How woke is this?
I haven’t seen this film, but I noticed a black guy and a woman on the poster? For a film set during 1914, when neither of those existed?
Politically correct insanity from the SJW cuck cabal.
I haven’t seen this film, but I noticed a black guy and a woman on the poster? For a film set during 1914, when neither of those existed?
Politically correct insanity from the SJW cuck cabal.
Nah, it's not bad at all.
shareThe Left can’t meme, they’re too dumb to pull off satire so… nice try but fail, dickhead.
The good news is that, completely by accident, you have raised a legit question. So for normal people who rightly despise the racism and sexism of your woke cult…
The King’s Man is only mildly woke. It crowbars in a black ally and a woman, but they play servants and it kinda works with the African setting at the start. The early 20th Century British heroes are, accurately, white males, and there is a woman amongst the villains. The Last Jedi this ain’t.
I’d give it a 3/10 Woke Rating. It’s there but it’s not overbearing.
"The King’s Man is only mildly woke. It crowbars in a black ally and a woman, but they play servants and it kinda works with the African setting at the start."
Yeah, servants, but with a modern attitude. Just started to watch this and the first 10 minutes ruined it. I don't think I'm gonna finish this one.
Black men and women did not exist in 1914, got it.
sharePretty certain there were women in 1914. Just the fact that we all exist now is proof enough.
There were black people too, like that fella Al Jolson?
(I do know)