MovieChat Forums > looper007 > Replies
looper007's Replies
He's choosing the roles that he wants rather then looking at making the big blockbusters really. He did that in the early part of his career and it nearly ruined his career, Pretty Woman saved him. I doubt he be going back down that route anytime soon. Also he's 69 years of age now, his leading man days are behind him.
He's nothing left to prove to anyone
Looking For Mr Goodbar (1977), Days Of Heaven (1978), Yanks (1979), American Gigolo (1980), An Officer and A Gentleman (1982), Cotton Club (1984), Internal Affairs (1990), Pretty Woman (1990), Rhapsody In August (1991), And the Band Played on (1993), Primal Fear (1996), Chicago (2002), The Hoax (2006), The Hunting Party (2007), I'm Not There (2007), Hachi:A Dog's Tale (2009), Arbitrage (2012), Norman (2016).
Not a bad career, some of his best performances are from his later day films. He's got some stinker's on his C.V as well. But he's at that point now that he's just enjoying his work then looking for a hit.
The film deserved that ending. As did Paula (Debra Winger), she was one of those characters who was tough but had a heart of gold. Plus Gere did a great job with Mayo, in the wrong hands he could have come off like a real dick. But Gere showed that Mayo was a good guy who wanted to be loved but was clearly damaged from his childhood. One of those chick flicks that even guys will love lol.
Amazing to think Gere and Winger hated the sight of each other, cause they had such great chemistry.
She definitely had the tools to be a success, looks and talent. But she was known to be a bit difficult on set and had a personality that was slightly kooky, and that won't get you far. You can be kooky but if you throw in been a bit of a diva to boot you won't last long. Throw in the fact after 1987 (her best year as a actress), she did some rotten films and had rotten luck (Batman thing for example). Was dumped from Dick Tracy, for been too demanding (although she says Beatty wanted to sleep with her). Was cut from two Woody Allen films which got to be a blow. Turned down the role in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Then stalked her EX James Wood, who filed for Harassment, which didn't do her favors. Also had a problem with drink and other substances.
But she had good work on her C.V
Stripes (1981)
Blade Runner (1982)
Dune (1984)
No Way Out (1987)
Wall Street (1987)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)
Now she's doing B movies and straight to DVD films. This is just a case of actress, who wasn't built to be a major star even though she had the looks and some talent to be one. Throw in she clearly has some mental issues and addictions. Even last year she was pulled in by the police for stealing some laptops. She had some alcohol issues and probably others too. Also that didn't help her with her attitude which was Diva like. Also picking some awful films to star in, look at her films after 1987, woah. She burned her bridges really.
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)- Not Murray's most stand out performance, but he still deliver's in a smaller role in Anderson's great follow up to Rushmore.
Lost in Translation (2003)- Murray should have won the Oscar for this, not a fan overall of the film (I know many will disagree with me on that) but he's the best thing about it.
Coffee and Cigarettes (2003)- Short films, Murray acting alongside Wu Tang Clan. Shouldn't work, but ends up been the best part of the film imo.
The Life Aquatic of Steve Zissou (2004)- One of Anderson's more underrated films, Murray is the best thing about it.
Broken Flowers (2005)- One of Murray's more underrated performances. Great film too.
Zombieland (2009)- Steals the film just by playing himself.
St Vincent (2014)- Another Murray masterclass in acting. Good film too.
Definitely had one of the better careers, probably rival's Robin Williams as a comedian who's gone onto been just as awesome dramatic actor.
Bill's one of those actor's that has so many that I like. So I want to make a list of his truly best work
Where The Buffalo Roam (1980)- I prefer his version of Hunter S Thompson then Depps in Fear and Loathing, although I think Fear and Loathing is a better film. But this is a better film then many give credit for.
Caddyshack (1980)- One of his very best comedic roles, his part's are what make this film memorable imo.
Stripes (1981)- He prefected the Murray layback smartass in this that many haven't come close too since, with a cast of John Candy, Harold Ramis and Warren Oates. You can't go wrong with this. Better then 6.9 on Imdb.
Tootsie (1982)- Great chemistry with Dustin Hoffman, and is the films main stand out.
Ghostbusters (1984)- What can I say, one of my favourite's of all time. Murray's great.
Scrooged (1988)- Murray shows why he's a great leading man, with great comedic moments but carrying the drama just as well.
Quick Change (1990)- One of Murray's more underrated film, that deserves more love. Great chemistry between him, Geena Davis and Randy Quaid.
