MovieChat Forums > B1cKsurN > Replies
B1cKsurN's Replies
Why would I wanna vote for democrats? lol
Orange man bad!
One state doesnt count.
They just assume we cling to fake news like they do.
Where's the actual statement from the white house?
When it asked for a phone number is when I let my account die.
Why do dems also see everything through race? It's quite racist.
Who cares, it's working.
American here... I #WalkedAway
It follows the book, and makes the title have actual sense.
I was referencing when Uncle Benny corrects Riggs when he is in the dentist chair.
The same Cartels exist in the US because we let them in. The men are cowards that cannot rise and take back their own home lands. They come here for the free ride at the expense of taxpayers. Same as Europe's problem. They could have had asylum in Mexico and then applied for legal citizenship, but hey refused....why? How do you know they will face certain death? They could be lying. it's already proven that these kids, under O'Bama, have ended up in the hands of these SAME cartels they are fleeing from, and at worst actual human traffickers. Extreme vetting is a must, or shut off the valve completely to sort the mess out. All emotion, no solution.
Hell yeah I would send my kid to do that because hard work builds character. That's how I built mine. Hard work while getting really fucking dirty in the process. The phrase "Jobs Americans(women) wont do" is a load of horseshit. Once all cashiers and baristas are replaced with kiosks, it will be the only jobs left for all unskilled workers legal or illegal. It's going to be a crisis if we keep mass importing unskilled people here.
Plus, why do you want these migrant workers to be fucked over with super low wages so much? Wouldn't it be better for them to gain legal citizenship so they could achieve financial independence without assistance? You know, the American dream? You seem to be more concerned about being a condescending prick, and racist towards white people, than caring about the well being of foreign migrants because you provide no plan or solution to what to do with these people's livelihoods beyond "demeaning jobs", as you put it.
When white people are gone, who becomes the new evil villain of the world? Don't think there won't be a new villain, there always has to be a villain.
Lies. They are illegal. Any parent, legal or illegal will lose their children if they commit ANY crime that is jail worthy. I c go to jail, I lose my children. Just don't cross.
There has been no statement made by Kell Marie Tran about why her pictures are gone. It is all media speculation meant to divide people.
They hate the President so much, that would rather everyone die in nuclear fire. Think about that for a second.
fRied Rice!!! you pRick!
Wont they just get aborted?
The reason...
Hollywood is all about destroying everything we love now.