MovieChat Forums > Forrest Gump (1994) Discussion > Is Forrest Gump only hated today because...

Is Forrest Gump only hated today because...

It beat out Pulp Fiction and Shawshank Redemption for best picture in 1994?


I did not know it was hated today. Everyone I know still loves it and quotes it.


I have just seen the hate of the movie among certain film nerds for that specific reason.


On this website? I'm shocked!

Honestly, sometimes I'm not sure why I still look at this website. When I first signed up, I thought it was going to be people discussing the things they liked and maybe asking questions. I did not realize it was going to be mostly trash talk. Sigh ...


I mean, the original IMDB forums (and their userbase) moved here. Of course its going to continue being mostly trash talk.


Hmm, I used to read the IMDB forums (never posted) and really enjoyed them.


The movie boards were good, most others - not so much. the exception being the popular movie boards with fanbases. go to some new marvel movie board and half the post there are spam and trolling.


Literally none of the threads currently on the page have a bad thing to say.

also if you hate a film because it got an oscar , and prevented another film getting that oscar , you are one sad oscar fuck!


"Literally none of the threads currently on the page have a bad thing to say."

Congratulations for being the first!


It is pretty dumb to just hate a movie for winning an Oscar over another movie. I like the fugitive but don't like that Tommy Lee Jones won an Oscar for it. But I don't hate that movie. Frankly it seems most everyone on here and who were on imdb hate it because they think it has a message that Conservatives will lead good lives while liberals won't. I don't really see it that way though. And frankly the stuff Jenny does like taking LSD and other drugs isn't good whether you're liberal or conservative.


They're just being edgy.


I didn't realise it was hated.


It's not, except by those who live and die by "awards".

I like Shawshank better but Gump is just freaking brilliant. Pulp Fiction is unwatchable to me.


I like all three.


Lots of people do, and I have no problem with people who like or love movies that I despise (except Fire Walk With Me!!!).


No, it's just a bad movie that is over referenced.


Its okay as a movie. enjoyable, well shot, etc. Its not TOP250 material though.


And I can think of 3 1994 films right away that were objectively better: Pulp Fiction, Ed Wood and Clerks


Also Speed


Yes. It’s an ambitious film that was every bit as narratively daring as Pulp Fiction, and every bit as emotionally satisfying as Shawshank. To say “I hate it” it is just another way of saying “I’m an idiot”.


LOL. Pulp Fiction sucks all on its own.


Different strokes for different folks, although I happen to agree with you. I saw it once and if I never see Pulp again it will be too soon. Several of my friends like it.. No accounting for taste I guess.


Frankly this movie at the very least deserved to win best screenplay simply because the book it's based on got way too silly in the second half. Like, could you see this movie working with the following premises from the book?
Forrest masters the ability to play the harmonica and plays it with Jenny in a band.
Forrest throws his congressional medal of honor and accidentally hits the clerk of the Senate on the head. Then is sent to a mental institution where they find out he's smart and then decide to send him to NASA so he can go into Outer Space.
Then he goes into Outer space in a space ship with an Orangatang and another astronaut.
Then the Orangatang goes berskerk causing the ship to crashland on an island full of Cannibals and they all live there for 4 years.
And the Cannibal King is a Yale Graduate who teaches Forrest to play Chess.
Then Forrest goes to find Jenny and ends up becoming a wrestler who wears a diaper and calls himself the Dunse.
Then Forrest goes to California where he enters a chess competition and also gets to play the Creature from the Black Lagoon in a remake a guy does. And he gets to carry Rachelle Whelch through a Swamp and ends up unintionally causing all her clothes to tear off so he gets to carry her naked.
Then when he starts his Shrimping business he ends up finding everyone he ever knew minus Lieutenant Dan to help him with his shrimping business including Rachelle Whelch and the guy he was doing the movie with.

And not to mention, Forrest cusses through out the book and says really politically incorrect things all the time.

Now can you imagine the movie working with all those things in it? And if they were in it, could you see it winning major Oscars?


Is it hated?


Didn’t realize it was hated.
I happen to love all 3.
