looper007's Replies

Fantastic film and best superhero film to date. With a seminal performance from the late Heath Ledger as the Joker. Directed by a director at the top of his game. Nolan's Trilogy still holds up, Rises has it's flaws but it's still a great watch and Hardy's Bane has aged a lot better. Love to see The Dark Knight in IMAX. 1. Sergio Leone 2. Martin Scorsese 3. Sam Peckinpah 4. Paul thomas Anderson 5. Michael Mann 6. John Carpenter 7. David Fincher 8. Brian De Palma 9. Tony Scott 10. Kathryn Bigelow 11. Robert Rodriquez 12. Guy Ritchie 13. Joe Carnahan 14. Rob Zombie I don't count AVP films. Predator 10/10 Predator 2 7/10 Predators 6/10 The Predator 5/10 I thought Rod Steiger was fantastic in this, although supposedly him and Leone didn't get along cause of Steiger been a method actor. Not many films are on the same level as Once Upon A Time In The West, but Fistful of Dynamite deserves more praise then it get's really. I like James Coburn in this too, even with a dodgy Irish accent. He still brings a lot of charm and heart to it. It's definitely one of Leone's bleakest films that's for sure, the ending is a lot darker the more you watch it. It also has one of Ennio Morricones best scores imo. I think the film's biggest problem that it's stuck between two of Leone's greatest films. Following up WEST was going to be tough. He wasn't supposed to direct Dynamite either he offered it to Peter Bogdanovoich and Sam Peckinpah who both turned it down, then he gave it to Giancarlo Santi who worked a Leone's assistant director on his past films. But Coburn and Steiger wanted Leone, so he did it. It's better then just good imo, it's great but it definitely has flaws with it's pacing but it's still a great piece of cinema. I'd say Green Book, it's a bit overlong and could have done with some cutting down but it's his best film imo. There's Something About Mary and Dumb and Dumber are both comedy classic's. Also he didn't direct this film but wrote it and I think it's cult classic Outside Providence with Alec Baldwin and Amy Smart in it, if you haven't seen it well worth checking it out. Have to disagree with you 100% on this one. Last Crusade in fantastic, great Villains, great set pieces. Sean Connery and Harrison Ford a great double act. Anyone who thinks Skull is better then Last Crusade I feel for them. Losing all it's main original cast besides Deborah Mailman by the end of Series 4 was one of it's biggest Downfall. Even for me once Joel Edgerton (the first cast member to go) left the show never felt the same. Then losing Claudia Karvan was the last straw. The show never recovered still think series 1 & 2 are must watches. Season 3 is the weakest imo. Season 4 showed some hope but alas it was for nothing. I personally would have ended it once the original cast weren't sticking around and just got it over and done with instead of dragging it out. Shame as the show was great for the first two seasons. She's definitely the weakest of the cast for me anyway, Neil Maskell been the strongest. Considering she's like the lead character and leader of sorts of the group, she should be charismatic and a stand out but she's not. As a fellow Irish person, she's got a posh Irish accent going on and her voice is pretty boring. Looking at her C.V, she's not done a lot mostly TV in small roles (most of her lead roles in TV come from Irish TV), she does a lot of short films and the odd film (Nina Forever is probably most known film, and her last to date). They definitely could have got someone a lot stronger in that role. He's definitely up there probably put Tom Hardy and Joaquin Phoenix ahead of him, just feel he's had a sticky last few films that haven't worked for him. Needs to get back on the track, maybe avoid blockbuster films cause it doesn't quite work for him. But he has a lot of great performances on his C.V in Hunger, Shame, Frank, 12 years a Slave, Macbeth, Inglorious Bastards, Steve Jobs, X-men First Class and Days of Future Past, Slow West, Eden Lake, Fish Tank, Trespass Agaisnt Us and Jane Eyre and even those Alien prequels aren't great but he's the best thing in both films. Tough one really. 