MovieChat Forums > Luis > Replies

Luis's Replies

Sorry to write this long after your post, but the British Hurricane fighter was metal wings and fabric covered fuselage. At least to the point the fuselage joined the wings. Was very successful in 1940. Although by mid-WW II had been surpassed by all-metal fighters... TROLL! Maybe that they are men fighting in some instances semi-naked? In line with "Have you been in a Turkish prison?" And funny as h___l because of all that! If no topic can be made fun of because of stupid sensitivities, pretty soon we would not have anything to smile and laugh at / with. He threatened to leave first, lessening crew integrity and capability. Unlikely as Monfriez lied about her being dead, he made his story nicer by playing the hero and putting down the pilot, her. Sorry to respond after 5 years. However she was right. He, Monfriez, had already indicated he was getting away, so stating threatening to take his weapon would lessen their chances of survival is NOT an intelligent argument. He wanted to get away was lessening their chance of survival by taking one man and one weapon from the team. I do not know how I would have handled that situation as I never served. I disagree. It was not funny. It was not intellectual. It was stupid. I give it * out of ********** Nope. I give it one * of ********** I just saw this question, two years after you asked it. The Red October did not fire on the Konovalov as there were not enough men to man the torpedo room and the controls. The crew left when they abandoned the sub. There were only enough Russians to man engineering and controls only. Then Jones, Ryan, and the Dallas Captain. Did you watch the film? When he hears his son died, he falls by a chair. Then he keeps saying to the Klingon commander "you bastard, you killed my son" several times. These actions do show he did care his son died. It appears you did not see the film. Any perceived difference between advanced aliens and mythical deities are immaterial in fiction. And Jesus Christ is not a mythical deity. There is nothing wrong with the premise of fighting Egyptian gods with machine guns. The premise of ID4, fighting UFOs with Hornets was worse. Because then we have NO movie! A bit late. But why the kids react that way, is because "the whisper people" prepared them. They whispered an UFO will come for them. They whispered the girl's mom was to die. And so on. Kids were prepared by Whisper People. Not the adults! It was not the number 33. It was the letters EE. Meaning? Watch the entire movie! You are wrong, wrong, WRONG! I am Hispanic and I support LEGAL immigration. I am NOT for Trump. I am against ILLEGAL immigration, as are ALL THOSE that are against illegal immigration. Do not confuse those that want to uphold LAWS with being "Trumpers." Pugnax, Your number 2. The deputies were not "innocent." They tried to do their jobs, and pulled their guns out. Or tried to. Munny had no choice. It was self defense. But as I said, they were not innocent. Little Bill decided to take the law into his own hands. The way he went after English Bob when Bob had no weapons. The way he went after Munny when he was disarmed at the saloon. And the way he went after Ned. The deputies turned guilty when they accepted Bill's treatment of his prisoners. Unarmed prisoners. The only one that Munny shot that was completely innocent was Skinny. Sure he was greedy. Sure he did not care for his "workers." The way he treated Ned after his death? That was Bill's doing. Skinny would have no control over that. I see Vandivier get inside the PBY. But agree with you, bad scripting... BAD sequencing! 1. Little wake from a ship that is starting to launch planes... Should be a bigger wake... 2. The cradle that holds the bombs and moves to clear the propeller is deployed for too long, when I have seen in documentaries the cradle moves a few seconds before bomb release... 3. The carrier moves "into the wind" then they turn the plane's engines on... My understanding is the engines will be turned on, to warm them, then the order is given to "turn into the wind." incaspultates? Is that a word? Learn proper English or use a dictionary. You may have meant ENCAPSULATES! If you had learn how to talk and be consistent maybe America would not be the worlds police force.