PeppermintHippo's Replies

And how many people has this happened to? Like 5 people lol. There’s a greater chance of getting struck by lightning and then some. Ain’t no straw men here, just your crumbs. Trump has made North Korea look pathetic, this is a fact. He’s not being played, countries are back to fearing us again. The Hijackers themselves were doctors and lawyers who were brainwashed, the master minds were all from the Middle East. They chose Saudis because they’d be less likely to be stopped. Also how could the families sue? Everyone is dead and it was a terrorist attack. Trump made the right call here by crossing his t’s and dotting his I’s. Not if we just nuke them off the planet, it will probably come down to this in the next 30 years if they don’t stop committing acts of terrorism. Ehhhhhh the first film is kind of dull and boring if you ask me. The acting from the kid is atrocious. Phantasm 2 will always be the best of the series by a country mile, but 3 and 4 are at least entertaining. The original is definitely the weakest. I never kidnapped or tortured anyone you lunatic. You off your meds again? 😂 I’m not sure you know what a straw man argument is, did they teach you that at community college? I’m banging on about 9/11 because it wasn’t that long ago and people seem to have forgotten what actually happened on that day. You’re whining about crumbs that nobody cares about, I’m talking about real problems. I’m actually a centrist who doesn’t watch any television news, it’s all propaganda including Fox. Responsible people get their news from unbiased online sites, you should maybe look into this. Can’t answer a single question? Typical brain dead Liberal. You’re right, prayer won’t work. We need armed guards at all schools so these helpless children won’t be sitting ducks. Who is they? You’re crying over one dude that got tortured and at the same time not caring about September 11th. Who is delusional here? Hint: it’s you If we didn’t kidnap and torture innocent people then we wouldn’t be trying to stop the big fish. I would much rather 5 innocent people get tortured because we got bad intel than have another 9/11 incident on our hands. You like to point at crumbs, I’m pointing at the asteroid that will wipe everyone out. Liberal logic only makes sense to dum dums, must be why I don’t get it. Yeah it’s a mess but an entertaining one. Definitely better than after life or anything after that. You don’t think illegals should be deported? Explain to me your logic please. Did Trump break the law? If so then provide evidence that would impeach him. If you can’t then this thread is a huge waste of time really. If we ran the world the way you wanted to.....then we would all be dead. Luckily smarter people are in charge. I used to think that Halloween was the best growing up but as an adult I just have too many problems with the movie. The dialogue is just horrendous and it relies too heavily on suspense which is something I never used to pay attention to. Carpenter missed out on the gore and the interesting characters in my opinion. Apocalypse and Extinction are definitely the best of that franchise Aliens is better than Alien Temple of Doom > Raiders Phantasm 2 > Phantasm I can do this all day How many people died on September 11th? Yet you want me to care about 1 guy who missed 3 seasons of “Modern Family”? Get your priorities straight buster. You can’t conflate 5 people who got innocently tortured to tens of thousands of people who died at the hands of Islamic extremists. The followers of Islam who have fled the Middle East either don’t believe it’s nonsense or are terrorists themselves. No sane and rational human being would worship to a death cult unless they were brainwashed. Which Islamic countries are more friendly towards females? Now you’re talking out of your ass buddy. It’s not controversial to say that all Muslim countries have inferior beliefs than America does, especially when it comes to women. There are women CEO’s and women Billionaires in this country, the highest a woman can get in the Middle East is on top of the living room cupboard.... if the chain even reaches that far. Wait so I should care more for Americans that get falsely tortured than brown folks? Are you advocating racism? The people who are being tortured are involved in terrorism against this country you idiot, our government isn’t just grabbing a random dude out of Starbucks and water boarding them for kicks. These people are at the very least guilty by association, that’s good enough for me to electrocute their nuts until they tell the god damn truth. Last time I checked women aren’t forced in America to cover up from head to toe and they can leave the house after 8pm if they want to. Torturing someone who’s innocent doesn’t suddenly make our world views the same, they still have laughable bad beliefs and we still have vastly better ones.