Am I the only one that prefers the theatrical ending?
There's so much online about the alternate ending being better, am I alone in thinking it's worse? I just watched the film for the first time then immediately watched the alternate ending, and it really didn't match the tone of the rest of the film, it felt totally disjointed. The theatrical ending is arguably a bit cornball but there's nothing wrong with it, it's a solid ending that nobody had a problem with until the alternate ending became popular, and then suddenly it became *beep*
It made far more sense with his desperate state of mind and obsession with fixing the problem, it doesn't make sense that he would suddenly calm down and 'listen' under those circumstances, or to give up on his work. It seems to me people are just mad about differences from the book, but really if you judge the movie on its own merits I'd say the theatrical ending is better.
PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if the letters Q and R were eliminated.