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Search 'idiot', get Trump, how Trump is such an idiot that his image dominates 'idiot' Google Image search returns

Absolutely hilarious and tragic at the same time that the US president is such an idiot.

Try it. Search for 'idiot' in Google Images.


Most likely the employees at google bending the algorithm to suit their agenda. They've done that before.


Nope. Helps to read the article.

But of course we all know Trump supporters don't read. You just proved that.


Too busy earning money and paying taxes to spend our time reading unlike you welfare leeches.


Lol but you have time to read BS like brietbart

This is the funniest thing in a while.

You know that little butthurt orange megalomaniac knows about this and is hurting his butt even more πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ»


Who said I read Brietbart?


They just assume we cling to fake news like they do.


Fox is fake need too if that's your flavour.

Well more aptly propoganda



I'm actually pretty sure I earn more money and pay more taxes than you do and it's really not close mswin man.

But that doesn't mean I'll make a fool out of myself commenting on a story I haven't read when it only takes a few seconds to read a byline. 🀣


Oh yeah? Like ackshully? Liek totoally pretty shure? Well how about this fam, I'm ackshully pretty sure that ur not pretty shure that you can earn more and pay more in taxes than me. How about that girl?


lolz! For sure kid.

eYe get it. You wanna ... you wanna ... you wanna be madonna.

Except you're not.


Ackshully I wanna...I wanna...I wanna be Lady Gaga. She's my favorite fam bucuz she's iz sooper dooper liberal and glam like all liberals hoo hate Danuld Tramp.


That's your problem kid. I couldn't give two shits about Lady Gaga.

I just love how you are exhibit 1A that trump lovers don't read ... you ape your idol. ROTFLMFAO!

Don't worry, you apparently have lots of competition among your brethren apes here. You might not even make the top 10 in a list of most illiterate trump lovers on this board.

You can breathe a sigh of relief now. πŸ˜‰


If u think Laday Gaga is shits kompred to Madonna u don't no rill music. Gaga is gaga for glam liek Madonna ecksept with gud mewzick.


Nah, I'm mocking you for talking like a madonna-wanna-be. πŸ˜‚

I'm sorry you're so obsessed with defending Lady Gaga that you're unaware of your own mockery.


I remember a joke from when I was a kid; look up idiot in the dictionary and there's a picture of you!

Google is our new dictionary (basically), and now the joke has come to life in the most hilarious of ways.

Today is a good day!


Yeah really do live in an upside down world now when the illegitimate US president is the dominant definition for 'idiot'. πŸ˜‚
