MovieChat Forums > degree7 > Replies
degree7's Replies
Hollywood is controlled by corporate interests and even partially funded by the state department now. Nothing subversive gets past the censors.
Somewhat ironic that a flamboyant/effeminate/slightly homosexual singer would be listened to by typically macho, masculine, gung ho special forces guys.
<blockquote> It can't be a critique of capitalism because the money they feel entitled to they didn't earn, but rather belongs to someone else.</blockquote>
Actually this is capitalism in a nutshell, the upper class is only able to generate wealth off the backbreaking work of labourers, who only see a fraction of the profit they created.
I disagree. Jumanji came out the same year and had CGI monkeys that looked fine.
2003 still feels modern.
I always thought Laura Linney was majorly hot, especially in Congo.
“Full diaper” lmao
Because everything in this movie was amplified to outrageous levels. SotL had much more “show don’t tell” subtle filmmaking. Hannibal was just constantly bashing you over the head with its gore and themes. So most likely all the comedy was unintentional, which makes it even funnier.
Junior didn’t love Tony, he’s incapable of loving. He’s a psychopath. Junior had filicidal urges to murder his own surrogate son/nephew multiple times. In the end he almost succeeded. Just as Tony had matricidal urges.
In the book Dr Melfi reads, she learns certain types of sociopaths are prone to display affection for small babies and animals. You notice when he saves AJ from the suicide attempt Tony rocks him back and forth and repeats “it’s all right baby.” He can only display love through visualizing people as these concepts. He doesn’t see then as “real people” otherwise, or can’t understand it. On a normal human level, Tony isn’t functioning properly.
Because they’re playing with the audience’s perception of reality. If the viewer is informed that the events are true - even if it never happened exactly as portrayed - then nothing else matters outside of the film itself. All storytelling, even those purportedly based on “true stories,” are illusory or distorted by whoever is telling them. The truth is not concrete, the only real one is created within the narrative. The Coens are postmodern filmmakers, where the medium is the message.
Gender is a social construct. It exists on a spectrum. Your opinion isn’t scientific fact. You’re delusional.
If by getting spanked you mean I totally raped you, sure. Looks like I’m going to have to educate your ass again.
I mean, that’s technically a correct answer but it doesn’t back up your point at all.
Gender is fluid. More so than sex.
Do you not know the difference between gender and sex?
The show could have been great but was pretty disappointing in that it’s just another police procedural / monster of the week soap opera. At least Mads Mikkelsen is an awesome Lecktor, but I wish the show-runners would have just stuck with the books.
He was better in Oingo Boingo
Lecter was intrigued enough to help Clarice because he saw she was not motivated by any selfish reasons for solving the case such as ego, notoriety, or career advancement, but an altruistic desire to do good stemming from past childhood trauma. He saw this purity and was almost in awe of it.
Yes, Israelis basically are modern day Nazis.