MovieChat Forums > Techto > Replies
Techto's Replies
It makes me cringe, too, but I’m glad to have seen it. Many people, obviously, thought differently then. I think it would mistake to censor the movie, though.
Because it would be in the subject’s interest to be seen to vigorously defend their reputation personally on camera if they were indignant and had a strong rebuttal. It’s not unlike a trial where it’s noteworthy when a defendant doesn’t want to take the stand in their own defense. Rightly or wrongly some will see this as indicative of a guilty person’s fear of being cross-examined.
Right, they were under Millie’s watchful eye and each other’s And it would have been tough to find privacy given there were 13 of them living in house and barn during the winter months. Maybe in the spring a pair could have slunk off but I doubt anyone did. Women didn’t have sex out of wedlock freely back then - even on the frontier.
> Patty has a better figure and better legs..
Patty Jenkins, the director?
> that makes him look like a 40 years old Trump clone...
Sounds like some really biting social commentary.
I loathe Trump but blatant political commentary in an escapist film sounds tiresome.
Lol, right.
I’d rather not. It’s the familiar 60 Minutes expose template where you are informed the subject declined to be interviewed - so most of the audience will naturally assume s/he doesn’t have a good counter-argument or defense.
Starred in a Hallmark Christmas movie so her career is provably on a downward trajectory. Looked lovely, though.
The law, as currently written, supposedly prioritizes the welfare of the child. The child’s need for resources outweighs the the interest of the cuckolded father. The mother often also benefits financially because her welfare, too, is seen as benefitting the child. It’s a pretty egregious miscarriage of justice, I agree.
Just off the top of my head, I love the wake/trail in the snow left by Sam the Snowman when he moves; how the the fake nose covering gives Rudolph’s voice a funny nasal sound; Yukon Cornelius’ little tongue flicks when he tests for the presence of precious metals on his pick; Bumble’s facial expressions and the way the hairs on his body constantly move about; the changing look of the water surface as the ice rafts move across (gotta love stop-motion animation); and, yes, I also love the sound when when ornaments randomly fall from trees.
The only off-note struck in the show, for me, is the characterization of Santa, who comes across as mean/uncaring. He compares poorly to King Moonracer, the other leadership figure seen.
Me, too!
Marathon Man comes to mind.
I hope Hermey is regarded as a sort of patron saint by dentists.
Ah, thanks. It’s been a while.
An item with good resale value.
We never learn what the “award” was for, do we? What do you suppose he did ti win it? It was probably something like winning a drawing.
> it is fashionable to hate the whitey because white people did some bad moves in the past
The indigenous American Indian tribes fought among themselves for territory, slaves and, how shall say it, breeding stock. It’s not as if they occupied some higher moral plane than the European settlers.
As others have said, I think the Borg are meant to meant to be an analogue for collectivism.
Well said.
Both are beautiful and both were iconic tv mothers of the 50s/60s and 70s, respectively. Donna’s probably the better actress and Shirley the better singer.
I agree that the Hubbles are in the top 10% of income rather than top 1%. Not sure where it would be appropriate to draw the line between upper-middle and lower-upper class, though. Of course, income and wealth are different things. Many high-income people fail to amass wealth over their lifetimes while some middle-income people do.
I disagree that most of the wealthy in the U,S. inherited their wealth. If you look at the wealthiest people in the U.S. they are mostly first generation wealthy - entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Elon Musk, investors like Warren Buffet and CEOs and elite professionals.