What About Bob? (1991)- Another one of Murray's underrated comedic turns, great turn too from Richard Dreyfuss.
Groundhog Daddy (1993)- Definitely one of his best films and performances, a bit like a modern day Frank Cappa film. Murray is awesome.
Mad Dog and Glory (1993)- A massively underrated film, Murray steals the film from De Niro. Playing a mobster. Murray's early 90's has so many underrated cult classic's.
Ed Wood (1994)- Murray almost steals the film in a smaller role, definitely Tim burton's greatest film in my opinion.
Kingpin (1996)- Murray playing a right scumbag villain, then check this out. A laugh out funny comedy.
Rushmore (1998)- Murray begins his stint with Wes Anderson with his still his best turn for Anderson. Great film.
Cradle Will Rock (1999)- Tim Robbin's underrated musical drama set in the 30's, Murray is great with a top cast.
It's tough to put it down to five, so i'm going for Top ten with some bubbling under.
1. The Big Lebowski
2. True Grit (2010)
3. The Fisher King (1991)
4. Fearless (1993)
5. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974)
6. Starman (1984)
7. Crazy Heart (2009)
8. Hell or High Water (2016)
9. The Last Picture Show (1971)
10. Cutters Way (1981)
Bubbling Under
Fat City (1972)
Jagged Edge (1985)
Tucker:The Man and his Dream (1988)
The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989)
American Heart (1992)
The Contender (2000)
I think Regina King is probably the only dead cert award for Best Supporting Actress, probably along with Best Director for Roma and maybe Bale for Best Actor for Vice.
I think Roma or A Star Is Born will win Best Picture, it's definitely a weak year for the awards. Which makes it a more open one, I hate it when it's a clear winner from the start.
Coleman has great chance, bit worried that Lady Gaga will win it (she's very good in it, but not as interesting as Coleman's turn) or Glenn Close (more for her career rather then her performance), the oscar's like to give awards to people they snubbed a few times.
Definitely think the best chance of it winning awards is in Best Actress, Best Costume, Best Production. I don't see it winning Best Director or Picture.
great film really, Coleman was excellent as always.
The Horse Whisperer (1998)
The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)- The First role that showed she had potential to be a future star
Ghost World (2001)- Thora Birch steals the film, but Scarlett delivers a strong performance herself
An American Rhapsody (2001)- She had a damn good 2001, didn't she. One of her most underrated films and performances.
Lost In Translation (2003)- I'm not the biggest fan of the film itself. But she deliver's a fine performance for a 19 year old actress. It was a star making turn.
Girl With the Pearl Earring (2003)- I think she delivers a better performance in this then in LIT. the film's not a total success.
A Love Song for Bobby Long (2004)- One of her post LIT performances that has been overlooked.
A Good woman (2004) - Scarlett is pretty good in period films, wish she did more of them. not a great film but she's charming in this.
Match Point (2005)- At this point she's only 21 years old, Woody Allen comes knocking and she delivers a great performance.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)- another of her great Allen turn's, although Cruz and Bardem run away with the film.
Don Jon (2013)- Scarlett play's up to her sexy image, and deliver's one of her better performances.
Under The Skin (2013)- She delivers a very good performance in a fantastic film
Her (2013)- Damn 2013 must have been her best year for acting, brings a lot of soul and heart to a performance with just her voice.
She's a very hit and miss actress, and none of her performances for me were Oscar worthy (even her performance in LIT wasn't worth a Oscar Nomination imo). She was in films like The Prestige were you wouldn't have noticed she was in it she makes that little a impact. And she's done some work that's not been great to be fair. I like that compared to other Marvel actor's, she still makes time to do other work. She's making a lot of money for doing so little in Marvel films, so she could have just sit back and relaxed. I like the sound of Jojo Rabbit, but only time will
5.The Year of Living Dangerously (1982)
4. Working Girl (1988)
3. The Ice Storm (1997)
2. Death and The Maiden (1994)
1. Gorilla's in the Mist (1988)
Bubbling Under
Dave (1993)
1492 Conquest of paradise (1992)
Galaxy Quest (1999)
Bana is someone I don't think lived up to his early promise. He was so awesome in Chopper, that everything since just been a bit of a let down. Not to say he's had a bad career at all. Black Hawk Dawn (he was the best thing in that), Munich (one of Spielberg's underrated films), Romulus My Father (a solid Australian film) and Lone Survivor. They are pretty damn good films. But His best performance is still Chopper, and he hasn't come close to topping since. Shame really.
