MovieChat Forums > Hannibal (2013) Discussion > This show was quite pointless

This show was quite pointless

It was neither here nor there, I was really excited for this show especially for Mads Mikkelsen, production and art direction was amazing but I was disappointed after few episodes, it's style over substance too many dream sequences and vague side plots, main lead is miserable and pathetic.

They took the name from a very famous novel and tried to cash on it, it has nothing to do with original series, it's a just a cheap cash grab.


Nomad 👋 You've been here from the first season. You're still here way way after the show finished. Eventhough it was obvious you never watched it, you're completely obsessed. That's so cool. Thanks for continually bumping the traffic on the board.👍


Disagree. I think it's a brilliant series.


Just curious for those that enjoyed the show, what did you all think about the first few episodes of season 1? Trying to figure out if it gets any better as I haven't found it as enjoyable and exciting as I was expecting.


I liked the first few episodes, but for me 1x06 Entree is when the show really hit its stride and hooked me. The whole show is good (minus some slow parts in the first few episodes of season three), but the second half of seasons one and three, and the entirety of season two, are some of the best television I have ever seen.

Keep watching!

Peter, is your social worker in that horse?


It gets better. It goes to crazy and insane places. If you're talking about the cases of the week, don't pay much attention to them. Sometimes the show doesn't even care about them but it's what the writers had to deal with being on NBC. When watching look at 1) the growing relationship between Hannibal and Will and 2) what those cases of the week are doing to Will. It all leads to darkness.


You guys were right just finished up episode 5. With the exception of a few personal things that still bother me, I see the show getting much better. I still don't get why Hannibal seems to be in the loop about every case since he's not in the agency and not assisting in all the cases. I get it its a show but doesnt seem realistic like other things in the show as well. Also Will's personality at times bothered me as they made him out to be someone who has this magical gift of seeing the past crimes and knows what the criminal is going to do which is quite unbelievable in my opinion. However these are personal qualms I have with the show that I've come to tolerate.


Trying to figure out if it gets any better as I haven't found it as enjoyable and exciting as I was expecting.

No it wont get better, it stays the same vague crap with melodramatic BS.


You are obviously not an intuitive who has the ability to decypher symbols.

Something more straight forward may be to more your liking.


These complaints are a pet peeve of mine..."this story didn't need to be told" "this show is pointless" Is there really any point to any television show other than entertainment to the viewers? Entertainment in which becomes subjective.

Your post is bad and you should feel bad.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


The show could have been great but was pretty disappointing in that it’s just another police procedural / monster of the week soap opera. At least Mads Mikkelsen is an awesome Lecktor, but I wish the show-runners would have just stuck with the books.


Yeah, the show had a lot of potential and there was some really solid episodes and some really great character/actor driven scenes. But at the same time; the style over substance often felt very much self indulgent; certain aspects of the story line dragged on too long; and the focus on the 'bromance' between Graham and Lecture started to get off putting by the 3rd season. They seemed to be combining Graham and Starling into one character (including the strange infatuation Lecture has with her even though in this version it is a man). I have read the books; Lecture nor Graham are homosexual nor ever show any homoerotic fetishes. So it did not really fit my 'preconception' of the characters in a bad way.

then the clearly unplanned finale came across as abrupt and messy (they were clearly expecting the show to go on until the very last hours of production).

So, good show that had potential to be great; but it is entertaining enough just from the performances alone. Mikkelson really shines as Lecture and Dancy is good; at least in the first season (after that he got too pathetic is really the best word to describe it).


Agreed. I'm a big fan of the books and I tried to give this show a chance but it was so lame

Thomas Harris is very intelligent and his writing reflects that, but this is just generic TV schlock


I just started watching this masterpiece for the second time. It is brilliant from start to finish and one on the best things Mikkelsen has ever done.


Getting ready to watch it for the third time. Still a masterpiece!