1. True Romance 2. Sid and Nancy 3. State of Grace 4. Dracula 5. Tinker Tailor Solider Spy 6. Leon 7. JFK 8. Darkest Hour 9. Prick Up Your Ears 10. The Contender He was one of the best actors of the 80's, name a actor who had a C.V as great as this roll of films Altered States (1980) Body Heat (1981) The Big Chill (1983) Gorky Park (1983) Kiss of The Spider Woman (1985) Children of a Lesser God (1986) Broadcast News (1987) The Accidental Tourist (1988) The only stinker he had in that 80's run was A Time of Destiny. He was supposed to have a bit of a drug habit, and had a pretty stormy relationship with his Children of a Lesser God co-star Marlee Martin, which was rumored to be Violent at times. Also he admitted himself he had a bit of a ego during that time as well. So it's pretty amazing he made so many great films during that time. It was when he hit the 90's when he started to have more misses then hits with his choices, mostly near the end of the 90's with crappy Horror's and thriller's which were underneath his talents. He also started to do more European and art house affair's in the early 90's that probably would never had reached a bigger audience. He had some gems during that period that I rate highly, Wim Wender's Until The End of The World (see it in it's Director's cut), The Doctor, Second Best, Smoke (his best performance from the 90's), Dark City, One True Thing, Sunshine. During the 00's was when it got tough, so many duds with the odd moments that showed why he was so highly rated. Films like A.I, The King, A History of Violence (his best performance of 00's for me), Syriana, Into The Wild. Even in those films he wasn't the lead or had a massive role to be honest. A lot of his main roles came in the crappy horrors or low budget not so good World cinema work. in the last 9 years, he's probably more know for staring in some Marvel films to be honest. So it's fair to say from 80's until probably the mid 90's, you could say he was one of the best actors around. Then he went missing with pay check roles, but he showed glimpses of his old shelf in the 00's. 1. Kiss of The Spider Woman 2. The Big Chill 3. Smoke 4. A History of Violence 5. Broadcast News During the 80's was there a better actor on such a great roll as Hurt, I don't think their was. I Know this is a old thread, but a few films during Jeremy Iron's peak as a leading man in the 80's and 90's are sadly not available. Like you, just going through his list of credits I stumbled upon this. What I like about Iron's even during his peak as a big name in cinema, instead of taking the easy money and doing Hollywood films he went off and did a European film that probably wouldn't have been seen by a large audience. He still does it here and there in his later years. I think the reason why there isn't any threads, is not many people probably saw it and lack of DVD/Blu Ray release. On Amazon, you can only get it on a VHS tape for $235.99 lol. Unless people saw it on it's release (this must have got a decent to limited release in 89, as Iron's was a big name) and if anyone got it on it's VHS release. Even on Youtube, you can't find a single thing on this film. Shame as the cast is pretty strong, with Fanny Ardant and Tcheky Karyo in it, with a screenplay from Jacques Audiard (world respected Cannes winning Director of A Prophet, Rust and Bone and The Beat That My Heart Skipped). At least a bare bone DVD/Blu Ray release wouldn't be so bad. Sounds like a interesting film. You definitely seen most of his good work to be honest, The Year My Voice Broke, Flirting, max, Shine and Submarine hold some of his greatest acting work. Secrets (also called One Crazy Might) from 1992, it's a bit like Robert Zemeckis's 1978 film I Want to Hold Your Hand. About a group of teenagers in 1964 trying to get a way to see the Beatles but end up locked up in the basement of the hotel they are staying at. A tough one to find but Taylor is great in it as die hard fan. Free Fire - Ben Wheatley's crime thriller set in one location, with a cast of pre Oscar Brie Larson, Armie Hammer, Sam Riley and Cillian Murphy. Noah Taylor is in it. But the film is great. The New World The Proposition the Life aquatic with Steve Zissou Paddington 2 Edge of tomorrow Almost Famous Predestination Some of his roles in those films range from decent size roles to small to cameo. Bit all those films are great imo. Also check out the second season of Peaky Blinders as well, he's in that in decent role. Definitely agree it's criminally underrated, wouldn't say it's a masterpiece. Some of the acting isn't great but Frances O' Connor carries the film, and you have to admire the director/Writer and cast making a really good indie film on such a small budget. Also some balls at putting the central romance