He made the Castle even before he did his comedy stuff on TV, Surprised by that. I always said that the Castle could be shot here in Ireland, or in the Middle Eastern country and it would still work. It's such a good hearted film. Australia have churned out some great films over the last few decades and I put The Castle up there as one of the best that country has produced.
Definitely could see Stewart or Jack Lemmon circa late 50's early 60's in Truman Show.
I get what you are saying, but nearly 19 years and you got to have more then "Chicks dig him" to last that long. The guy's got a good nose for a good project. But different strokes for different folks.
Definitely one of Gilliam's best, and other case when it's written by someone else and he's got patient producers on his side that Gilliam visual style can shine in the Hollywood system. It's amazing such a film got made, it feels more like a European film then a Hollywood Studio System film. Shows you at times Hollywood will take risk's like they did in the 70's.
They could have gone down a much darker route and it would have still worked. But thank's to Robin William's bringing a bit of light into Parry's world that it isn't always a dark and depressing watch, it could have been if in the hands of the wrong actor. It's definitely one of William's top 3 performances. Jeff Bridges really makes even the most dislikeable sod and makes you like him by the end and care for him. Also throw in a Oscar winning performance from Mercedes Ruhl and sweet turn from Amanda Plummer, also a scene stealing turn from the late Michael Jeter.
Definitely along with Brazil, Fear and Loathing, Time Bandits and 12 Monkeys as Gilliam's strongest work.
I think Drive is a better film, with better performances. The 2011 film is one of those era defining works.
Both films have one or two things in common, mostly the way the car scenes go and Ryan Gosling and Ryan O'Neal's character's both been called the Driver, both been ultra cool professionals who's past you don't know, both cold blooded killer's if need be. That both films are slim on plot and more on atmosphere. Besides that, that's as far as it goes really.
I liked The Driver a lot, I'm a big Walter Hill fan. It's a shame Ryan O'Neal didn't do more of these kind of roles, he's excellent in this. Bruce Dern steals the film as the Detective who won't stop at nothing to get his man. Isabelle Adjani brings a ice cool vibe to the film that suit's the film down to the ground (shame she didn't do a lot of English speaking roles). She would have only been 23 when she did this and she's beautiful.
1.Fatal Attraction
2.Dangerous Liaisons
3.The World According to Garp
4.Albert nobbs
5. The Big Chill
Special Mentions: 101 Dalmations and Paradise Road.
For me
The Graduate
Midnight Cowboy
All The Presidents Men
Straight Time
Straw Dogs
Little Big Man
Marathon Man
Perfume : the Story of a Murderer
It's crazy about Bana, I didn't even know he was a comedian until I saw a few clips from his Australian shows. He does a good Arnie Impression. He was great in that film The Castle, one of my favorite Aussie films.
I liked the Majestic, it had a tough job following two stone cold classic's in Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. The problem with The Majestic is that it's simply not Classic like the two other films but I agree it deserves a lot more love then it gets really. He does a real good Jimmy Stewart, I thought he did a good one in Truman show as well.
That's cause Robin broke down those walls, then a lot of the guys you mentioned did it. Once they saw a comedian could have success in the box office and critical side of things many other comedic actors took the risks. The Only one who was on William's level who took the risks and it paid off was Jim Carrey, he was the William's of the 90's and decided he wanted to mix it up and did so brilliantly by doing Man on The Moon, The Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Those three films are probably Carrey's best two definitely the last two.
Keaton is a good call too, I always forgot he started off as a comedian. His role in The Other Guy's shows what a great comedic actor he is. Steve Carrell is really stepping into the shoes left by William's and is doing a lot more serious work.
It's probably his last truly great performance and last truly classic film, but he's had some very good films and performances since.
Sleepers (he's pretty good in that)
Marvin's Room (not a big role but the film is good imo)
Cop Land
Jackie Brown
Flawless (one of his underrated roles imo)
Meet The Parents (one of his better comedic roles, the first film is a very good comedy)
Silver Linings Playbook
None of them come close to Heat, but the gap between Meeting the Parents and SLP is 12 years but he did have a good patch after Heat.
Definitely has it's comedic moments, but everything outside the studio is definitely a lot more drama. People forget that ending is a pretty downbeat one. But it's a fantastic film I agree with you.