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degree7's Replies
The human race
They did, it’s called Cube 2: Hypercube
There’s the possibility Phil spent as long as 10,000 years in the loop. For his sake, I hope not.
Livia was merely a mirror of what Tony was becoming. Livia wasn’t always a monster. In fact she was a sympathetic figure (as shown in the episode “In Camelot”).
<blockquote> they were objectively serving a fascist state that was oppressing the people of Europe, and they all knew it</blockquote>
This reply is hilarious. What this IMDB poster didn’t realize is he was also serving a fascist state. Your tax dollars go towards building bombs to be dropped on Yemeni children or a hospital in Afghanistan. You’re directly contributing to a state that oppresses much of the world. What a hypocritical ass. Everyone is a part of the system.
The worst part was he didn’t realize that bureaucracies and political ideology are inherently abstract. What a moron. People like him are why I’m glad IMDB was wiped.
I saw some photos of her from the 60s, early 70s and she looked fairly attractive.
1. Apples and oranges. Jaws is more influenced by Hitchcock than Orson Welles. Just because Psycho is a horror movie and not a political drama doesn’t make it any less of an achievement.
2. So now we have some revisionist bullshit that Jaws was “saved in the edit” apparently. What proof do you have of this? The movie is great because of Spielberg’s direction, in addition to all those other variables. Not in spite of.
3. Yes, and another example of his great directorial decisions by taking advantage of a setback and using it to service the film. In fact, the production of Jaws was so difficult and fraught with problems that it’s a miracle it even turned out as good as it did. The fact that this film shot on water was helmed by a 27 year old on his first big production is all the more impressive. Not to mention Spielberg’s inherent knowledge of cinematic medium and groundbreaking use of perspective.
Much better than the abysmal remake. Not quite on par with the classics you mentioned. Still a fun movie.
Kind of a shit list. They felt the need to put 5 Bryan Adams songs on there but only one by Joni Mitchell.
And then not a single Bruce Cockburn song.
Of course, Interstellar is one of the most idiotic, utterly pretentious, drawn out slogs ever made. It’s like Solaris, but written by a failed first-year art school reject.
What cracks me up are the people claiming there’s some kind of grand thematic ode to how “love is part of the universe” and how we’re “bound by time and space.” How exactly did Nolan accomplish this? By having Mccounaughy find a floating tesseract bookcase and message his daughter some unexplained equation? Merely saying “love is quantifiable” is not a story, it’s just bad writing. The whole string theory nonsense was poorly handled anyway, because the characters were utterly undeveloped and boring. I can’t even remember their names.
By contrast, Blade Runner (the original, not the shitty reboot), had more to say about the time/space/human condition in a 1 minute speech by Roy Batty than Interstellar could in its entire 3 hours.
Take into account time dilation.
I’d hate to invoke Godwin’s Law already, but I’m sure even Adolph Hitler loved his kids.
Once you’ve chopped up numerous bodies and disposed of the parts in your sausage grinder, is it even possible to know what genuine love is?
It’s part of the latent homoerotic imagery.
Nah, I’ve always believed this long before any of this drama with the NFL started. Americans are brainwashed by blind nationalism and turn a blind eye to all their problems because “Muh Freedom.” Flags and borders are just outdated tools the ruling classes use to keep us all divided.
Yes, dreadfully overrated by hipster fanboys. This movie is flawed as hell.
It depends on the definition of genuine love. I’d suppose Tony does superficially love his family, but only because it benefits him and gives him the appearance of being a normal citizen. Tony has greater loyalty to the “famiglia.” In fact, Tony projected most of the love and empathy he had for his family onto those ducks that nested in his pool. Once they left was when his anxiety and depression really took hold.
Chris and Tony also “loved” Adriana but it didn’t take them long to decide they had to dispose of her. So it’s clear that if Tony’s wife or children ever went against him in any way (ie talked to the FBI), he would have no choice but to eliminate them as well.
I think the point of the show was how Tony became a sociopath. By the end he was able to murder his cousin, his nephew, as well as contemplating killing two of his best friends (Hesh and Paulie).
I would say Melfi’s diagnosis was correct (at least by the end of the series, where Tony has become totally corrupt with power), but she was also a terrible psychiatrist. She frequently enabled Tony’s criminal tendencies and ignored all the obvious warning signs.
Only dumb people support a meaningless piece of cloth that symbolizes the ethnic cleansing and enslavement of entire indigenous cultures.
It’s more about classicism. If you’re middle class and black then you only have to deal with the occasional racism or structural barriers to your economic well-being.
However, if you’re poor and black then you’re basically fucked. You have access to bad healthcare, little education, resources, or job security. You’re stuck in a system of segregation that’s been in place since the early 20th century.
In reality, black or white, you are a labourer for the bourgeoise and ruling status quo (or billionaires).
But it’s true that there’s a strong Jewish lobby in America (ie AIPAC) that controls a lot of US foreign interests. And they’re European, Ashkenazi Jews, not Semitic, Sephardic Jews. And Israel’s biggest supporters are the evangelical, bible-thumping Christians who believe in the second coming when Jews return to the Holy Land or some crap. Probably in the rapture of nuclear fire.