MovieChat Forums > CreosoteXmp37 > Replies
CreosoteXmp37's Replies
".... but you had a tv and VCR (and a theoretically limitless amount of videotapes), could you survive entertainment-wise?"
It just so happens that, well, pardon the cliche', "I've been there, done that".
Outside of human interaction with others, it was:
VHS videos, both rented and owned. Availability of them was quite good then, including lots of cool eclectic stuff that you'd be hard pressed to find now on Netflix or whatever, since they seem to be dumping the more obscure stuff regularly. Yeah you had to go to a brick and mortar store, and return to same when done, but it was fun browsing the aisles.
Cable TV; HBO and the like
Taking chances with your luck on network TV
Tunes from the stereo
I can identify with that. "Baader-Meinhof" phenomenon maybe?
( Bud and Otto sitting in Bud's car, as they view a family getting hassled )
Bud, deadpan: "Ordinary people...I hate 'em"
Yeah, I love that intro with the hardcore punk music and moving maps, and they top it off when the final chords are belted out and we get "flung" into the first scene from a rapid zoom-in of the map. Cool as all get-out.
'Borat'. I was told not to miss it. I wish I had, though I lasted more than 5 minutes. Maybe 30-ish minutes in, I decided to cut my losses ( in time wasted ) and end it; the "humor" was so lame, so childish.
FWIW, I'm of Generation X and enjoy the show. Always have. My parents would've been about the age of the Cleaver kids when the show aired on primetime but they probably enjoyed the show for a different reason than I do. I can laugh _with_ the characters, and laugh _at_ them as well, same for the situations depicted.
Yes. I like the gratuitous power chords of the recurring discordant riff that defines the song, but I like the whole song as a whole.
I don't care much for the later 1990's Aerosmith.
This applies to viewing youtube on my smart tv: When browsing through the "recommended" tiles, videos which I'd like to watch but not right away, disappear after hitting the back button ( after watching one or more other videos from the recommended menu first. Then I have to do a search, which seems to screw up the algorithm. I don't have this issue when watching on my PC.
Ad content ( sponsor ) in videos even though I have a premium subscription.
As already observed by others: Long introductions and roundabout references. They'll make a reference to a point they say they want to make and they'll brush up against it, circle around it, make feints at it, and never deliver. I feel like I've been click-baited.
Teaser points in the title that are never discussed or explained in the actual content.
Stupid sound effects. "BLOOP", "POP", "swish"
Music that overlays over the actual live sound content in a way to muddle it.
"I walked among the ruins of ancient Greece and Italy. Toured historical sites of great splendor the world over. It was all so...dated"
I just saw it ( again ) Good observations: I agree with them all. Love all the on-location locales too.
What a great film. Very late in the noir genre, but then that's a plus it capitalizes on: so grim and gritty, yet so cool and, well, kind of slick. Definitely a "comfort food" movie for me.
The weight of the torpedos definitely made the boat less buoyant, but the high pressure air needed to launch them would leave that much less for the purpose of expelling the flood water in the bilge. It was expelling this water what enabled them to finally surface.
I think that they felt he would be ruthless and bold enough to act decisively if the situation required. He was for sure the loosest cannon of the bunch but blue figured he could be reigned in long enough to get the job done. Obviously he was mistaken.
1) Lack of interstate highways. Traversing slower speed roads that went through all the towns/cities
2) Automobiles less refined/comfortable, and reliable for long trips
3) Air travel not as yet developed in terms of speed, reliability, and comfort
4) Rail travel in the near post war years at its absolute apogee in terms of reliability, speed, comfort
I remember my mother playing that card, except it was the kids in Biafra, so this would be the late 1960s.
What she didn't get was that I was too young to understand the concept, and in any case I found most of what she made for dinner revolting in appearance, smell, texture and taste due to not only my as of yet underdeveloped palette, but her indifferent cooking. When I did try to visualize it, I saw starving kids refusing to eat this horrible food.
She wasn't totally at fault; her mother was even worse, and it was just a matter of a young busy housewife just trying to get something, anything, on the table.
Probably a southern California thing. My cousin's wife was born and raised there and I notice a similarity to other's observations on this thread. The vowel sounds seem to come more from the back of the mouth
"Lench" for Lunch
"Wut wuther" for Wet weather
"Turruffuc" for Terrific
and of course "Skewl"
I'm quite sure it was an Oldsmobile due to the shape of the heads. Due to the era, it had to be a 303 or 324.
Definitely not a small block Chevrolet.
Pretty much the whole 'In Through the Out Door' album. Oh, if you were to take the best parts of certain tracks from that album you could get a good 4 or 5 minute medley. Just my tastes.
"The Crunge". Really? That's one of the rocking-est tracks on the whole HOTH album.
I've seen it many times, and that's my exact take on it too.
I like the movie and watch it every time it comes on TCM, but only the beginning half really interests me. Right after they make a good score on the lemons, pay off their truck and suffer the unfortunate accident, I lose interest.
I know I'm late to this thread but I'd like to add my take on it.
IMO, what set off Greenwald was ( what he thought was ) the overly celebratory mood of the defendants "winning" the trial. I think he knew Queeg was a nut and that if Maryk, Keith and others had took their winning in quiet solemnity, he wouldn't have went off on his rant.
Not that I don't understand the relief the officers must have felt and the desire to unwind with alcohol, but for the moment they should have let well enough alone and be satisfied with not being on the hook and that Queeg was finished.
FWIW, as to the appeal to the crew of supporting Queeg earlier, I'm not convinced Queeg would have "came around" and stayed there. He might relent slightly and briefly, but would, due to his inveterate nature, resume his methods of that of a paranoid martinet regardless.
His ego. He didn't want to "get ahead" by any other means than of his own ability to provide for the family. The fact he was implicitly thought of as a relative ne'er do well by his mother-in-law and sister-in-law didn't help matters though.