MovieChat Forums > Techto

Techto (1388)


Cute in “Walk Don’t Run” Which films are her best? Weird poster/cover photo Characters - even armies on foot - certainly seem to traverse long distances quickly One of their two best singles Monster for Sure Who bears blame for Akiko’s death? Chinchin-Ken Good idea for a series… Ghost army seemed overpowered View all posts >


The depiction of the Chinese character, beginning with his name, was racist and, of course, wouldn’t be written that way today. That said, the character was also endearing and sympathetic and arguably had the best time in the film: he partied hard, got the girl and threw off the chains of his oppressors (Samantha’s grandparents). Hughes went for verisimilitude. His actors were teens and looked like real eighties kids. If a director adopted a similar approach for a modern film, the cast wouldn’t have model-good looks and a sizable portion - pun intended - would be overweight. It was an unfortunate racist stereotype but it wasn’t just that. He was also an endearing and sympathetic character who, arguably, had the best time of all in the film and got the girl. At the time, I assumed the little guy was someone working for Kitty and that after tailing Reardon and Kitty to the club, he phoned the hitmen with their location. I’ve never understood why people read discussion forums about a film before watching said film or why they then would complain about spoilers. Read at your own risk. A deuce will get you four it’s a variation on “smart guy”. He asked for it rare, though. That makes it less appealing to me. She looks amazing but I think she looks like she’s in her early 30s in the film, not mid-20s. The waiter’s facial expressions in reaction to Connie’s tears of sadness - or perhaps joy - were wonderful. The FBI received a tip that there was a Japanese spy in Connie’s room surveilling a department of the U.S. government using binoculars. Joe Carter had joked to a nosey teen neighbor of Connie’s that he (Joe) was a Japanese spy. Why the kid would have been so gullible as to believe Joe was an actual Japanese spy is anyone’s guess but he ran away terrified. And why the FBI agents couldn’t determine that the spy allegation was false without someone of authority vouching for him and why they would have concerned themselves with the impropriety of the unmarried Joe and Connie living together or Connie possibly cheating on her fiancé and might have reported it publicly or leaked it to the press is, again, anyone’s guess. I figure we are just supposed to suspend disbelief because it’s a comedy. View all replies >