I just want to know what kind of magical fabrics the sky captains' plane was made of... since it was miraculously capable of slamming into the sea at full farking force and not break into a million pieces, but instead magically transform into a SUBMERGED PLANE?!?! ARE YOU FRIGGIN' KIDDING ME?!?!?! What, next you're gonna tell me that people actually paid to go and be spoon-fed this bull-crap? Jesus H. *beep* christ...
A very early version of adamantium you jackass. It's a movie. I hate to break it to you, but there's isn't a planet where super people come from, time travel isn't possible, invisibility isn't possible, nor is teleportation. I am hoping there are aliens though, but they probably won't become friends with a little boy if they do visit.
It was a fantasy movie with flying robots, ray guns, giant flying lizards, and an evil genius bent on destroying the world. There were many many elements that make no sense in reality and it makes no sense to question them now. If you are unable to lose yourself in the action do not feel badly, you're in good company.
The explanation to that is simple: It was on the television, and that was the part that I saw when I switched to that channel... if you think I chose to watch the rest of this movie then think again...
It has the physics of a kid playing with their toys on the stairs - that's the point, you have to suspend belief to enjoy a homage such as this. You didn't get into it - fine, but it's far from the rubbish you think. If you want to be insulting because you didn't get it, the film's reputation isn't the one that suffers...
I can't believe that this jackass of an OP would post a complaint about a brief portion of a film he saw (and clearly didn't understand) whilst channel surfing.🐭
Recently I saw an assclown complain about a new hit series. He denounced it after seeing the first 20 minutes on the first episode where they were trying to establish the characters. It has an IMDV rating of 9.3
I just can't not shake my head at this sort of behaviour, as well as those who post "10 minutes in" complaining that they don't understand/or are bored with what is happening. Duh! They have the attention spans of gnats.🐭
Three years late, but why didn't any of you point out that the P-40 was an all-metal plane?
If this moron asks "what fabric" was his plane made of, it shows his stupidity!
By 1939 most airplanes were not made of "fabric" but metal. The only "fabric" would be in the control surfaces, mobile parts of the ailerons, flaps, elevators, and rudder.
There were some that still had fabric covering, but a fighter? Nnnnnnnoooppe!
Sorry to write this long after your post, but the British Hurricane fighter was metal wings and fabric covered fuselage. At least to the point the fuselage joined the wings. Was very successful in 1940. Although by mid-WW II had been surpassed by all-metal fighters...
I think the whole discussion is kinda bunk. The whole movie is about fantastic adventure. It's like asking how Indiana Jones can lash his whip to something and have it stick, then retrieve the whip with a flick of the wrist. It's like asking how James Bond's cars have such impossible tech in them or why his wrist watch has a powerful laser in it. And a grappling hook. And it's also just a reliable timepiece!
Sky Captain's plane can turn into a submersible plane because that's the kinda movie this is.