Chomsky's support for Venezuela's Chavez
In September of 2006, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez held up a copy of one of Chomsky's books at the United Nations and recommended that people read it - which boosted the sales of Chomsky's books overnight.
In the summer of 2009, Chomsky traveled to Venezuela and met in person with Chavez. "What's so exciting about at last visiting Venezuela," said Chomsky, "is that I can see how a better world is being created."
I can't understand Chomsky's support for Chavez, a president who a few years ago had one of the main TV networks (RCTV) closed down, who had 34 critical radio stations closed down and has another 120 "under investigation", who recently ordered the arrest of the owner of the only remaining critical TV channel in the country (Globovision). By seizing certain companies that owned stock in Globovision, the government has taken over 26% of the stock of the TV network and is attempting to start placing his men in its board of directors. The goal is to effectively eliminate any criticism of the government on TV. (Imagine Obama or Bush taking over the TV channels that reported negative news, leaving only government-controlled TV channels which were never critical of the administration! What would Chomsky say about that?) Since Chavez came to power, he has been nothing but enthusiastic about Cuba's regime, one which controls every aspect of the media in the country. It's probably only a matter of time before he also starts censoring the internet in Venezuela, like his friends in Cuba. Yes, the media in Venezuela used to be mainly in the hands of the former oligarchy, which was critical of Chavez from the start (they were wary of him, as he had lead a failed coup attempt - not a very democratic sign). Chomsky would have a point in condemning Venezuela's state of affairs at the time. But to support someone who is even more extreme than the former oligarchs in his manipulation and control of the media... that I cannot understand!
I agree to a certain extent with Chomsky's criticism of the media in the U.S. and much of the Western world, but why is he so supportive of other regimes which manipulate the media to an even greater extent? How can he not see that Chavez is also an emperor with no clothes? Why suddenly so naive? This boggles my mind.
The Guardian:
Chávez's aversion to criticism
Rabble News:
Noam Chomsky in Venezuela: 'A better world is being created'
International Press Institute:
Venezuelan Authorities Attempt to Arrest Globovision Head
U.N. rights envoy urges Chavez to leave Globovision alone
The Guardian:
Chávez boosts Chomsky sales