CreosoteXmp37's Replies

I think that dynamic holds true for me in lots of cases, not just music. Many people seem to flock to what's "safe" and familiar, and while I might not find the tastes of Mr & Mrs Vanilla to be repulsive to me, they're nothing I'd go out of my way to listen to, watch, go to, eat or drink. I wouldn't say it's more socially acceptable, but it is more common than I remember. I just remember this quote, the wording may not be verbatim but the spirit of it is true enough. "<i>Some personal characteristics are meant to be self-evident. If you find yourself having to state them on your own behalf, you might want to take a long hard look in the mirror to figure out why that is</i>" Never. Or almost never watch any news on TV, and I don't give a rip about sports. Oh, absolutely. I've seen a show or series or movie that are of the "Yeah, I want to see this/these, but not right now" and so on 'My Watchlist' it goes. The watch list is getting bigger and bigger and i chip away at it slower than it builds because my present active viewing seems to leave little time for viewing outside of it. In a weeks time, I average about 5 or six hours. Some friends or relatives, who compared to me are TV junkies, are often exhorting me to watch this or that show or series or movie. I may or may not be interested ( due to our different tastes ) and I don't want to be brusque and dismiss them with a wave of a hand, but I tell them the essential truth: I just don't have the time to act on their new suggestions because I barely have time to watch what I'm currently engaged in. Hell, even if I were retired I doubt I'd have enough time, as I'd be doing nothing but lounging about watching TV. No leaf blowers. Yeah, some, like Metallica did sell out for a time, but the establishment really does seek to absorb acts in an attempt to harness their "movement", so to speak. A musician of friend of mine, and co-worker always has eye opening insight into the music world, as it relates to business. I remember one thing he said i still remember: "If you're a musician or a band, what the music business end of things does is try to separate you from your music" as best as I remember. I didn't understand it then, but I can see what he meant now. Most of the time I look sorta' like Hank Hill from 'King of the Hill', but with slightly longer hair and no glasses. Colored T-shirt, usually a pocket-T, tucked in jeans with a leather belt, work boots. This would be most daily life/leisure settings. I'll sub out a collared polo shirt or maybe a button-down "island" type shirt worn outside if decorum dictates or the mood strikes. Technically true, but many prolific movements began as underground attractions. Indeed being an underground attraction is a badge of honor in many artist's minds. They, so to speak, "welcome their ( the maintream press ) hatred". It's doubtful of bands such as KISS, Metallica, Iron Maiden, The WHO and the like would enjoy the peoplularity and support of their fans if Lawrence Welk endorsed them. "Basically like now except you don't have a smart phone". Yeah, that covers it fairly well. Adding, just like today, but with the bill of your hat facing backwards. Honestly, I really don't notice any significantly different "vibe" from the 90s till now. A still have and use a landline telephone ( though I have a cell too ) Prefer DVDs / Blue Rays over streaming. ( less fussy and glitch prone in pausing, rewinding or fast forwarding ) I still have and enjoy music on CDs. Preferred method of internet browsing and gaming is on a desktop PC. I was one of the last hold-outs of a flip phone, and in many ways still wish I had it now. - It needed to be charged every week, week and a half. - Compact and comfortable to carry in a hip pocket - Made and took calls just fine. Every tuesday a "landscaper" ( guy who mows lawns ) mows two yards behind me first thing in the AM using a zero-turn riding mower that sounds like, and is as loud as a turboprop commuter airliner doing a high power run-up. Then it's a two-stoke weed wacker. Then it's running one of those infernally noise-polluting two-stroke backback blowers never to blow stuff into a pile and collect said stuff, but just to blow it all over in the hopes no one will notice sounds like a 20-minute long motocross competition. Then all the dust, debris and crap that coats our cars and properties and the street. This is done two hours before my wake-up time: just late enough to prevent me from falling fully back to sleep. I'm an ass-dragging foul-mooded mess the whole day at work. I'm not a Beatles fan ( I don't dislike them and I appreciate their contribution to musical history ) but reviews from grey flannel suit fuddy-duddies can't be taken too seriously. It all comes across as just ( yet another ) in a long line of parental class "Kids today....sigh" lamenting. Asking staid establishment types to review modern music is like asking Ann Landers or Dear Abby what are the best rolling papers for smoking pot. Had to rise early today for a doctors appointment. Alarm was set for 09:10 but I woke at 08:41 and couldn't fall back to sleep. Normal waking time for me is around 10:45AM ( I don't get home from work till a few minutes before midnight ) "Just be yourself". Putting on airs is obviously unsustainable even if one can pull it off in some situations, but the "be yourself" bit was always uttered as a pat, mindless platitude by clueless parents as a way of bucking up their offspring in the face of challenges. I'd confront the father at first opportunity. If he was contrite, I'd play it by ear. If not, I'd call the police, and tell him so. I liked 'Atypical'. 'Kramer' from Seinfeld. I hate the way he always justs bursts in to Jerry's place unannounced. Fall ( or Autumn ) getting that much closer. I could see a boss like that making a workplace more toxic. In my case the same thing happened to your boss happened to my father. Though aging, he's doing good for his age and should be a poster-child for happy retirement in one's golden years. Why squander all that by being bitter and negative about every thing and every body who isn't just like you?