MovieChat Forums > Utopia (2013) Discussion > Jessica, worst wooden actress possible

Jessica, worst wooden actress possible

She is ruining this series, either whispering/lisping like a little girl or intoning her lines in the most boring flat voice. What a difference it would have made if someone who could actually act had been given this part.


I really wanted to enjoy this series but a number of the main characters did my head in. I found that the only person I wanted to root for was the yellow suited psychopath Lee.

Jessica was indeed very irritating and I found her painful to follow. That little foul mouthed boy was the one I really wanted to see bludgeoned to death by Lee. The black guy Ian was okay to an extent as all he ever did was look worried about everything going on around him.
That stupid Welsh girl! RRRRGGGH I could not stand her!
Finally, everybody's favourite Arby. I didn't like him that much but I gave him a chance because I really liked Neil Maskell's performance in The Kill List.

Basically, I knew this wasn't the show for me where the one person I like is the one I'm not supposed to like. Always a bad sign.


I have to agree. The actress and character are equally horrible.


I wouldn't say horrible, but certainly boring :D

For me the best characters in the show are Arby and Lee !

Gotta hand it to the villains in this show.


She's definitely the weakest of the cast for me anyway, Neil Maskell been the strongest. Considering she's like the lead character and leader of sorts of the group, she should be charismatic and a stand out but she's not. As a fellow Irish person, she's got a posh Irish accent going on and her voice is pretty boring. Looking at her C.V, she's not done a lot mostly TV in small roles (most of her lead roles in TV come from Irish TV), she does a lot of short films and the odd film (Nina Forever is probably most known film, and her last to date). They definitely could have got someone a lot stronger in that role.


I just staryed watching this.

Why the freaking duck-face all the time!!!


