MovieChat Forums > PeppermintHippo > Replies
PeppermintHippo's Replies
Do you have reading comprehension? I said tactical atomic bombs, Isreal wouldn’t be close enough to the bombs being dropped. The radius of the bomb blasts would be 5-10 miles, they would mostly get dropped further east and be far away from Israel. I’m not talking about bombs that destroy planets or entire continents, I’m talking about bombs that wipe out villages or small cities.
So let’s say that it will take 2 years for these new laws to be passed, in the meantime how do you plan to protect these students over the next 2 years?
If these laws get passed and It has no effect on school shootings then what is your plan? Do you admit that you wasted years fighting for pointless legislation and now you wanna invest more into armed security at schools?
Your solution would actually take more like 5 years to really start working if even at all because there are so many guns available to people in this country right now. This last shooter got his guns from his own father. The sandy hook nut job got his weapons from his mom. You’re solution completely ignores this and I’m not sure you’re even aware how easy it is to obtain an illegal firearm off the black market if one is really determined to get one.
Lastly, you talk about common sense but you fail to see how armed guards is a logical and common sense solution that would benefit schools immediately. If anyone would have engaged the Sandy Hook killer or the Aurora movie theater shooter right away then the body counts wouldn’t be nearly as high. What sense does it make to wait 15 minutes for the local police to arrive when an armed security guard could engage the shooter in a matter of minutes? If you truly cared about saving peoples lives you would much prefer 5 dead victims over 20 dead.
In closing, your solutions aren’t immediate and ignore the fact that people can easily obtain guns from relatives or from the black market. You offer no solution to help students in the immediate future and are somehow against armed guards even though every place else I can think of has armed guards at places with large amounts of people, yet schools are somehow different?
I’m still waiting for your genius solution lol. I actually hope that this country goes nuts on gun control and completely caters to these whiny Liberals who think they know what’s best for the country.
You know why I want this? So Liberals can see first hand how gun control doesn’t work. Let’s hurry up and ban assault rifles so the next time another school gets shot up
It will be the Liberals having to hem and haw “well we can’t expect results overnight”.
Heck let’s just open our borders completely and not enforce illegal immigration at all. I want to see the smug liberal faces melt away as we slowly turn into a shithole country.
Israel would obviously be on our side, Pakistan ain’t gonna do anything believe me. Nobody likes the Middle East and nobody would retaliate on their behalf.
Didn’t we already establish that I’m a Centrist and not a Conservative? Your reading comprehension skills need some work.
What argument? When did I claim to win? Did you take your meds yet?
So what’s your genius solution? Ban assault riffles? We did that from 1994-2004 yet Columbine still happened.
Should the government just start raiding peoples homes like it’s Nazi Germany and send all guns to camps where they melt them?
Ohhh I know, let’s have high school students stage walk outs and demand politicians to pass laws that take guns away from law abiding citizens and hope that criminals suddenly don’t have access to the black market or hope that gang activity doesn’t sky rocket like it did in Chicago after the gun control was implemented there.
Yes please share your solution that’s so much better than an armed guard on campus lol.
Obviously we wouldn’t just drop 100 nukes all over the place like a Michael Bay movie. We would use precision atomic bombs to take out the worst areas and use smaller weapons to take out any military posts. If the pansy Europeans took issue than let’s see them try and stop us, we could blow them all off the map.
Let’s break down your retarded logic here:
Because an armed guard can’t stop the first 10 casualties because it takes time for him to get to the shooter, it’s pointless to save the next 20 victims.
Yup that makes perfect sense, I mean obviously more students are going to die if an armed guard is on campus so we should just have nobody on campus with a gun to stop a mass shooter and wait 15 minutes for the cops to arrive because it’s not like seconds count or anything.
Your “LOLOLOLOLOL” in all CAPS tells me just how emotionally unstable you are. 😂
You’re so butthurt that you’ve followed me around to 3 different boards tonight rambling a bunch of non coherent gibberish. I’d say you’re almost on the verge of a mental breakdown from the looks of it. Might want to take your medication tonight.
Let me ask you this.....give me an argument why it’s better if no security is there at all. Will more lives be saved if no armed officers are present? Those kids at Columbine sure had it made in the shade didn’t they?
Only an idiot would take a few isolated cases where armed guards dropped the ball and then try to justify that “heyyyyy man it’s soooo pointless brahhhhh to try to protect these sitting duck students mannnn, let’s just ban assault rifles instead even though the Texas shooter didn’t use one”.
Should I drudge up 2 isolated incidents of armed bank guards getting shot and killed and failing to prevent a bank from getting robbed....then claim that we shouldn’t have bank security at all because it’s pointless.
What an idiotic statement....”they make no difference”. 😂
Yeah they make no difference so why do security guards even exist? Heck let’s fire all bank security guards, White House Security, Bar Room Bouncers, Concert Security, Sporting Event Security.
Remember when Ronald Regan got shot? Let’s get rid of the secret service because obviously they can’t do there jobs at all.
Let’s also ban all celebrities from having a Security detail because guns have no business to ever exist. Let’s just give the cops a rubber bat to stop criminals.
You Liberals have zero common sense or logic skills at all. You take two isolated cases and say “ohhhh my gurd, an officer was there and they didn’t do nothing so it clearly makes no difference”.
Yeah never mind the fact that guns save thousands of lives every year, there’s literally hundreds of videos on YouTube from around the world of law abiding citizens stopping criminals by legally carrying guns on them and using self defense.
There have already been two school shootings stopped this year alone by on campus security. The one in South Carolina had zero casualties other than the shooter. Just because the Liberal media tries to hide these stories doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.
A cop was just saved by a stranger who saw that an armed gunman who as about to execute him so he pulled his gun out and shot him dead. This stuff happens all the time and the media never covers it because it doesn’t fit the narrative.
So less people would have died if no officers were there? Riddle me that.
He was a coward who never entered the building, could have saved lives but he cared more about his pension. Wouldn’t you rather have an armed guard than not?
You’re kind of being a drama queen and snowflake. Yes maybe the “Patch Adams” board might suit you better.
Between 5-10 is a decent number of you ask me. It’s a small price to pay when we’re trying to save millions of lives.
Where is the straw? I still don’t think you know what that word means. Do you even care about the 3,000 innocent people who died from 9/11? Or you only care about 5 brown men who weren’t able to beat their wives for a couple years?
Lol 800 people weren’t innocent. Based on what? His expert opinion? There are around 10 million illegals here now, I wish more were locked up for breaking the law. Some of them are plotting 9/11 part 2, we must be vigilant.
The only way those students could have been protected is if an armed guard was there and engaged with the shooter. Gun control wouldn’t have saved them. Maybe Liberals should focus on how to stop the gang violence in Chicago, the city with the strictest gun laws in the country.
We missed the signs on 9/11, we cannot afford another attack of that magnitude. If 5 innocent people have to be tortured then I’m all for it.
So I should be happy that 9/11 happened? Those 3,000 people who died were for the greater good? You sick puppy lol