Jack was Raped

In the film "Higher Learning" there's a highly debated "rape" scene. "It is rape" proponents argue that it is rape because, while initially consenting to sex, she asks the man to put on a condom first. He doesn't and proceeds anyway. They classify this as rape.

Surely then, by this logic, in this film Jack is raped because he does not consent to sex without a condom (rendering a condom ineffective through sabotage is the same as not wearing it).

Do you agree? Discuss.


While watching the movie that whole plot felt odd to me and i thought he was a lot more forgiving than he needed to be but I didn't think of it as rape til your comment.
He was manipulated, and in a way assaulted, something was taken from him he didn't consent to... I can see the correlation


He had also been sent there by the sister who fully intended to show up and seduce him. But we also learn that their dad had lots of partners, and that one sister hated her room for some reason. If you reverse the sexes, it definitely looks like rape, so I tend to agree with you.


The sex was consensual so it wasn't rape. He was manipulated and robbed, therefore his rights were violated in that respect, but rape is not the correct term for that.

When you get up in the morning, how do you decide what shade of black to wear? (Shallow Grave)


The sex was consensual so it wasn't rape. He was manipulated and robbed, therefore his rights were violated in that respect, but rape is not the correct term for that.


People throw heightened words out sometimes because it helps them get a point across, but it certainly doesn't fit the bill here.


Yes, I agree; as a matter of law he was raped. There has to be reciprocity - what’s good/vad for the goose is good/bad for the gander. Since it would have been rape (under the law) had their genders been reversed, it must also be rape in this instance.
