MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > White House: Trump Isn’t a Traitor, Just...

White House: Trump Isn’t a Traitor, Just an Egotistical Idiot


So its finally come to this. Trump's own White House is so embarrassed by his performance yesterday that they're offering the "he's an idiot" defense.

This was so inevitable.

Lowlight talking points:

• A number of people who’ve discussed election meddling with Trump, including current senior administration officials, say his brain can’t process that collusion and cyberattacks are two different things.
• Trump seems constitutionally incapable of taking anything Mueller finds seriously.
• He views the entire exercise as a “witch hunt” cooked up by Democrats and Deep State conspirators to undermine his election win.
• Ego prevents him acknowledging the possibility that any external action could have interfered with his glorious victory.

This is still the denial phase of the 5 stages of grief.


Doesn't explain Trumps decision to blame the US when asked why we weren't friendlier with Putin the murderer.


Doesn't explain much of anything.


Explains a lot ...

The Donald J. Trump supporters defensive protocol:
Trump didn't say that, but
if Trump did say that, then Trump didn't really mean that.
If Trump did really mean that, then you didn't understand Trump, but
if you did understand Trump, then it's not a big dead, but
if it is a big deal, others have done worse.


Insightful points.

What Trump's most ardent defenders that offer these weak excuses don't seem to get is that Trump's behavior makes a helluva lot more sense once you begin to entertain the notion that he colluded.

They're just in very deep denial.




Trump is trying to walk back what he said in the press conference, namely this:

“All I can do is ask the question — my people came to me, Dan Coats came to me and some others, they said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin he just said it’s not Russia. I will say this, I don’t see any reason why it would be,”

He is now claiming that he meant to say "wouldn't be" at the end. Considering he was blasted immediately for his words yesterday, not sure why it would've taken over 24 hours for him to offer this up but today he read from a prepared statement indicating he misspoke. As you can imagine, no one's buying it.


Now it comes down whether the GoP stands behind such weak tea bullshit.


An idiot who was recruited by Putin starting in 2013, but lending of money, and flattery. Soon Trump started to parrot the Russian line ... about Crimea being Russian. Then he started to flatter Putin in public, while attacking the US. The man is president.

The criteria for treason is:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.



I'd say it's true for the most part. Treason is a tough one to nail. We're living in an oligarchy where the top 1% maintain their wealth and control by essentially harming the rest of the country. The reason it doesn't count as treason is primarily because they have support of about 30% of the population (ThreeTen, Gd5150, etc) who fantasize about being one of those elites who can get away with anything.

You can argue Trump is hurting the US's image and reputation, but ideologically he's merely exposing to the world how low the standards are of republicans. To us "Bernie Bros," that was the silver lining of a Trump presidency. Trump could very well be doing irreparable harm to the GOP, even more so than Bush, despite Bush being a far worse president ideologically.


Wait, I'm not following. What's true for the most part? Those talking points I listed above?!?!

That was the defense given by his White House aides to explain why he acted like he did yesterday. A successful impeachment on treason is an entirely separate matter altogether.

Those talking points are bizarre nonsense already peddled too often by MSM to the point they've been accepted as "true for the most part". Don't fall for the propaganda by buying into his narrative. Once you recognize that he colluded and is still actively colluding the reasons for his actions come into perfect focus:

• A number of people who’ve discussed election meddling with Trump, including current senior administration officials, say his brain can’t process that collusion and cyberattacks are two different things.

Yes he can. He just refuses to recognize the cyberattacks because then he'll have to do something about protecting America from future attacks and retaliating against Russia. Why would he do that when he's depending on Russia to secure future victories for him and retaliation would upset his Russian handler?

• Trump seems constitutionally incapable of taking anything Mueller finds seriously.

No, he obviously takes everything Mueller finds all too seriously. That's why he's sitting there raging on twitter against Mueller like every single morning.

• He views the entire exercise as a “witch hunt” cooked up by Democrats and Deep State conspirators to undermine his election win.

This is his fully intentional strategy in order to de-legitimize the Mueller probe in the eyes of his supporters and loyal congressional lapdogs so he can escape accountability when Mueller recommends his charges. Since he's guilty, he knows Mueller's got all sorts of stuff on him.

• Ego prevents him acknowledging the possibility that any external action could have interfered with his glorious victory.

No, he's refusing to acknowledge cyberattacks interfered because then he'll have to act on it. Ditto 1st excuse above.


Wait, I'm not following. What's true for the most part?
"White House: Trump Isn’t a Traitor, Just an Egotistical Idiot"


Where's the actual statement from the white house?


Where's your brain?
