MovieChat Forums > Techto > Replies
Techto's Replies
Yes, I agree. Seems like faces sometimes “settle” or relax months or years after surgery. But they don’t always. Meg Ryan’s surgery seemed to have ruined her face initially but it is improved of late - possibly due to further, corrective surgery. But, IMO, she and many others would have been better off leaving their faces alone. It’s a shame that the outcome of plastic surgery isn’t more predictable.
Plastic surgery of some kind, I find her appearance distracting.
Since Jack and Iris had made their peace with the idea that Hannah might become pregnant and had even agreed to help her raise the child, I’d have expected them to have been happy if the test was positive. Since their reactions were serious/impassive, I tend to think it showed she wasn’t pregnant and their thoughts were all along the lines of what do we do now.
Yes, I agree; as a matter of law he was raped. There has to be reciprocity - what’s good/vad for the goose is good/bad for the gander. Since it would have been rape (under the law) had their genders been reversed, it must also be rape in this instance.
Cuz Dawn Wells just died, I take it. Clever. I think I’ll tap out as Tina Louise, while still alive, is now 86. But back in the day...Mary Ann all the way.
Yes, the only things that sustained Danilov were the cause and his love for Tanya. He lost faith in his cause and believed Tonya to be dead. But he still admired Vasilli and, I think, wanted to atone for having betrayed him earlier.
Konig was ordered to leave the city the following day. He was then asked to surrender his dog tags so that his remains could not be positively identified should he go out hunting again and be killed. It’s not entirely clear to me that Konig didn’t intend to follow his orders and depart after making one last attempt to find and kill Vasili. If this is the right interpretation, then Konig did have some urgency which, perhaps, would explain why he discarded his usual caution.
He was terrific. RIP.
> It's funny how America has changed since Seinfelds last episode. I go to the store nowadays and I see at least half the people are obese and most of the rest simply "overweight".
At one point in the show Jerry, himself, states that he believes that 95% of the population is so unattractive as to be “undatable.” He pointed to the people you see at the DMV for evidence.
Nah. Story drags on interminably. Ken is comparatively weak. Villains are boring. Animation quality varies but is not as good as the first. It felt to me like the creators just mailed it in.
Not worth the investment of time, IMO. Maybe just read a synopsis on Wikipedia.
I think she looked her best in this film.
Yeah, it’s fallen out of favor, but I remember it fondly. I guess the hand-drawn animation hasn’t held up as well aesthetically as the old stop-motion stuff.
I liked the song and message of "Even a Miracle Needs a Hand" even though I was not particularly religious myself. The whole show, rather surprisingly for animated holiday specials of the featuring Santa, had religious overtones.
I agree.
> Compare that with Radio, an obnoxious thug who threatened anybody who told him to turn down his obnoxious radio, who instigated trouble at Sal's, and who tried to choke Sal to death after Sal busted his radio.
He didn’t deserve to die but he sure wasn’t a sympathetic figure. Neither did Sal deserve to have his shop trashed and burned down.
Agreed, only if insured but elsewhere.
I don’t know what Spike wanted us to think but I don’t think Mookie did the right thing.
I would have been a nice gesture and possible good for business but it wasn’t necessary.
You said it. Chavismo has destroyed democracy and the economy in Venezuela - just like Castro did for Cuba.
A “Hey Love” reference! ☺️