MovieChat Forums > looper007
looper007 (1158)
Celia's Mum Jax (spoilers)
A very good film up until... (spoilers)
Far better then many give it credit for (spoilers)
Really Underrated Director
One of Ang Lee's most underrated films
Basically A Platonic Version of Before Sunset (spoilers)
Enjoyable enough coming of age show
The Scenes with Dianne West/Martha Plimpton/Keanu Reeves and Joaquin Phoenix are best stuff
One of my favourite Emily Blunt performances and one of her most underrated films
I wish the film spent more time on Nick and Norah
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Had two films in Nutcracker and Black Beauty that she was carrying as a lead and both didn't do to well. And slowly disappeared from acting since 2020.
Funnily enough going by her instagram that she's really got into horses and being a trainer/rider.
She's still only 23 but you see no mention of acting at all even in her bio. Maybe she's just knocked acting on the head.
What helps this show going forward seen as we never got that second season is it works as a mini series. Everything is wrapped up. That's why I always say people can easily watch it as a one off season show.
Damn shame too. One positive, At the very least it wraps itself up perfectly as a one off series. That's at least one thing going for it.
I feel if this was on HBO or Amazon, and got promoted heavily we could have got another season or two out of this. I don't know if it ever would have become a massive hit but a highly respected and well followed show for sure.
It's the type of show you'd expect at the very least to have a strong following like another Cinemax show Banshee. It's got the violence, sex, interesting storyline and characters like that show.
That's one I can see why some might not like Joni, the fact she still sleeps with Cliff after her fight with Mac. It's a low blow.
They do sort of redeem her by showing she's willing to stand by Mac even through all the shit she finds out about him.
I love the use of Otis Redding Blue record in episode 1. He first finds out Joni is cheating on him and then goes to kill the lover, and he hears the record being played, nice touch.
I think she feels immense guilt for what she did to Mac. I don't doubt she loves her husband and feels betrayed by him when he goes back for a 2nd tour of Vietnam. But the fact she cheats on him once he's back does leave you feeling a little less sympathetic towards Joni. I hate how her friend is all like have one more night with Cliff behind Mac's back. I don't think she loves Cliff over Mac but she does have feelings for him that's for sure but not enough to shop Mac in to the police for him.
I didn't think Joni would play a big massive part in the show. I thought we just see how Mac's life fall apart on him, to add final nail in the coffin he finds his beloved wife has cheated and fallen in love with someone else. And that Joni would play a smaller role in this, being a bit of bitch towards Mac to make us feel more for Mac.
I think Joni just felt lonely and betrayed, doesn't excuse her cheating on him. But I like that she's not some goody two shoes character, that's she's just as messed up as other characters in this.
The mother gets off way to easy by the end, just in the sense they are talking again like nothing happened. That would have been mentally scaring event for Laure/Michael something that can't be forgiven. They are pretty much exposed and outcasted by everyone bar Lisa. Maybe Celine Sciamma didn't want to end it on a sour note with the mother and her child. But I think it would have suited the film to have Laure be uneasy around their mother and not willing to open to her after what she's done to them. Something the mother will have to work on to regain her child's trust.
The mother sees it as tough love and not wanting to see her child be ridiculed and abused once everyone finds out they were born a girl. She means well but the way she goes about it is all wrong by making them wear the dress and outing them to all the kids and making their life worse once School begins.
Only part of the film I felt Sciamma chickened out not having a easy ending for.
Making Krista a bit more sympathetic. And showing that she actually likes Nadine and didn't mean to hurt her. Damn shame too cause Haley Lu Richardson is likeable presence on screen. And having a scene at the end with Nadine and Krista alone, and showing us maybe over time they can be friends again.
Agreed Darian being somewhere in the middle, he's slightly dickish but we see signs of him caring for Nadine.
It's called acting, Sennott also is straight but has played bi-sexual and Lesbian characters. I don't think cause you ain't Jewish that you'd shouldn't play Jewish. It's acting. Sure Polly Draper who played Danielle's mum isn't Jewish and she got the role down pat.
I think she felt jealous over Max's wife Kim, who had everything she wanted. She had three business, was beautiful and successful. Who was breadwinner of the family. So Max was paying Danielle with the money Kim earned. Danielle wanted to have something over Kim and that was having Max at her whim.
With Max as her sugar daddy, she felt she had power and felt wanted.Once she saw that being shattered she got jealous.
I don't think she's in love with him but she definitely has some feelings for him. But I think they fade away by the end when she finds out Maya wants her back and she's the person she always loved back in her life.
Jealously, the people she killed all got close to either her mother or her sister Camille and took the attention away from Amma. Like Mae, her last victim, the reason Amma kills her is cause Camille was nice to her and gave her attention when she talked about wanting to be a journalist. And Amma ain't having that, she needs Camille to have her attention on her.
No the mother was making her children ill (which led the death of one of them) so they could depend on her. Probably one of the reasons Adora dislikes Camille cause Camille was a free spirit and didn't give herself over to Adora like her two sisters did. Adora is one evil person and deserves prison time, and more then likely led to Amma turning out the way she did.
The husband was a total wimp and turned his eyes away from his wife's behavior. Jackie, Adora's friend and the person closet to Camille was the same too even though she had plenty of evidence on Adora's behavior. She turned a blind eye to it too cause Adora had so much power in the town they lived. Probably one of the reasons Jackie is so nice to Camille is that she feels guilty for doing so and wants to be seen as a kind person for Camille to rely on.
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