PeppermintHippo's Replies

It’s not our responsibility to help other countries, they have to figure it out on their own. The Liberals only like giving money to poor countries so they can funnel their dirty money through it. That’s why I teach my children to never give handouts to anyone unless they will get paid back eventually. Nothing is free in this country, you gotta earn it. When these different ideas include things like “sharia law” you bet your bottom dollar we don’t want that in our country. What ideas are so great that we need to adopt them here? How many refugees do you let stay in your house right now? You should practice what you preach. Refugees are bringing in money? That’s news to me, wow. Not all refugees are criminals but most of them have inferior cultural beliefs and our government isn’t equipped to deal with them, let alone our own problems. Bringing in refugees that don’t have money, only know a life of crime, and don’t hold the same cultural beliefs isn’t a “good” thing at all. It’s actually irresponsible and dangerous to the citizens of this country. Yes I do mention false gods because no God would tell you to kill anyone who disagrees with you, pretty common sense stuff. I’m an agnostic but it’s very clear to me that Christianity is the only decent religion on the planet, without it America would be a shell of itself. Just ask Sweden how their woman are doing after letting in so many refugees. Rape is through the roof and woman are scared to go out at night. Heck just look at California which is turning into a third world country as we speak. If we don’t build the wall soon then I fear our country will turn into a hell hole. And the owners have a right to fire those players who cost them $$$ by pissing on the flag during company time. At what point do you Liberals take two step backs and realize that your sense of morality is in the toilet? You’d have to be super delusional to think it’s moral to make excuses for terrorists and gang banging criminals and at the same time demonize the good guys (cops and soldiers). The question is morals and values? 😂 Which side of the spectrum was okay with players disrespecting the flag as spoiled millionaires took knees in protest? It was the left. Which side is against Christianity but doesn’t view Islam as a threat? Why again it’s the left. Which side is okay with incest, okay with people covering themselves with piercings and tattoos, okay with abortion, views cops as evil and criminals as victims? It’s the left. Expression of ideas? It’s the left that has tried to block free speech on college campuses. When has anyone on the right tried to ban a liberal speaker? I mean like ever? It never happens lol. It’s also funny that you call my views simplistic seeing that every Liberal position is some dumbed down simplistic illogical viewpoint.....they seem to know how to stop gun violence, how to stop global warming, can rewrite biology so that now more than 2 genders can exist, can blame every other problem that exists on racism, and are suddenly experts on the economy so we should just raise the minimum wage to $15....and if you disagree you’re stupid. Those on the right realize that things are far more complicated and that there are no easy solutions, for instance.....banning assault weapons won’t stop school shootings, spending trillions of dollars to lower the global temperature is risky and not backed by science, and raising the minimum wage could lead to hundreds of thousands of jobs lost. The left pretends that these issues are very straight forward and you’d be an idiot to not see things their way. The right on the other hand is very skeptical and wants to more closely look at data and make a more informed decision before laws get passed. ESPN has turned into a Liberal propaganda network over the last few years or so. It started with them treating Bruce Jenner as if he is some type of brave hero, then it continued with all the Anti-Gun nonsense at the ESPY awards, and eventually it became a daily thing where people like Max Kellerman get on the air and talk about white privilege. Also it’s annoying how every ESPN show has to have a female host/moderator...many of them are clueless when it comes to the topics being discussed and they dress all skanky. I just want to tune in a hear coverage of sports, not be lectured about how guns are horrible, or how transgenders are brave, or see racial topics being discussed on a daily basis. Seeing that no movies in Hollywood are conservative and zero TV shows have Conservative leanings now that ‘Last Man Standing’ has been cancelled I’d say we kind of have a point, don’t ya think? Everything from Hollywood and TV is all left leaning, heck all the Universities have 90% Liberal professors. If anyone has been brainwashed it’s the Liberals who’ve never been exposed to Conservative ideas or thought. The Liberals are also the ones who are easily triggered and call for safe spaces, try to ban free speech, bully those who disagree with them by labeling people as racists, making life miserable for everyone else by enforcing a strict PC guideline as to not offend anyone. So when you really think about it, it’s those on the left who need to start thinking for themselves. #Truth I don’t have Fox News blocked, however I do have CNN and ESPN blocked. I have to wait to see if this show is indeed propoganda or not because I would then have to block the program so my kids won’t be exposed to it. So no, stopping at this point isn’t really an option until I know for sure what is going on. Now does this make sense? If I’m wrong then I will probably keep watching the show, If I’m not wrong then this is pure propaganda and I have to stop watching the show. Since this show is very mediocre at best I would prefer the latter outcome. Does that make sense? America can never be the land of the free if they let in terrorists, those with inferior cultures, and those who don’t care to follow the rules/ customs/ constitution. Why aren’t other countries around the world totally free like America? It’s quite simple, because A) They believe in false Gods B) They lack a Constitution C) Haven’t mastered the Free Market System D) Have inferior cultural beliefs and E) Don’t have hard working Citizens It’s not America’s fault that these other countries are hundreds of years behind them because the people who live in them are stupid and lazy. Instead of asking for free handouts they could get off their butts and make their own countries great through hard work and adopting beliefs that aren’t toxic. Because America is the land of the free, this show is taking an implausible premise just so it can play out some left wing fantasy of “hey I told you so” in regards to extreme right wing politics. It’s almost as if the writers are anti-trump nut jobs who want to lecture us about how we should have open borders because imagine if American....were a refugees yourself. Like they’re trying to get those on the fence on the immigration debate to join the left. I could be wrong but only time will tell. Well if we find out that the leader of Apex has orange skin and a Trump haircut you might have to eat your words. The show heavily implies a “what if Americans were refugees?” agenda, which is in poor taste. I think my original post is quite clear.....Prince is definitely a hack job that will be forgotten in the next 10 years or so. Yeah The Bourne Ultimatum is definitely better in all aspects, Critics also thought much higher of it too. So Busta Rhymes saying “trick or treat Mother Bleeper” and Adam Arkin sucking on Jamie Lee Curtis’s face while making slurping noises doesn’t effect your viewings of the original Halloween? I agree, she looked very average at best. Those bags under her eyes and that seagull haircut would have made it difficult to seduce anyone.