MovieChat Forums > degree7 > Replies
degree7's Replies
Yeah probably would have gone the Ash route with Burke. Knock his head off with a fire extinguisher then incinerate him for good measure. Can’t be too careful.
Also would be interesting to see how Yaphet Kotto’s character would have reacted to Bishop being an Android. Maybe even more aggressive than Ripley? Ah the possibilities. All this makes me realize Parker might be my favourite supporting character in film history, lol.
My point is that the second amendment is not incompatible with gun control. In fact, it mandates it.
Also strange that you now no longer care about the NRA when earlier you clearly said being anti-NRA is being anti-2A. Hypocrite much?
I’m sorry, but a lot of what you are describing sounds like slippery slope fallacies. Saying that free sex will lead to the downfall of society sounds like fear mongering. If anything, open sex strengthens the bonds between people and reduces stress. If anything, marriage between two people is an outdated social norm as evident by the falling marriage and rising divorce rates. You also miss the point of my “human mind is schizophrenic” comment: it’s only so due to oppressive institutional dogma mandated by the church that prevents us exploring sexual freedom.
As an example, there are countless indigenous cultures where polygamy was encouraged, and were also deemed to be higher thinking by scholars such as Carl Jung due to their ties to the extramundane. Something which technologically advanced societies have lost. I could explain it more if you need.
There was no way Parker would have gone back to LV426. He would have told the company to go fuck the selves and then gone home and partied.
Yeah all those 40 million people living in poverty without access to proper healthcare, education, and infrastructure are such “whiners.” “Whining” must be why the US has the second highest poverty rate of any developed country. Nothing to do with your elected leadership ransacking it and leeching off economic slave labour. You seem to be completely caught up in the left vs right narrative that you’ve failed to notice it’s all a ploy so that corporations can rob us blind.
I don’t know, I don’t answer rhetorical questions. Why did the NRA crop out the first half of the second amendment that’s emblazoned on their headquarters? The half that specifically mentions regulation? Are they afraid of it? Or are they spinning their own narrative? Think outside the box.
Ah yes, start your own business where 30% of your revenue is taxed and sent to prop up corporations and lobbyists. Somewhat ironic that right wingers are all about the “free market” when they always advocate taxing the little man and letting Fortune 500 companies and the rich get away with hardly paying anything. So by the time you’re 65 and almost dead, you just might have enough to live off of.
Gun control isn’t “anti2A” since the second amendment clearly states <b>well regulated.</b> We don’t have people running around with miniguns, do we. But “Ohhh nuuuu, it’s anti2A! Waaaah!”
<i> There was no "attempt" at anything</i>
You really don’t need to explain it. Just admit you made a poor insult that didn’t fly or even make any sense, and move on.
The NRA doesn’t even understand the second amendment. It’s made up of conmen who hijacked what was originally an organization for teaching people about gun safety. They didn’t care about the amendment for 200 hundred years and then was deposed in the 70s and morphed into shills for the firearms manufacturing lobby. Everyday people’s constitutional rights are eroded by corporations abusing “dur sEcUnD aMenDmunt” for profit.
Also wtf was that weird, lame circular insult you attempted at the end there. Doesn’t even make sense :/
In what way is being anti-NRA being anti-second amendment? Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?
Cube2 is only unintentionally funny.
This movie was an overrated pile of shit. Juvenile and idiotic.
Flawless masterpiece yes. Flawed masterpiece, then no.
If you’re not a hipster fanboy then you have no reason to be offended. If you are, well then, that’s your problem.
In what way is it not equivalent? Tony was also a dangerous, untrustworthy, hothead psycho. Tony was doing exactly what his mother did.
Also sure, Tony doesn’t want his children being sucked into the mob life even though he’s happy to have AJ hang around the kids of other mobster and have Meadow marry Patsy Parisi. By the end of the show he even gets AJ a job in a mob affiliated company.
Trust me, Tony was a sociopath and as bad as Livia in the every way.
Except BLM has never killed any police, idiot
There was advice that Machiavelli had for Italian Princes during the Renaissance, and that was:
“Be as nice as one can, but never be entirely devoted to the idea of acting nicely.”
Tony was as bad, in fact worse, he murdered his own nephew with his bare hands. Tony May have appeared to have “saved his child’s life,” but he still had no real problem letting them be drawn into the mafia world, which will ultimately be as bad a fate.
Tony already murdered his own nephew for self-serving reasons. By the end of the series Tony was as bad as Livia.