MovieChat Forums > MoviesSuck > Replies
MoviesSuck's Replies
It’ll look even better when the maggots start crawling out of it in a few days.
I’m a conservative, and I enjoyed the fly immensely. If you didn’t enjoy the fly, then I’m afraid there’s something very wrong with you.
I dig it. That is one royal ass.
Would fuck. Would impregnate. Would abandon.
Haha, no one has said “whatever” to me since high school. Thank you for that. I feel young again.
This is a show, not a movie.
Because you appear to have no sense of humor whatsoever.
You seem very confused and distraught. We’re all worried about you, Johnny.
Who said anything about equivalence? Also, why do you seem so unbelievably confused by this thread? Is everything okay?
That’s the answer I was looking for.
A skilled insurance salesperson can make well over 200k per year. I think you should stop underestimating them.
Grandma? Is that you?
He means that he doesn’t think he was REALLY being chased by the police. Instead, it was all in his head.
I’d be down for that.
Nope. I didn’t say anything even remotely like that.
Yeah, I can definitely see him as a lazy bouncer eating a giant hoagie on his barstool.
Are you asking a question?
Early 1980’s.
The specific font is called “Booby Mania 67B Stencil Fucka Ducka Doodle Derp 9”. Google it.