, you need an underclass that those in power will exploit and oppress -- whether they be poor people or minorities or immigrants or prisoners. And guess who is supposed to oppress and jail this underclass. The same idiots (and they are idiots; they don't hire intelligent people on purpose) which have the strongest union, qualified immunity, salaries way above what they actually deserve (especially for being so ineffective, unfit and undertrained for their jobs, especially when compared with police officers in many other first world countries) and who are basically thugs with badges and military-grade weaponry.
Great idea, let's give idiotic thugs with badges impunity and some APCs, let's see what happens, instead of reforming the system and addressing the root causes of crime.
The richest country in the world has the biggest prison population (despite being 4% of the world's population) and the highest incarceration rate. Yeah, I'm sure that's just a coincidence. The prison population has ballooned since the 1980s - an increase of +68% in citizens, yet 5x the amount of prisoners since the 80s.
<blockquote>I will never change your mind on this topic</blockquote>
It's telling you should say this because it belies your own thinking - nothing will change your mind, not even evidence. You are projecting.
<blockquote>I'm sure you have an unreliable study from a social scientist.</blockquote>
It's data backed up with empirical evidence. You're free to write your own scientific study. Oh, wait, that would require an enormous amount of effort and intelligence. It's much easier to just wave it off by saying anti-intellectual bullshit such as "oh, it's just a social scientist".
You are left with precisely zero (0) arguments, all you have are fallacies now. And a police report that was written up by the same police department that fabricated a warrant. And like I also said, all that's perfectly irrelevant.
<blockquote>Not all crimes result from poverty.</blockquote>
I never said all crimes result from poverty. In fact, I cited wage theft (50 billion dollars per year, eclipses all other types of theft by as much as 3 times combined) and tax evasion (163 billion dollars per year) as two examples of crimes that the rich do not go to jail for. And this type of theft and this type of fraud have far reaching social consequences. Those types of crimes stem from greed.
<blockquote>I previously provided you with two examples of murderers who were multi-millionaires.</blockquote>
I asked for examples of murders who were rich and were executed. There aren't any. I didn't ask for rich murderers who were imprisoned. Again, learn to read.
Do you know why many states in the US abolished the death penalty? Because, among other factors, poor people were disproportionately sentenced to death (they couldn't afford good lawyers, for example). So your justice is for sale, to be bought and sold like so many other things in America.
Cool, call them, but temper your expectations. Half the country doesn't call them, I wonder why. Your crime will be solved in 2% of cases, if that (according to your own logic the conviction rate for major crimes is supposed to be even lower).
The leaked police report written by the same police that faked the warrant. Golly gee, aren't they a trustworthy bunch.
Never trust the government! But trust the tools of the government that seek to oppress you implicitly!
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