MovieChat Forums > Supratad > Replies
Supratad's Replies
The timber "Staithes" that Carter and Eric run along are still there, mostly. That's wood standing in salt water.
Yes, all woman secretly enjoy rape. That’s why its so popular.
Perhaps she was ashamed or worried Connor would leave her if he knew?
Perhaps she wanted to bury the whole event and live her life
No, she didn’t have any dogs or cats.
I would suggest not. The big pointer, as it were, is that Boddiker henchperson Joe knocks her clean out, at gunpoint , because she just can’t resist a glance at his unsheathedness.
Yes, I found the lack of formal structure the most troubling aspect of that whole meeting.
I know. I'm from their town. Richard's love-child was at my school.
I once had a French GF who was always complaining how rubbish my town was/is. No cinema, no art gallery, no decent shops etc etc, all very French and pouty. "Tell me eh? Tell me, 'oo 'as' even 'eard of zis place? Cest merde! 'As anyone fammoose ezzer came from 'ere? Non"
"Well. there's Mick Jagger and Keith Richards"
That shut her up.
I've never been a fan of the Stones really but I know their major works like most people, so on first hearing, I assumed it was a cool old track re-used. I thought the lyrics were amazingly apt for this series, uncannily so. So I googled it and discovered it was written specifically. Well of course.
Didn't know he was still working.
The Prize is fully specified at the end. Mortality, fertility, all knowledge and the ability to hear the thoughts of all people.
That's amazing. He said that? Cool.
Or is this in my head too.
Bit late to the party here but how did Connor survive the flight back to base?
He’d had a piece of steel bracing stabbed right through his heart. It came out the front. His heart would be destroyed yet he lives long enough to get home and undergo an operation.
I got the feeling they were trying to ape the scene in Skyfall.
Pretty certain there were women in 1914. Just the fact that we all exist now is proof enough.
There were black people too, like that fella Al Jolson?
(I do know)
You should really watch this film again, and pay attention this time.
You totally missed what actually happened.
No not you. Waste coal, well not coal but the slag that is left over from getting the coal out of the ground, from nearby mines was being dumped just off-shore. Or it could have been waste coke (slag) from nearby steelworks etc. Slag is basically waste material of any type. Its why its used as an insult.
No one was around because, as can clearly be seen, its not a very nice place to be. Its not a lovely bracing coastal walk or recreation area, its a bit of industrial wasteland.
Much nicer now of course, though it remains stubbornly in the North-East.
If we assume that there are no immortals from pre-history, then all civilisation started in the middle-east and then Europe.
When Ramirez is teaching Connor, there is no America. It has yet to be re-discovered by modern man. There is no means of getting to the Americas at that point in history and the Immortals have no super-powers other than, well, immortality as the big one and being able to predict or influence humans just by breadth of experience from age.
Therefore the faraway land is an as yet unknown place.
Well, its possible that older films don't hold up well in our "now" culture. Everything happens so much quicker now. Our attention spans are shorter and we demand more. For example, the scene with Norman cleaning up is very meticulous, but could have been a lot shorter.
By way of example, compare the start of Alien with the start of Prometheus. The first is slow and introduces you to the ship, the characters and the whole story, the second is very hurried and they are on the ground and racing off in little buggies within 20 mins. Seems overly hasty to me but that is how films are made now.
Psycho is meant to be more about the horror of the twisted mind, slowly revealing itself, and not jump scares and gore.
Guess we can all figure out what kind of porn the OP watches then.
Seems odd that having seen he is being watched, he openly uses a radio. He was supposed to slip in unseen.
Ahhh, that would explain a lot then.