MovieChat Forums > MoviesSuck > Replies
MoviesSuck's Replies
What are you saying?
Yes, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I honestly can’t think of another film with such beautiful and creative (not to mention symbolic) camerawork. It really is breathtaking stuff.
I hate to be rude, but a large percentage of the people on these boards seem wholly intent on ruining the fun of discussing/debating cinema. Nuance absolutely does not exist here, whereas delusion runs rampant. I guess I’m just sick of it.
Have you stopped to consider that most adults don’t give a single shit about Star Wars, including the actors who participated in it? That they have actual lives with actual responsibilities? This is a job for most of them...nothing more. That said, acting is fun, and so why would someone give up the opportunity to make a quick million, do something fun, AND act in a project that may turn out to be great? We’re all so very, very impressed with your principles, but you sound like a total moron with zero grasp of reality.
Planning? She was 87 years old. People in their 50’s routinely buy cemetery plots and funeral insurance, because it becomes very clear around that age that you won’t live forever. What the hell did she expect? Besides, did she think that the country really needed a geriatric on the court?
It was very poor planning, not to mention reckless beyond belief.
We’ll have to agree to disagree. His age gives the character a level of wisdom due to increased experience. There’s a lot more to Bond than just action.
Exactly. And Craig is now 52, and looking better than ever in the role.
Agree 100%.
Yes, but the brains behind those operations (the generals and the coaches) are always older men. In a movie, it’s rarely believable or relatable for an audience to watch a man do James Bond-level things when he’s 20 years-old.
I don’t watch Marvel movies, but I’m aware enough of them to know that RDJ seemed like he was an appropriate age for that role. A man needs twenty years to build up a level of confidence and competence that makes him ready to handle the events thrown at him in an action film. I can think of nothing less compelling to watch than a cocky, know-nothing teenager.
I’m talking 37 through 52 years of age. That is when a man is the most manly he will ever be. Anything younger onscreen is almost always worthy of an eye roll.
All she had to do was, ya know...retire before turning 80. But nope. And now here we are. Selfish old bat.
Yes. It’s such a horrible idea that it’s almost inconceivable that it was green lit.
Ugh. This saddens me.
This conversation is hilarious.
It’s true, though. The complaints you find on these boards are nit-picky at best and completely incoherent at worst. It would be one thing if they said, “I didn’t like this aspect of the film for the following reasons. As such, I think the plot/pacing/character development/whatever could have been better if this had happened instead.” And then the rest of us could join in and have an ACTUAL conversation. As it stands now, though, most of Moviechat involves grown men bitching and moaning over things that no well-balanced adult should ever care about. The old IMDb boards were never this bad. It seems like out of the people who made the leap from there to here, 95% of them are nothing more than whiners.
Imagine if the idiots on these boards tried to make a film themselves. It would be an absolute shit show in 99.9% of all cases.
Yes. It’s an ambitious film that was every bit as narratively daring as Pulp Fiction, and every bit as emotionally satisfying as Shawshank. To say “I hate it” it is just another way of saying “I’m an idiot”.