and main character as a Lesbian, even in 1996 that would have been some risk. You didn't really see that in cinema at the time. Some funny moments in there, and actresses who went on to have good careers in Hollywood in Connor and Radha Mitchell, even Matt Day has done well. It could be seen as Australia's version of Clerks really. A Gem more then a masterpiece. I remember seen this in early 00's on Irish TV on a Sunday morning at 3:00. Glad I stayed up to watch it lol. Such a shame that both Flirting and The Year My Voice Broke haven't been given proper DVD no matter Blu Ray releases. Release them together, throw a few extras on them and get stars like Noah Taylor, Nicole Kidman, Thandie Newton and Ben Mendelsohn do interviews. These films would fit perfectly in Criterion Collection imo. Poetic, well shot, well acted, not dumbed down Coming of Age films. One of the best coming of age films I've seen, check out the prequel to this called The Year My Voice Broke (1987), which is about Noah Taylor's character from Flirting (Danny Embling) in a small Australian town in the early 60's, it's a lot darker then Flirting and more downbeat, I prefer Flirting but many prefer TYMVB. Also you see a young Ben Mendelsohn in a early role. I Just love this film, in part's especially Danny's V/O moment's are so damn poetic and Thandie Newton delivers probably one of her greatest performances. The sadly underrated Noah Taylor is fantastic in this as he was in the prequel. The setting in a boarding school is great. Some of the camera work in this is fantastic, as is the score. Nicole Kidman in late Video and DVD releases is front and center but in reality she's a small supporting role but gives a very good performance. Also you see a early Naomi Watts performance. Such a shame we never got the third part, which was supposedly set in Paris 1968 and I think Newton's character was supposed to return in it. Such a shame these two films haven't been given proper releases in Europe, have to pay over the odds to ship TYMVB from Australia (where it was given a proper DVD release, with a ton of extras) and I've only seen a bare bone release of Flirting from MGM back in the mid 00's which goes for crazy money these days. A company like Criterion, Arrow or Masters of Cinema should be all over these two films and release them on DVD/Blu Ray and throw a few extras on them. They deserve a proper release. She's a talent that's for sure, just some of her choices are very meh at best. She was a little more picky her hit rate would be impressive. Also doesn't help that her greatest performance is still her breakthrough Mulholland Drive (2001) and nothing she's done has come close to it since imo. But she's got a lot of great to very good work on her C.V, Flirting (sure it's not a big role but this is a fantastic coming of age film), Strange Planet (1999), The Ring (one of the better J-horror remakes), 21 Grams (the closet she's come to topping her Mulholland Drive performance), The Assassination of Richard Nixon, Stay (a really underrated film), King Kong, Mother and Child, Eastern Promises, St. Vincent, Funny Games, The Impossible, Birdman The Glass Castle and Twin Peaks. Not too shabby really. Work that was more misfire then awful, Ned Kelly, We Don't Live Here Anymore, I Heart Huckabees, the international, You will meet a Tall Dark Stranger (One of Woody Allen's meh ones), Fair Game, J Edgar, Adore (I thought this was fine, a lot of people dislike it), While We're Young, Demolition, Chuck and Gypsy. To her truly bad work, Tank Girl, Ellie Parker, Undertaking Betty, The Divorce, The Ring Two, Dream House, Movie 43, Sunlight Jr, Insurgent films, The Sea of Trees, 3 Generations, Shut In, The Book of Henry and Diana. Some might not agree with that list, but that's how I view her films. A lot of bad and Misfire work seems to be popping up since 2009. She's no Cate Blanchett really, and I don't see a Oscar coming her way anytime soon. But she's a lot better then her C.V shows I think anyway, I think her best acting performances come from early 00's with Mulholland Drive and 21 Grams and nothing since has been up to those roles imo. The projects she did after Drag me to Hell, were either directed or produced by her husband. I'm guessing it was done out of a favor for him rather then her wanting to get back into acting. They were only tiny roles at best. She's now a Acting teacher and seems happy with her life as a mum and wife, so fair play to her.